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Honey, You Know I Would Never Cheat On You!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 2895 words)

Author: NoSayQuien Picture in profile
Added: Jan 02 2020Views / Reads: 2499 / 1766 [71%]Story vote: 8.85 (13 votes)
How many times have I said that, or heard someone else say it? SMB: So Much Bullshit!

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I have been married for twenty-six years, and every once in a while the subject of cheating comes up. My wife doesn't like it when waitresses flirt with me. And they do, right in front of her. I actually encourage it, in fact, though I deny it when she calls me on it. And here's another example: If my wife thinks a neighbor has cheating thoughts, because, for instance, the neighbor gives me an extra-long hug at the Christmas party, or seems to ask, too often, for some of my help around her house, I get told off.

"Don't you ever cheat on me, William." That is what my wife says. Real formal! Normally, she calls me "Bill."

That's when I say it once again. That's when I pull out that same old speech, just like I did before, and like the time before that. I always say the same thing: "Honey, you know I would never cheat on you!"

Like I say, that is just So Much Bullshit. SMB! That's what I call it when I make that pledge one more time.

The neighbor my wife has been worrying about most recently (and that neighbor is married, too, by the way) takes my big prick up her butt whenever we can get the chance for me to put it into her.

Those waitresses, too! I don't get to fuck every one of them, of course. I don't always manage to score, but I do take a shot at them. It ...

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