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nurse lisathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 7694 words)

Author: balrog
Added: Feb 21 2001Views / Reads: 5560 / 5007 [90%]Story vote: 9.00 (2 votes)
a hospital stay winds up not being so bad after all...

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Nurse Lisa

A few months ago I was hospitalized with a rather severe gastrointestinal infection. One of the more painful procedures necessary to my recovery was being catheterized. I need not tell you, the pain was severe.

Anyway, I came through the surgery ok and was recovering for about a week before they decided that the catheter could be removed. I was both eager and worried to have the catheter removed. I was eager, because that meant that the tube would be out, and I would be that much more comfortable. I was also, however, rather worried that the procedure to remove the catheter would be nearly as painful as having it put in in the first place. The doctors told me not to worry, that the procedure was almost entirely painless, and in fact quite a relieving feeling. Well, I figured I’d just have to tough it out, since I wanted the damn thing out, and they wouldn’t knock me out for the removal. At any rate, the docs told me that the catheter would come out the next day, around 10:30 a.m.

The one positive thing, other than getting better, about my hospital stay was that the nurse who attended me was very nice, and not bad looking at all. Of course, she was only the day nurse, but I wasn’t ever awake for the night nurse.


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