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Two Sides to Every Story Pt2this story is part of the FanClub (fm:slut wife, 7795 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Mag58 Picture in profile
Added: Sep 27 2023Views / Reads: 1301 / 1120 [86%]Part vote: 9.27 (11 votes)
After being taught how to do a blowjob she visits his home in her new sexy lingerie

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I was up and about early, waiting for the text message and was actually waiting outside the shop when it opened just after 10am. The woman was quite a bit older than me and sweet as anything, helping me select a really sexy pink set of bra and pants that were pretty transparent and a matching 6 strap suspender belt, plus some American Tan 10 denier stockings, and she 'wished me luck' as I left, making me blush like a hormonal teenager.

Once home I had a nerve settling cup of coffee just as Rod texted me his address and a photo of his erect cock! He then asked for a photo of my tits .... even though I was shocked I knew girls at work regularly did things like this, so with a deep breath lifted my t-shirt up and took a picture of my bra encased tits and sent it back.

"Nice - now take off the bra!" he responded 30 seconds later.

Shaking and giggling I unclipped my bra and lifted it up to my chin, then quickly took a pic of my naked tits and sent it to him.

"I'm even hornier now." he replied with another dick pic.

I then replied that I'd be there about noon.

My heart was racing as I undressed from my casual wear and started putting on my new underwear, occasionally glancing into the large ...

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