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The Cookoutthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 2853 words)

Author: Hot Jun Nights Picture in profile
Added: Mar 17 2020Views / Reads: 3005 / 2371 [79%]Story vote: 9.77 (22 votes)
Last month I went to a party in my neighborhood hoping to meet a sexy guy or girl for a little no strings fun. Things worked out better than I anticipated!.

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I've always enjoyed a good Mardi Gras party. I'm not much of a drinker, but theme parties are fun for people-watching. Especially when they give people an excuse to cut loose. That usually means that I'm going to get lucky!

This year was no different. I live in the city. Most of the people in my neighborhood are young professionals who can afford homes and don't have kids yet. We aren't a close knit group, but we do have a neighborhood association and people often throw parties and invite their neighbors. With temperatures in the high sixties, it was a perfect time for an evening cookout.

The hosts were a couple of younger guys who were rooming together in a rented house. I had never had a conversation with either of them, but I'd definitely checked out the fitter one when I'd seen him out for a run. He was a hot, lean Hispanic guy named Cris.

The guys were good hosts. They had a big stash of Mardi Gras beads and decoration and had built a little fire pit. People brought booze and food.

In my denim skirt and a tight white sweater, it didn't take much to get a few looks from Cris. Men tend to notice sexy Asian women with big tits. It was obvious that he didn't mind that I was a few years older than him. Pretty soon we were flirting with one another. When it ...

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