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I don't know (fm:one-on-one, 2454 words)

Author: Roger
Added: Jun 09 2024Views / Reads: 2453 / 1755 [72%]Story vote: 8.92 (12 votes)
A wife and her husband's best friend

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that I came back to my homework at the counter. I told him to go, all was ok, and started to wash the dishes from breakfast. Instead, he walked around behind the kitchen counter where I was standing and without a word making one swift motion, he silently and smoothly turned me around so that I was leaning against the counter. With that he grabbed my face with his two hands and planted a very long wet tongue kiss on me. I don't know why, but this time I didn't push him back and replied his kiss. A very long kiss. He kissed me on the neck now and any part of my neck is sensitive and susceptible to kisses. I whispered, "don't do that", as he started to pass his hands on my body. What I had on that morning to do my thing in the kitchen was short, cotton robe that tied around the waist. Without hesitation all at once his hand went under my robe. His hands wandered on my lower parts as he kissed me. He wasn't slow, wasn't careful, and wasn't being sensitive. When he felt my panties covered crotch, he moaned slightly in my ear, "I want you". Pulling my panties aside he slipped a finger in me and started slowly pumping me with it. I jumped from the sudden intrusion and whispered, "Are you crazy?" and reached down to dislodge his hand. But I was already soaking wet from the petting and he felt it right away. I can tell you for sure it was a losing proposition. I couldn't hold him off very well.

To make matters worse, the finger that was slowly stroking me sped up and my body was reacting to his hand rather than trying to fight it off. I couldn't mask the pleasure that ran inside of me when he touched my clit. It wasn't like I was dead down there; instead, I was super sensitive and on fire just from the touches he was giving me. George had now pushed down his tracksuit bottoms and was pressing against me with his cock free. It started, almost without a word. I locked his back with my right leg and opened completely to his shaft. He started sliding his cock up and down me and I didn't say a word. At end he penetrated me and started a slow but unrelenting motion. Totally filled, I just closed my eyes and stood there, swaying in his grasp and absorbing the sensations of the moment as he pounded me. I was building to an orgasm and no doubt he was. Both of us were transpiring and my juices were providing a natural lubrication. Both of us were starting to breath extremely heavy, making little noises on our own, then it happened!! George moaned my name ("Oh Chris, you drive me crazy"), and sent a stream of semen up my opened pussy as I also exploded in a strong orgasm. His mouth found mine again and never left it for many seconds, long and hot, his tongue and mine becoming one. Then he slowly got up, kissed me another time and just departed the room. The last thing George told me was that he will be by us the next Saturday for the soccer match in tv.

I was mesmerized and confused.

I needed to be alone and tried to gather my thoughts. I felt guilty to my husband and sincerely wanted to consider what has happened with George a one off but I damned liked what has happened also. Never the less I was able enough to slow down my relationship with George. He continued to frequent our house but I tried to avoid a conversation with him limiting my action to give him and my husband a beer or two and something to eat.

As far as conversation it was limited and no one allusion concerning the event was made even if my husband couldn't hear. In the private I only received a few text messages from George, such as the following.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes I am"

"I want you again"

"You are mad"

"You also exploded in a great orgasm. Did it make you feel good?"

"You are my husband's best friend."

"I'm thinking to make it with you all the time, Chris."

"We don't have to do it again."

But my husband continued to invite George at home and he was regularly coming over for a few hours to watch Monday night football. Just to avoid any contact with him usually I went to bed or remained in my boudoir reading a book or watching something else than football on my television. There was no contact between George and me apart from eyes and friendly speech but a couple times George unseen from my husband came to my room and kissed me. I resisted but this fired my senses again. Mind-absent, a few times my brains went back at that morning with George and how favorably his action surprised me. I felt guilty but I had to admit to myself that I led him go with me and my orgasm had been absolutely terrific. His stolen kisses had at the same time a nice effect on me.

I was in mid-stream.

You know, erotism is a mild snake beating your ankles and with my husband that thing was decidedly asleep. I rejected the idea of the cheating wife, but I was also tempted. That Monday night I decided to eat a pizza with my mother and went out of the house exactly when George came in. I only told him "hi" at the door and "see you later have a nice time guys" to my husband. Mom was a bit tired and after the pizza she wanted to go to bed. I drove aimlessly for a while and about half past nine, too bad, I decided to go on home.

I was driving my husband's car and just parked it in the driveway beside George's as he had the garage blocked. Just I was starting to get out of the car, he walked out of the garage and onto the driveway. It startled the heck out of me to have him walk up on me like that.

I guess he saw that he had surprised me and we both laughed it off as he apologized. We stood outside the car and chatted a while. I asked him about leaving so early. He said the game was a total blowout so he decided to go on home even though my husband was frozen to the screen. But he added also "I had the hope to see you alone".

"Please, George, don't say that," was my answer but remained there talking with him. There was no main theme, just everyday chatter between friends but pretty soon the talk became intimate. He started touching me, brushing my hair and touching my face. I was embarrassed but it was also nice. Little pecks on the lips. From there it moved down to him cupping my ass and massaging it. I kept moving his hand away, but he came back. He kissed me. With tongue this time. I tried to protest, "not here, George, please", but over my protest he unzipped my jacket and gently cupped my breast. His kisses went from light and playful to deep and searching. I kissed him back. His hands continued to grope my breast under the sweat now. My nipples hardened between his fingers.

"O George you have a thing with my tits", I whispered.

He kissed me even deeper.

I reminded him that not only was my husband only an open door away but we were also out in my driveway right beside the street that anybody could walk by.

He said it wasn't likely that anybody would be out fooling around and I knew he was right. Another kiss. When he opened the back door to the car, and sort of shoved me in, I didn't resist.

Even though my mouth and hands were protesting part of the time, at others they were responding. My mouth would say "No", then lock on him with a hunger that I couldn't explain to myself.

He pushed up my sweats top and unlocked my bra. His hands was filled with nothing but my ample tits. For a minute or two he paid full attention to just my breast and face. He kissed my neck and ears and then going back to teasing my nipples with his fingers and mouth. I should have said "George stop, please" but his action drove me high and I only said "George you are a devil" and kissed him back.

Well, this was it!

George shoved my pants and panties down, then off. He lifted myself up as well as he could and removed his own pants and shorts in a very awkward fashion. I couldn't believe I was allowing it to happen, right there in the car and right under my husband's nose. It was frightening, crazy, and totally exciting.

When the maneuvering was over, I was on top of him seated on his knees. His cock was erected like a hard pool. He was just going to fuck me. All at once I took his cock in one hand and guided it into me. He pressed into me and started a slow but strong motion, inserting himself a little with each stroke. My legs were sort of wrapped around him; definitely grasping him in a way as not only to guide him but also to encourage him in my own way.

From the introductory entry session thru his steady pounding of me I bet we didn't last five minutes. We were exchanging deep kisses and rolling against each other's hips in unison in a feverish fuck. After five minutes or so of an almost locked in kiss, we put ourselves back together and got out of the car.

When I walked back into the house, John was still watching his game.

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Email: ruggerolastruc@gmail.com
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Kevin writes Thu 13 Jun 2024 10:00:

I am looking forward to the second part. Assuming there is a second


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