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Katrina and the Wicked Priest (Part 1) (fm:first time, 6722 words) [1/2] show all parts

Author: Josh and Bella
Added: Jun 13 2024Views / Reads: 1228 / 923 [75%]Part vote: 10.00 (6 votes)
Katrina and her devout catholic family move to the island of Mauritius. They find a church to attend but the priest, Father Abelton is a wicked man. He tricks the family into sending Katrina to the chapel where he would take full advantage of her holes.

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Among the rows of bowed heads, one figure stood out—a vision of graceful beauty amidst the dimly lit chapel. Katrina Kalina, her golden hair cascading like spun silk, cast an alluring glow as her wide blue eyes swept over the congregation. Fresh out of high school and newly arrived in Le Morne with her devoutly Catholic family, her presence was a spark in the gloom, drawing Father Abelton's gaze like a moth to flame.

As his eyes lingered on her form, a dark hunger stirred within Father Abelton, a primal urge he struggled to contain. The forbidden desire that surged through him threatened to consume his soul, igniting a fire that burned with a dangerous intensity. In that moment, Katrina represented not only innocence but also temptation—a tantalizing fruit ripe for the plucking, beckoning him into the depths of darkness.

After the rituals, Father Abelton approached the Kalina family, a warm, welcoming smile on his face.

"Welcome to our parish," he said, his voice a velvet murmur. "I noticed your daughter, Katrina, seemed quite engaged during the service."

Mr. Kalina beamed with pride. "Yes, Father, she has always been deeply spiritual."

Father Abelton nodded, his eyes lingering on Katrina, silently undressing the contours of her form, his gaze momentarily fixating on the subtle curve of her perfect peached-shaped ass that she could hardly conceal, even without intending to display it. His thoughts wandered into forbidden realms as he contemplated the desires that stirred within him, thoughts of how he would eat that delicate and yet juicy fruit. Katrina, innocent and naive, caught his thirsty gaze, but interpreted it as nothing more than the benevolent scrutiny of a priest. The wickedness of Abelton could not let this opportunity slip through his fingers. He had to find a way to enter into that forbidden garden, where darkness whispered promises of ecstasy and damnation.

"I believe she has a calling, something special," Father Abelton murmured, his voice a velvety evil-filled whisper. "Perhaps she could benefit from spending more time here, learning, growing in her faith."

Mrs. Kalina's eyes gleamed with excitement at the prospect of Katrina joining the parish to help. "That sounds wonderful, Father. Katrina, would you like that?"

Katrina nodded eagerly, her innocence shielding her from the darker intentions that lurked beneath Father Abelton's facade, unaware of the dangerous path she was about to tread.

Father Abelton's lips curled into a sinister smile as he contemplated this moment, relishing the opportunity to ensnare the innocent 18-year-old in his web of darkness.

As Mrs. Kalina's eyes gleamed with excitement at the prospect of Katrina joining the chapel to help, Katrina eagerly turned to her father, her voice tinged with excitement as she sought permission. "Can I, Papa? Can I join the chapel?"

Mr. Kalina nodded immediately, his own eagerness evident in his response. "Of course, my dear. It would be wonderful for you to be a part of the chapel's community."

Father Abelton's gaze lingered on Katrina, gazing on her firm fresh breasts and perfectly-shaped ass a predatory glint in his eyes as he prepared to lead her down the treacherous path of temptation and corruption, his heart pulsing and his cock throbbing with anticipation of the darkness that awaited her innocent soul.

The next morning dawned with a veil of anticipation shrouding the village of Le Morne. Katrina woke with a sense of innocent excitement, her heart fluttering at the thought of meeting Father Abelton at Bloodstone Chapel. As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains of her bedroom, she rose from her bed with a lightness in her step, eager to embark on this new chapter of her faith journey.

