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Never say neverthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 3098 words)

Author: Bobland
Added: Jul 20 2023Views / Reads: 3519 / 2749 [78%]Story vote: 9.47 (30 votes)
Is the holiday mood responsible for our first experience of group sex......

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Never say never......

We had been married for 8 months, and were incredibly happy. Both of us had grown up children from our first marriages, which in the end had not worked out for ether of us. We were deeply in love and had the time and money to make the most of being at such a good point in our lives. As a 54-year-old man and a 51-year-old woman, some might think our sex life would be moderate to say the least. Well they would be wrong. Sue was a beautiful, sexy lady with an amazing body and a very healthy sex drive. I was more than happy to try my best to meet her needs, and things were going great.

We were having a well-deserved 2-week summer holiday in the south of France, staying in a small resort up in the hills. The beaches of the Cote de Azure were in easy reach as was Monaco, playground of the rich. During a trip to a beach in Nice we got chatting to Tom and Kim an attractive couple who were enjoying a five-day break to celebrate Tom's 40th. In one of those ‘small world' moments, we found out that they were staying in the same resort. We got on really well, finding out about each other, where we were from, what we had been doing on holiday, our jobs back home etc. The time flew by as we chatted and the fact that they were both so tanned, relaxed and attractive didn't escape either of our attention. At the end of the afternoon we said our goodbye's and that perhaps we would bump into each other back at the resort. ...

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