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I Just Can't Resist When They're Married!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 3139 words)

Author: Cattleya the Great Picture in profile
Added: Mar 02 2020Views / Reads: 4068 / 2108 [52%]Story vote: 9.84 (38 votes)
I know that marriage is a special bond and I shouldn't get in the way. But sometimes I just can't resist when someone charismatic pays me a little attention!

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I met Darius online. It's where I meet a lot of people. When you post enough naughty stories on the internet, you start to get a lot of fan mail, especially if you're a girl. I guess guys are hoping to get lucky. If they shower me with respect and positivity, sometimes they do.

Darius sent me a few messages and we seemed to click. When he mentioned that he was in his early forties and married, I was hooked. Everyone loves the taste of forbidden fruit! He intimated that he wasn't exactly satisfied with his sex life, and that's why he looked for an escape in erotica. When he mentioned that he often thought about cheating on his wife, I decided to pursue it.

We started chatting a bit. It was mostly about naughty stuff. He started sending me long letters about the nasty things he wanted to do to me. Finally, I gave him the chance to back up all his talk.

The two of us met for lunch one day at a greasy little midtown diner. I had my dark hair pulled back in its customary ponytail. I was wearing a short, black shirtdress that buttoned all the way down the front and showed off my sexy legs.

I was very pleased with Darius. He was a big, tall, black Adonis. He stood over six feet tall. His head was completely shaved, and his giant muscles seamed to stretch the fabric of his suit. I could tell he found ...

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