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That Conferencethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 1889 words)

Author: NoSayQuien Picture in profile
Added: Mar 15 2020Views / Reads: 2395 / 1730 [72%]Story vote: 9.65 (20 votes)
It all began for Susan eight years ago!

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Today, when she woke up, Susan started thinking about her lover. The one from the conference, eight years ago. Of course, that wasn't all that unusual. She thought about him often.

Susan had been married, then - those eight years ago. And she still was, too, and to the same man. Susan and her husband were both molecular biologists, and they had been at a big conference, where her husband was giving a paper. It was in Boston, and there were lots of different sessions, stretching over three days. During that conference, Susan and her husband had really only seen each other at night, because they had decided to go to different presentations, to get the most out of all the different papers that were being presented. They agreed to share notes.

Before carrying out their plan to split up during the conference, Susan and her husband did go to the opening session together, and it was huge. There were probably six or seven hundred people in the audience, and when the opening panel had finished its presentation, and everyone got up and started to move out to wherever they were going next, Susan's husband leaned in to whisper in her ear, "I want to catch Bryant. Hope to see you at lunch." Then he was gone, striding quickly towards the front of the auditorium, to catch up with one of the presenters who had been on that first panel, a friend from his graduate school days.


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