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The Pleasure Pill. Chapter 2: Fixing a leak…then methis story is part of the FanClub (fm:threesomes, 5764 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Feb 16 2023Views / Reads: 1744 / 1399 [80%]Story vote: 10.00 (10 votes)
Beset by a leak in the ceiling and water dripping down from the apartment above hers, Rebecca Foxx has no other course or remedy than to call in her local council workmen. To have them understand, though, she first needs to take one of her special pills.

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It had been just over a week since I made a somewhat breakthrough discovery in my pharmaceutical lab, one that helped to relieve my chronic anxiety and shyness around men. Certainly enough to order a pizza and thank the guy who delivered it before, and shamelessly, acting on the added effects, that of a heightened sexuality, one that drove me to visit an area of London and offer myself to be gang fucked by five black guys, each one with a big long black cock, as I lost my virginity, pussy and ass.

It was certainly an evening to remember. I, for one, had no idea just how amazing sex and fucking could actually be and it was all thanks to my ‘pleasure pill' discovery. They even shaved my pussy for me, leaving a black tuft pointing the way to my clit. A nice touch, if I say so myself.

That weekend, and with the effects of the ‘pleasure pill' as I had called it still lingering in my system, I had the courage to visit the guy in the apartment above mine and confront him about the water that dripped through my ceiling and ran down the escape pipe whenever he took a bath.

Thankfully, the side effects had worn off and so seeing him stood inside his door with a towel wrapped around his waist did little to stir me.

"Whenever you take a bath water drips through the ceiling," I told him, ...

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