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The Slutty Nurses of St Joseph’s: 3> Inducing laborthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:sex at work, 4588 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Nov 25 2021Views / Reads: 2115 / 1798 [85%]Story vote: 9.83 (12 votes)
Heavily pregnant patient Carmen Nash, a soon to be single mother after a wild night out nine months ago, is having trouble inducing labour. Step forward Dr Fox with nurse Helen Davies in attendance as he applies a well-known tried and tested remedy.

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Nurse Helen Davies found herself on this particular day, now late afternoon, in the delivery ward of St Joseph's hospital. Every so often, she would check and see how those patients waiting for their contractions to become more prominent were doing. Those that showed signs of a new life about to be born were then taken to a delivery room where a team of specially trained workers would take over.

For one patient; however, although she had felt her contractions and ordered a cab the previous afternoon to take her to St Joseph's, they just kept to a steady spasm.

This wasn't an uncommon occurrence; nevertheless, she was, as with all the others, looked in on by nurse Davies, until, one by one, patient Carmen Nash found herself alone, alone and waiting.

Being a woman herself, nurse Davies felt for Carmen, doing her best as a fully trained nurse of St Joseph's hospital to assure and calm the pregnant patient in such trying times.

"How are you? How is it coming along?" she would say, the patient bloated around the stomach, covered only by a hospital blanket.

"Still, huh, the same," she gasped from the small amount of discomfort she was feeling. Nevertheless, it made a change from being sat up on her sofa, while she had a TV for company. ...

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