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Wax on , wax offthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 3122 words)

Author: Lyn Picture in profile
Added: Apr 14 2021Views / Reads: 3168 / 2708 [85%]Story vote: 9.77 (26 votes)
A teenage me gets well and truly stripped, and fucked in every orifice by a gorgeous older guy.

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Wax on Wax Off

This took place in 1987, so I was 18 or possibly 19 years old. I was working at a huge comms company as a clerical assistant and PA to engineer managers.

Some of them were real weridos and some were happily married, and the odd one was an effortlessly powerful executive who exuded authority and looked like they lived in a gym.

I was passed around the managers, as none of them merited a PA of their own, full time.

I was assigned to a manager called Ray, who was really high up, known as a level 3, and I was to accompany him to a meeting up in Liverpool, to take place over two weekdays.

I should mention I had a long term boyfriend, and he wasn't overly happy about me being away, because he would have to wank himself off regularly. I should also mention that we both lived at home with our folks, and his didn't even know I existed, and apart from the very occasional hotel visit, all the sex I got was in the back of a car.

Ray was the very epitome of the qualities I mentioned above, expensive suit, honed body. Effortlessly cool and composed. ...

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