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Meeting a friend of a friend at the beach...this story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 3769 words)

Author: like2watch1576 Picture in profile
Added: Feb 23 2022Views / Reads: 2326 / 1649 [71%]Story vote: 9.57 (14 votes)
We were taking a weeks vacation at the beach our last day being on a Monday, and some friends came down the Friday before for the weekend but were staying at another motel. We were surprised they'd brought a guy with them we'd never met before.

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My wife and I were taking a weeks vacation at the beach and had rented an efficiency apartment right on the boardwalk overlooking the beach. I wasn't much on laying out in the sun and will admit I'm a voyeur so I loved setting on the balcony taking pictures with my 1600mm lens that if I went in close could zoom in on a drink can and get nothing but the can in the picture. So I got lots of good tit shots and the girls had no idea. But it also helped me keep up with my wife's fun. She was no big fan of laying out in the hot sun either. But being an avid exhibitionist couldn't pass up the opportunity of laying there almost naked with thousands of people all around her. She loved laying on her stomach and with her tiny string bikini being pretty much wedged between her ass cheeks it looked like she wasn't wearing a bottom. And she'd about half way be turned over when she'd untie the top & lay it to her side. During which time anyone looking could get a good look at her firm 34-D tits. Then she'd lay flat for a while before reaching for the suntan lotion. Again she'd be raised up and her tits on full display, and even more so as she put the lotion on. Or if there was a young guy close by she'd ask if they'd help her put it on. As the got to she sides she have them go further & further until they'd rub lotion onto her tits and of course had them rub it onto her bare ass real good. Sometimes she'd pretend to be reading and lean to one side causing her tits to be in plain view, but pretending she didn't realize it.

She'd go out a few times a day and usually end up having been felt up by ...

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