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My First Boat Ridethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 2083 words)

Author: oppy-n-rose Picture in profile
Added: Sep 22 2021Views / Reads: 4701 / 4163 [89%]Story vote: 9.50 (30 votes)
My first time on a coworkers boat and what a time it was...

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I was sitting at home one Wednesday afternoon when my phone went off. I checked to see who it was and noticed that I had a text message from one of my coworkers named Alex. Alex and his friend Tony were inviting my husband and I out for a trip on his boat the following Saturday. We had worked together for quite some time and Alex made a lot of money. He was a single guy, and enjoyed his toys. He had motorcycles, fast cars, and a very nice boat. I had never been on it but had seen pictures of it.. From the pictures that I had seen, it was a very nice boat, and included a bed, small kitchen area, bathroom, and a second level, that you can sit in. I had always been curious about getting on a boat, but never have the opportunity. Alex had said that he would invite me one day, and he was finally doing so.

I mentioned it to my husband, and he immediately had no desire to go. He had been hell-bent on all this Covid stuff and basically refused to leave the house. It was actually getting quite frustrating, because we hadn't gone out in several months, and that was really taking a toll on things. Things at home weren't the greatest, and it seemed like we bickered with one another, more than anything else. I had tried in vain, to relight the spark, but he was never interested. He spent more time watching the news, and talking about Covid, than anything else. I don't think I had gotten laid in several months, and it was super frustrating. I had toys, but that wasn't the same thing.

We argued about the invite, and I told him that I was going, whether he ...

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