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When What To My Wondering Eyes Should Appear?this story is part of the FanClub (fm:romantic, 4166 words)

Author: Peter_Pan
Added: Jan 21 2021Views / Reads: 610 / 386 [63%]Story vote: 10.00 (5 votes)
An old man at Christmas time dreams of what might have been - or does he dream?

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You think Christmas is only for children? That's what old Jim Hadfield thought too and as he was to discover, it is simply a matter of never losing sight of what Christmas intrinsically means and what magic exists still, in those remote places holed-up between fantasy and reality, hope and disillusionment. Jim dreamed - just like everyone else. He dreamed of bygone days when he would leap from his bed Christmas mornings, a flushed and excited eight-year old, taking the stairs two at a time on his descent to the lounge-room. Pushing wide the door respectfully, a trait often exhibited by only-children, you could have lit-up a thousand cities from the glow on the youngster's face as he gazed in awe at the presents piled up around the tree.

Jim's parents had never been what you might call well-heeled, yet they had ensured that at whatever cost, their little boy would remember the happiest of childhoods, most especially during the Yuletide season. Their efforts had paid-off handsomely.

Marrying in his mid-twenties "for better or for worse," it had proven most definitely the less desirable of those two options. Cathy, fundamentally was a bitch. He remembered back, not long before his mother's death in fact and how she had more or less laid that particular fact out for him. His father had died years earlier and had been spared the worry of his son's great unhappiness. All Jim had ever ...

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