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My wife, step daughter and myself meet a strangerthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:seduction, 3520 words) [1/5] show all parts

Author: Kathleen Picture in profile
Added: Sep 26 2020Views / Reads: 2486 / 1951 [78%]Part vote: 9.07 (14 votes)
When we meet at my step daughter's 21st birthday party, a charismatic black man enters the restaurant and my wife is strangely attracted to him. I discover that she had a secret life before we met that I never dreamed could actually have happened.

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We meet Buck at a local bar. He was clearly the main attraction in a room of 250 people plus. Like a people magnet, his electric personality attracted attention from both men and women in the room. It was very difficult to even get within 6 feet of him as he was always surrounded by those who just wanted him to notice that he even existed. Imagine my surprise when my wife of 15 years approached him and he immediately acknowledged her presence by saying to her, "Hi, Katie. What happened to you? I missed you!"

The pack around him parted as my dear wife, Katherine, approached and accepted his kiss on her left cheek. She looked like she whispered in his ear but I couldn't tell what she said if anything. Putting his arm around her waist, he followed her lead and walked her over to my step daughter and me and holding his giant hand towards me, took my mush smaller hand in his grip and he placing his left hand on top of our enjoined hands he greeted me warmly. "Nice to meet the husband of one of my oldest and dearest friends!"

At the time, I was too awed by his presence that I didn't even think about the implications of what he was saying. We invited him to our table where he officially met my step daughter, Chloe. As if drawn like a bug to a light bulb, the waitress followed him to our table. She was flushed as he spoke to her and ordered their best single malt whisky. She actually looked like she might faint when he spoke and she clearly had trouble keeping her balance as she walked away. Less than ...

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