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Sylviathis story is part of the FanClub (fm:first time, 5254 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Jun 02 2021Views / Reads: 1884 / 1610 [85%]Story vote: 9.35 (20 votes)
I am online on my host parent's computer when someone starts to chat to me. He makes me take my panties off. But it is not that much later that they are off with my schoolteacher watching.

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Chapter 1: Mysterious Chat Friend

My name is Sylvia. I was a senior when this story started. I was a strict Christian growing up, so I've been brought up in a very sheltered environment. We didn't get told anything about sex, for example, but the internet is a friend and I'd managed to educate myself at least somewhat. My parents live out in the country and they decided that I should go to a better school, an all-girls school in the city. The school doesn't have any dormitories so they assign the girls from out of town to live with host families.

What I think of as the adventure started fairly soon after I arrived. The wife of my host family, Ruth, had been using the computer. I went to use it. Suddenly someone said "hi" on a chat program that seemed to be running. I didn't reply at first since it was obviously one of Ruth's friends and I wasn't Ruth.

However, the person sent a second message.

"hi sylvia. i know that this is weird. ruth told me she had a new guest and she told me your name and your age. but that is all i know. here's the deal i make. i will answer any question you are brave enough to ask"

I wasn't really sure if or how to respond. I had no idea who I would be ...

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