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Use Methis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 8543 words)

Author: Ephemereality Picture in profile
Added: Mar 05 2020Views / Reads: 1530 / 1277 [83%]Story vote: 10.00 (7 votes)
Jordan encounters her ex-boyfriend at her best friend's dinner party. A stranger helps distract her to make an awkward evening into an incredible and memorable evening. This is a story written quite a few years ago. I hope that you enjoy!

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Use Me

"Hey! I'm glad you could make it!" Lena squealed as Jordan walked through the door and gave her a hug.

"You're late though," The hostess jokingly scolded, as she grabbed Jordan's coat and bag and hung them in the closet. "But I'll forgive you this time. And you look fantastic!"

Jordan rolled her eyes. Lena knew that Jordan had deliberately set on being late, to avoid some of the vapid mingling of Lena's guests. Jordan was also late, to avoid one particular guest - Lena's manager, Anthony. Lena was a hot new artist to the Chicago area, generating a lot of buzz and landing dozens of new commissions thanks to Anthony. Also, thanks to Anthony, Jordan arrived ready for drama. Anthony was blond, and good looking, and completely superficial. They had dated for about 3 months, and when she found him bedding a client - literally, Jordan broke it off. That was about a month ago, and she hadn't seen him since.

"Just to warn you, my dear, he's brought a guest," Lena whispered conspiratorially.

"Whatever," Jordan replied, truly not caring about that. The problem was Anthony was never the quiet or subtle sort of person. She just ...

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