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Be careful what you wish for: 2> Being Aphrodite this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 6888 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 10 2021Views / Reads: 1189 / 959 [81%]Story vote: 9.75 (8 votes)
Researching for her thesis on ancient Greece, Claudia Apoline, a third-year student, comes across a stunning image of Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and beauty. Comparing it with her own dowdy reflection, she wishes she could be the beautiful Goddess…!

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"God! Not another night in!" exclaimed Helen when she noticed Claudia sat in front of her laptop, study book open to the left.

Helen was Claudia's college roommate, studying psychology and so she had Claudia down to a tee.

"You need to get out, Claudia. Live a little. All work and no play," she mentioned.

"Now, me, along with some of the other girls, I'm off to a frat party, and you know what that means," she said, cheerily.

Claudia knew only too well, only she didn't see the point.

Okay, it wasn't as if she was still a virgin at 22 years of age, nor, for that matter, that she didn't enjoy sex. In truth, Claudia very much did. it was just that she saw herself as being ordinary, a female geek with glasses to match, not like Helen and her girly friends. To look at her, she epitomised Helen of Troy, something that Claudia knew all about from her studies in history, while it just so happened that the thesis she was on was ancient Greece - the Helen of the time being responsible for the Trojan war, while she must have watched the film, ‘Troy', starring Brad Pitt as Achilles, a dozen times, despite its length, getting on for almost 3 long enjoyable hours. It also had the added bonus of Orlando Bloom as the seductively suave Paris who steals ...

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