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Remembering My Time As A Garage Band Groupiethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 1792 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Dec 09 2020Views / Reads: 2064 / 1506 [73%]Story vote: 9.42 (12 votes)
A few school friends started a small garage band years ago and I made sure to show them my support...

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During the last several months, as I have sat and worked from home, like many other folks have done this year, I began to reminisce about some of the fun that I had experienced in the last several years. It was a time where my marriage was a little slow, and I went out and had some fun. I enjoyed myself on several different occasions, and one of those situations, occurred about five years ago.

It began when a few of my friends, got together and started a small garage band. Over the course of several months, they began playing at house parties and stuff like that, until one day, when things took a nice turn for them. After someone who was connected to the music industry, heard them playing at a local house show, things started to heat up. That person was able to get the bands foot in the door, and good things started happening for them. Their music started to grow and they started to play in bigger places. I went to almost all of their shows, because I wanted to show my support, and at the time it was nice to get out of the house, and distract myself a little. One night while they were playing at a competition type show, I was hanging out with the drummer whose name was Tyler, and during a break for the band that night, Tyler invited me back to the RV that the guys had rented to have a beer. I went and we hung out for a bit and next thing I knew, we were going at it. He fucked me in the rv, and I enjoyed it. At the time I was in a rough patch and it felt great to have sex. From there, we continued to fuck whenever I attended their shows. I was enjoying myself and didn't really care about much else. ...

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