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A Time for celebration: 8> My husband’s promotionthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 7704 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Feb 20 2020Views / Reads: 2270 / 1932 [85%]Story vote: 9.42 (12 votes)
Coming home with a broad smile etched on his face, just as his wife is about to serve dinner, Clive gives her the good news that he’s up for a promotion. They need to impress his boss, and so Jennifer cooks a celebratory dinner, complete with dessert…!

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Story outline: Coming home with a broad smile etched on his face, just as his wife is about to serve dinner, Clive gives her the good news that he's up for a promotion. They need to impress his boss, and so Jennifer cooks a celebratory dinner, complete with dessert...!

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It was a week ago that my husband came home from work as usual. It was the same time every evening. You could even set a watch by it, and the same goes for sex. 10 minutes. 10 glorious minutes. I'm being sarcastic. It's 10 glorious minutes for him and little for me to glory about.

I was naive, sexually, when I met my husband to be. Sex education at English schools only covered the basics, that which satisfies men's needs and so mine went neglected. It was as if foreplay for Clive was a stroke in golf (a player shouting ‘four'). I sucked his cock. It was the only way to make him wet when he fucked my almost arid pussy.

Anyway, he had this broad smile on his face. At first, I thought he'd had a discovery when he had me put dinner on hold and then lifted me up on the table and pulled my panties to one side. For the first time ever, he shoved his head between my legs and slathered and slid his tongue around my poor neglected pussy. I reached down my hand and ...

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