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A Drunken Eye-opener this story is part of the FanClub (bi:interracial, 2022 words)

Author: ThePiggy
Added: Apr 22 2021Views / Reads: 1311 / 979 [75%]Story vote: 9.65 (17 votes)
I met a couple and we went back to their place. What happened next opened my eyes to a whole new world

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In my defense, I was drunk when it happened. I was in Boston for business and since it was a nice spring day I had headed down to Fenway Park to catch a Red Sox game. I'd grown up in New England before moving to the Midwest and I knew where to go to get scalped tickets for the game.

I drank several overpriced beers at the game and then headed to Boston Beer Works afterwards to continue imbibing liquid hops and barley.

Megan was seated next to me at the bar and her boyfriend Frank was on her other side. I began chatting with them soon after I and an hour later, when the bartender announced last call, the invited me back to their apartment to keep drinking.  It was only midnight and, despite my grandmother's profession that nothing good ever happens after midnight ,I accepted the offer.

Frank was a large hulking black man with a calm, easygoing demeanor and a warm smile. He was openly affectionate towards Megan but was unfazed by her brazenly flirting with me and I had no doubt what their invitation meant.

They lived in a small one bedroom apartment 6 blocks from the ballpark and Megan held my hand we stumbled down the road. I was acutely aware ...

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