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An Eventful Weekend with Friendsthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 12893 words)

Author: Sprat Gilfish
Added: Feb 28 2020Views / Reads: 3230 / 2684 [83%]Story vote: 9.83 (18 votes)
A modest couple stay and play with raunchy friends.

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Given their very different personalities it is surprising that Nancy and my wife Janet are such close friends and that Janet and I get on well socially with Nancy and her husband, Nick. I am Jack.

Nancy and Janet met up in Primary School and were each other's best friend right through school. Janet was always the more shy and sensible of the two. Nancy was adventurous and boisterous and extraverted. In all of their activities together Nancy would be the more madcap and Janet's restraint would generally keep them out of trouble. They stayed in touch while Janet went away to University, even though Nancy didn't go, and they have remained best friends ever since.

Now they are both married with small children but they still have their widely different personalities.

Janet remains quiet and reserved although when she is with people she is always polite and friendly. She is physically energetic and particularly likes to take long walks on hilly tracks so she is very fit. She is just under average height and very attractive being slim overall but curvy in the right places. I think she has a beautiful body and I should know. She dresses attractively but conservatively.

Nancy is outgoing and, wherever she is, she is always the life of the party. She is a little taller than Janet and has a more voluptuous figure with prominent boobs. She dresses to emphasise her sexy shape. ...

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