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Midwest Nice Chapter 2: Divingthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:one-on-one, 4387 words)

Author: mcerotic
Added: Dec 12 2022Views / Reads: 2523 / 2222 [88%]Story vote: 9.78 (36 votes)
I go scuba diving with black Amara. Later, she poses for some photographs for me. Later I meet pregnant blonde Za. She has lost the challenge and will have to pay her debts.

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Chapter 2: Diving

We had to get up early the next morning to get driven to where the dive-boat left. Amara and I were both in swimsuits with t-shirts over the top...although hers was a bikini. The top didn't fit very well. It was obviously difficult to get a top small enough to go with bottoms that fitted her hips.

Once on the boat, she sat next to me. I put my hand on her knee. She did nothing to remove it. From talking to some of the other people, everyone assumed she was my girlfriend from our body language. But of course, she was not. I was at the stage of hoping those bikini bottoms would come off before the end of the day. And I was hoping that she was hoping they would too.

The diving was great, but over too soon, and soon we were disembarking from the diveboat to get the minibus back to the cruise ship. I took her hand as we walked on board.

"Okay?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "But don't go too fast. I'm not good with strangers remember. And then I do something stupid."

"Like what?" ...

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