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Amy and her Boys (Saturday)this story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 4817 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: JL Picture in profile
Added: Oct 13 2021Views / Reads: 2461 / 2012 [82%]Part vote: 9.60 (20 votes)
Amy continues to enjoy Curtis and Joey as they spend the day naked. Then a friend shows up unexpectedly . . .

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Amy woke up slowly, with a smile and a sigh of satisfaction. She was naked, alone in her bed on a Saturday morning, her body still tingling from the night before.

She'd seduced her two renters—Curtis and Joey, both 19-year-old college students in the spare bedrooms of her house. It had started when she accidentally saw Curtis naked, and dared him to hang out naked in the house again.

He took her up on it Friday night, boldly coming to join her in the living room without a stitch of clothing, his long slim cock dangling between his legs. Just as Amy was starting to suck that cock, the other roommate, Joey, came home. He quickly got naked too, and soon they were fucking on the sofa, both of the boys cumming inside her in minutes, leaving Amy happy--but unsatisfied. She hadn't cum yet.

She smiled, remembering. She'd walked to her bedroom to clean up. Five minutes later both boys came in, still naked, their cocks erect again.

Curtis was slender and blond, with confidence and pride in his long, slim cock. Joey, husky and broad, was shy, with a thick cock that bulged forward even though he'd cum in Amy's pussy just a few minutes before. ...

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