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Cowboys and Aliens - 28 - Moving Onthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sci-fi/fantasy, 8268 words) [28/58] show all parts

Author: K. Kindle Picture in profile
Added: Sep 09 2020Views / Reads: 1323 / 1006 [76%]Part vote: 10.00 (9 votes)
With Athos now part of the Federation, there's time to stop by some of the planets along the way back to Earth. Some of the planets turn out to be quite fun!

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Marnot was the closest member to Athos, being only 3 days in light drive away now that Cricket had upgraded the light engines on the Battlestar and other stationary ships. Marnot itself wasn't actually a planet, but a good sized moon around a very large gas planet.

Marnot was very lush and humid, there were no large mountains or anything, just one big sea that covered most of the moon and two large island continents, which were primarily rainforests.

The dominant civilized species on both continents were called Tinks. Little beings that were similar to T'Soona, but shorter, they couldn't fly and they didn't wear clothes. They all looked very unique and averaged about 75 centimetres tall, the tallest ones maybe reaching 1 metre.

The other civilized creatures were little furry bear type things called Gerrs, but they barely met the description of civilized. They still built their houses in trees and were very much still a simple hunter gatherer type race. Their senator was named Tok and he was a pleasant fellow, but had little to say, they weren't interested in changing anything and they didn't want anything from the Federation... they just wanted things left as they were.

As such, most of the time was spent with the Tinks, who were also quite a simple species and about the only Federation technology the moon used ...

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