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THE BARFLYthis story is part of the FanClub (fm:group, 1203 words) [3/4] show all parts

Author: Thomas B
Added: Jan 19 2024Views / Reads: 1211 / 869 [72%]Part vote: 10.00 (6 votes)
Melody and the surfer dudes

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Like I said, my standard of beauty had always been blonde, surfer dudes. They didn't hang out at The Mermaid, but they did hang out in La Jolla and my girlfriends and I spent a lot of time up there, too. Guys came from all over to surf. Girls, too.

If my bikini was any skimpier, it would have been illegal. To be honest, my tits were almost hanging out, and I had to shave much closer than normal. My girlfriends, including Frannie, Nora and Ellie among them, were similarly dressed; or undressed.

There weren't too many black surfers, but Ellie confided in me, "white boys think black girls are easy to get into bed. With Nora and me, they're not wrong. I hope you're not too jealous when I end up with the cutest white boy with the biggest cock." She put her arm around me and laughed.

As it turned out Ellie did end up with Chas and I ended up with Bucky. Both were gorgeous blonde surfer types. We shared one motel room on the beach. Two beds; two couples. Perfect.

I'd seen Ellie naked in the communal shower after P.E. in school. She had a killer body. Good size tits, but her bikini bottom emphasized her killer ass.

Within minutes the four of us were in the beds, trying to modestly take ...

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