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Lego My Preggothis story is part of the FanClub (fm:pregnant, 1491 words)

Author: supersoaker2 Picture in profile
Added: Mar 01 2001Views / Reads: 11135 / 9190 [83%]Story vote: 6.60 (5 votes)
Ray pursues a pregnant neighbor and winds up in a steamy afternoon round of sex.

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Lego My Preggo

After waking up, Ray felt his stiff, warm boner on his stomach. He immediately jumped up and ran to the bathroom and released the floodgates. After taking a long piss, he was surprised to see that his cock was still hard. With his schlong practically bulging out of his underwear, he went to the kitchen to make a bowl of oatmeal.

As he poured the package into the bowl, he heard female voices laughing. Running to his apartment window, he looked out. The sun was shining nicely on the hot summer day. He peeked around until he found his target. When he found it he grinned.

A brunette with her hair up in a bun stood with her back to him, talking to a redhead, who was standing by her car. Ray couldn't see much of the redhead, so he concentrated on the closer one. She had on a tight white tank top and blue shorts so short that her ass cheeks almost stuck out. Her thick body was tanned and toned, and her high-heeled black sandals only made her look sexier.

Just then Ray realized he had been rubbing his rigid cock through his underwear. Not waiting another second, he threw them to his ankles and kicked them away. Wrapping his right hand around his beefy dick he looked at the object of his desire and began jacking off.


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