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It’s donethis story is part of the FanClub (fm:cuckold, 1695 words)

Author: Sven the Elder Picture in profile
Added: Oct 13 2021Views / Reads: 2297 / 1767 [77%]Story vote: 9.87 (15 votes)
The reurn of an old ‘ex’, makes for an interesting week.

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It's done

Sven the Elder©

The phone only rang once before I picked it up. I listened as a quiet voice simply said, ‘It's done.' The click as they hung up followed by the dialling tone was deafening as it broke the silence before I shut the call off. My belly was now wet from the spontaneous orgasm that just occurred. I lay back in the darkness as I thought over the last few days...


The week had started as normally as any other in what now passes as the ‘New Normal.' Even though we were jabbed up-to-date with every damn thing that should protect us, at our age we both showed a retinance to going out into the big and now slightly frightening world. Careful? Of course, we were, as were most all of the people in our older age group that we knew. Out of courtesy to others, we usually wore masks whenever we went into a closed-off space. Made us feel safer as well, even though as time was passing fewer people did - inevitably we relaxed our way of thinking as well.


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