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A tale of two itches!this story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 5608 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Dec 30 2021Views / Reads: 1885 / 1546 [82%]Story vote: 9.89 (9 votes)
Deciding to visit his doctor about a delicate and rather personal problem, one that had irritated him more off than on for the past several years, Carl Johnson, a divorcee in his mid-30’s, discovers that his old doctor has since retired.

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‘Damn! What's wrong with me?' Carl questioned his body as, stood in his bathroom, about to pass water, he can't help but scratch the irritation he yet again feels along the length of his black cock.

It's not as if he doesn't wash and clean it on a regular basis, while it certainly doesn't come from having sex; the woman's fluids hanging and drying on his cock, something he hasn't had the pleasure of for quite some while.

It was his divorce, coming home to find his wife of 12 years in bed with, not just one but two guys, the workmen who were fitting the couples' new kitchen, that made him cautiously reserved about trusting another slut not to fuck him over; that, and the fact that they, like his ex, were white.

If anything, it somewhat made him feel a failure, in spite of what is said of black men and their cocks, while Mr Johnson, and there's a name for you, measured up perfectly in that department.

His problem began some 3 years ago, shortly after they separated, and had continued on and off since. While it was a rare affliction, when it came up on him, so to speak, it irritated Mr Johnson like hell.

Finally, after three days of itching and scratching, his balls as well, he decided, what with the advancements of modern-day remedies, to make ...

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