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Middle Managementthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:anal sex, 1616 words)

Author: reader909 Picture in profile
Added: Nov 01 2023Views / Reads: 2308 / 1628 [71%]Story vote: 9.35 (20 votes)
She was middle management, but she was managed

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Jeanette could be a real bitch. Over the years, her husband Tim had watched in despair as her career changed her. For a year, she had been a new Section Lead at her workplace. She used to team up with a guy named Rick until she was promoted over him. Rick became her assistant, and his work life became unpleasant very quickly. Jeanette let 'being a boss' go to her head. She demanded a lot out of Rick. I need you to finish this right away, she'd indicate something that she had neglected to work on. 'You'll probably have to work this weekend,' she'd add. 'If you do a good job, you'll get ahead in the company. I'll help you,' she said in a condescending way. Rick endured a lot, but he needed the job.

Sometimes, Jeanette would call him 'Dick', mostly as a little insult.

At The Bar

Home life could get unpleasant, and sometimes Jeanette's husband Tim would hit the bar to get away from her for awhile. That's where he was tonight. He was sitting there with his 3rd beer, when he saw Frank walk in. Frank is Jeanette's boss. He's the Department Head.

"Hi Tim!" Frank said. He sat next to him at the bar. They knew each other from company social events over the years, mostly back when ...

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