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Backstagethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 1297 words)

Author: Enigma
Added: Feb 23 2001Views / Reads: 1598 / 1045 [65%]Story vote: 0.00 (0 votes)
Dave, a drummer in the pit orchestra for a theatre company, gets some tits and ass of his own with a horny chorus girl.

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As I ran my fingers through her hair her lips moved further and further down my hard shaft as she swallowed my rock hard cock...

“Brown! Where the fuck are you?! Measure 86 high hat! Where’s the fill, you dickhead?”

Fuck, I thought. Great... caught fantasizing in the pit. Deano, the bitch of a conductor was glaring at me. Right...alright I admit to staring just a little too long at that chorus chick... but damn, I’m in the fucking pit and she’s dancing right above me! What the fuck am I suppose to do? I hit the high hat and filled the measure and just kept on reading the chart, hoping the almost painful hard on in my jeans would subside if I just stopped thinking about that chorus girl. But ...god damn...

I was tightening the snare later that day, during break while Deano bitched out some errant flutists and just trying to keep my mind on my set and off of that chick’s body... “Hey Dave...” Shit. I looked up. It was her. How the hell did she know my name?! “Um...hello.” I stuttered. She was still wearing rehearsal clothes, a tank top and tights with character heels and a sheer, short ballet skirt. Oh shit, shit, shit, shit. “Nice set...” she murmured looking over my drums. You too...I thought. Outloud I said, “Thanks...you know drums?” “Not really...” she smiled. “I just ...know what I like.” She smiled again. “Yeah.” I said or lack of any other idea of what to say. My ...

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