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The Coffee Breakthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 5251 words)

Author: Melody
Added: Feb 28 2001Views / Reads: 12495 / 10927 [87%]Story vote: 8.33 (9 votes)
Busted on the jobs, she must suffer the consequences.

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The Coffee Break

She'd decided to forego her coffee break that morning, instead of joining the other girls in the office for the slushy mad dash to Timmie's across the street, she told them she'd take the calls if they brought her back a large double/double.

She'd been a little late for work, having stayed online to chat for longer than she really should have, chatting about sensual things that had left her on edge, a little nervous....she could feel a constant tingling sensation along the lips of her freshly shaven pussy. She liked to touch herself when she was just shaved, having put on an oil based lotion afterwards, she knew it was still shiny, looking so clean and fresh.

She was alone for at least thirty minutes, it would take that much time before the girls made it back to the office, her boss was at a business meeting across town, perfect..... she'd put the calls on hold and take the chance to go in the storage room and try to alleviate some of this tension....

She found a cozy spot, albeit amongst boxes of old files, she perched herself on a box and started slowly to touch herself, beginning with her nipples that were quite discernible through her silk blouse, one of the other girls had commented about her hard nipples earlier, asking ...

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