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THE ADDICTION CENTERthis story is part of the FanClub (mm:oral sex, 4938 words) [8/9] show all parts

Author: Thomas B
Added: Jul 27 2022Views / Reads: 555 / 428 [77%]Part vote: 9.80 (5 votes)
PART 8-The Not so Straight Guy, Straight man finds the kind of sex he loves.

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I came across another file that I thought might interest Lily. It was the kind of case that we saw infrequently, but it happened. Straight people, male or female, who find sexual satisfaction with people of the same sex.

My friends call me Ted, actually it's Theodore, but I always introduce myself as Theo. I'm a straight guy in my 30's, but over the past decade I found myself craving cock. Like I said, I'm straight.

It started when I was talking with my therapist. I was seeing him because I'd gone through a bad divorce. I caught my wife cheating, and I was messed up. Friends suggested I see someone.

This psychologist, Charles, wanted to know about my relationship with my parents, why I was getting a divorce, our sex life, and my sexual preferences.

Over two or three sessions I admitted that although I was straight, I was kind of curious. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well," I took a deep breath, "when I watch porn and there's a blowjob scene, I always wonder what it might be like."

"Were you watching gay porn?"


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