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Perry Puts It Behind Himthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4423 words)

Author: NoSayQuien Picture in profile
Added: Apr 17 2020Views / Reads: 1697 / 1115 [66%]Story vote: 9.08 (13 votes)
If, or maybe “when” he’s caught, Perry will say he was seduced. Was he? You decide!

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On August 3rd, Perry Putney was finally able to put his wife and family completely out of his mind. Thank god! Perry had been jumpy the whole week before, and he was almost sick to his stomach whenever he thought about what he was getting ready to do. Perry had been worrying about it for a week. He just kept running it over in his mind - over and over and over again. This could go so wrong, so fast, so many ways. This could all go to shit. He didn't even know whether he could go through with it; he was so worried. Fuck! Perry was planning to cheat on his wife, and everything was actually going fine; it was going just like he planned it. Perry had put it all in motion; it was flawless, but he was still anxious as hell. The time clock was ticking down to that fateful Monday, and he didn't want to get caught.

But Perry was already caught, of course! And Perry knew it, too. Not caught by his wife, though. At least, not yet!

Perry had been caught up, hooked, and trapped by his own flaming, uncontainable lust. Of course, not without a very big assist from Tanya Trevor, who was the wife of his wife's boss. Tanya was the furthest thing from an innocent party.

All during the last week, Perry had been agonizing about this planned encounter with Tanya. He wanted it so bad! He couldn't even believe how much he wanted to fuck her, but he still felt this kind of sick sense of dread. He got shaky; he couldn't even really sleep. Perry got more ...

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