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Cowboys and Aliens - 27 - The Alliancethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 10208 words) [27/58] show all parts

Author: K. Kindle Picture in profile
Added: Sep 05 2020Views / Reads: 553 / 349 [63%]Part vote: 10.00 (9 votes)
The attack on Atlanterra and the introduction of The Alliance

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The trip back to Atlanterra seemed to take less and less time each trip they made, Cricket's updates to the star charts really were paying off! An unexpected side effect of the sensor and communication beacons.

Whenever they stopped to communicate, there were messages from either Annabelle or Liyana about the wedding.

They created the invite list, which included Samira, Angela and Kaleb from Atlanterra, and Annabelle invited two friends, Tracy and Lindsey from school, who she also asked to be her bridesmaids. They also invited Elisha and Gerald.

Rayven was going to be Annabelle's maid of honour and T'Soona was going to be the flower girl. They told Mark to think about who would be his best man and groomsmen and get back to them.

Her two friends both accepted and their families decided that Atlantis would be a perfect place for a summer vacation. They were even more excited when Annabelle told them that they were going to get a shuttle ride out and would be staying in the palace.

They should have known, but by inviting Elisha and Samira, it was soon in the news that the royal wedding was happening in Atlantis on the first weekend in August and apparently pretty much every transport from every planet in the Federation was booked solid almost immediately... ...

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