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The ride from the airportthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:adultery, 4148 words)

Author: Whatever
Added: Sep 06 2020Views / Reads: 6003 / 5019 [84%]Story vote: 9.80 (35 votes)
A young wife encounters a stranger on her way to the airport parking lot

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The flight from Miami to our home took about two hours. My husband and I had a lovely vacation in the Bahamas. An all-inclusive, romantic, fun, get-away. A much needed break from our professional routines. We stayed in Miami for a couple of days to visit some friends and then made the trip back with relatively little fanfare. After deplaning, we are finally on our way to our car.

"Let's find that Air-Tram and get to the parking lot. Where were we? Lot 28 in Area D?" My husband, Stephen, was trying to remember.

"I believe so." I checked in my billfold. "Yes, that's right. Good memory, Baby!" I smiled back at him.

We made our way to the far end of the terminal after deplaning. It was Spring Break and the airport was quite busy. We had to catch one of the non-stop Air-Tram trains that moved us to one of the remote parking lots for long term parking. The trains maintained a circular route as they picked-up and left-off passengers from the four main terminals to the various parking locations around the circumference of the airport.

I was trying my best to keep up in my four-inch heels. My clothes weren't made for fast-walking either. I had on a short, beige summer dress with a faint sunflower print. It was mid-thigh length and was cut rather low across my chest. I also had a light blue button-down shirt I wore as a light jacket to hide my substantial cleavage from passersby. ...

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