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The Misadventures of Jacqueline de Belleville part 3this story is part of the FanClub (fm:other, 9966 words) [3/6] show all parts

Author: Rachael Jane Picture in profile
Added: May 17 2023Views / Reads: 668 / 462 [69%]Part vote: 10.00 (3 votes)
Jacqueline recalls her adventures in Spain during the Peninsular War when she sets out to rescue her sister from clutches of the French army. The two sisters sing, dance and otherwise entertain the lusty Spaniards as they make their escape.

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Part 3 - Jacqueline's Sister

Chapter 7: Finding Julieta

"Hassan requires another story from you," says A'isha the next morning. "Only he wants one with a happy ending for once. Can you manage such a thing?"

"Oh! Do you mean that my first story when I ended up enslaved in Hassan's harem doesn't rank as a happy ending?" I reply mischievously.

"You know what I mean, Zakiyah," growls A'isha, using my imposed slave name to reinforce my lowly status within this harem. "And remember Samed's cane is always available to keep you in order."

I'm never sure what to make of Hassan's sister A'isha. There are times when she's really friendly, but she can also be as hard as nails if any of us overstep some undefined line. While none of the 32 young women captured and sold into slavery by the vile Nathaniel Wickliffe want to be here at Wadi Halaf, I mustn't forget that Hassan and A'isha didn't really want us in their home either. That's not to say they will simply set us all free. Our purchase price paid by Hassan's uncle Rashid must have been a tidy sum, and the cost of our upkeep only adds to the expense of waiting for ransoms to be paid. Not that ransoms will ever be paid for some of us. I, and at least five of the others, have nobody ...

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