Katrina headed to the bathroom, the cool tiles beneath her feet sending a shiver of anticipation up her spine. With a sense of excitement tinged with nervousness, she undressed, the soft fabric of her clothes falling to the floor in a hushed whisper revealing the most beautiful pair of breasts that an 18-years-old could carry with pink firm nipples and a perfectly shaved virgin pussy. The sound echoed in the quiet room, a prelude to the momentous day that lay ahead. Wrapped in the warmth of her innocence, Katrina stepped into the shower, the water washing away the remnants of sleep.

The warm water cascading over her delicate fair skin like a gentle caress. As she stood beneath the soothing stream, her thoughts drifted to the events of the previous day—the warm welcome she had received from Father Abelton, the prospect of joining the chapel's community, and the sense of belonging that filled her heart.

In her innocence, Katrina could not fathom the darkness that lurked beneath Father Abelton's facade. To her, he was a beacon of guidance and wisdom, a shepherd leading his flock to salvation. As she lathered her skin with soap, her mind filled with visions of the chapel—its solemn beauty, the flickering candlelight, and the comforting presence of Father Abelton.

Little did she know, as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel, that she was about to enter a world where innocence would be tested, and darkness would seek to claim her soul. But for now, in the quiet solitude of her bathroom, Katrina remained blissfully unaware of the dangers that lay ahead, her heart brimming with hope and anticipation for the day ahead.

Katrina emerged from her room, dressed in a beautiful knee-length sundress that perfectly captured the essence of summer in Mauritius. The fabric flowed gently around her slender frame, accentuating her curves with a subtle grace. The neckline, modest yet alluring, framed her delicate collarbones, while the fitted bodice emphasized her slender waist. As she moved, the fabric swayed with each step, revealing glimpses of her shapely legs and hinting at the curves that lay beneath. Despite its demure appearance, the sundress could not entirely conceal the gentle swell of her beautiful firm little ass, a subtle invitation that whispered of hidden desires beneath the surface. With a shy smile and a flutter of anticipation in her heart, Katrina set off towards Bloodstone Chapel, unaware of the eyes that followed her every step with a hunger that bordered on obsession.

As Katrina approached Bloodstone Chapel, the anticipation that had filled her heart began to mingle with a subtle sense of unease. Father Abelton stood at the entrance, his smile warm but his eyes glinting with a wicked gleam that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Welcome, my dear Katrina," Father Abelton greeted, his voice dripping with honeyed charm as he reached out to kiss her on the cheek. As his lips brushed against her skin, he inhaled deeply, his nostrils flaring as he savored the sweet perfume of her innocence—a scent that would soon be tainted by the darkness that lurked within him.

Katrina couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable under Father Abelton's gaze, a feeling that only intensified as he held her in his sights with a predatory intensity. His eyes seemed to strip away the layers of her facade, peeling back the innocence to expose the vulnerability that lay beneath. But in her naivety, she brushed aside the unease, determined to trust in the guidance of the man she believed to be her spiritual mentor.

As they entered the chapel, Father Abelton kept a firm grip on Katrina's arm, guiding her towards the altar with an air of authority. "You have a special aura about you, Katrina," he murmured, his voice laced with honeyed charm. "I sense a purity of spirit that is truly rare."

Katrina blushed at the compliment, her heart fluttering with a mixture of pride and nervousness. "Thank you, Father," she replied, her voice soft and shy. "I've always tried to live my life in accordance with my faith."

Father Abelton nodded approvingly, his gaze only leaving her face to contemplate her sexy figures. "And that is commendable, my dear," he said, his tone gentle but with a hint of underlying manipulation. "But I believe there is much more that you could achieve here, within the embrace of our church community."

Katrina's eyes widened with curiosity, her innocence shining through as she hung on his every word. "What do you mean, Father?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

Father Abelton smiled, a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I mean that there are opportunities for growth and enlightenment that you have yet to explore," he replied, his words carefully chosen to appeal to her sense of curiosity. "I believe that together, we can unlock your true potential and lead you down a path of spiritual fulfillment."

Katrina's heart swelled with hope at the prospect of embarking on this journey of self-discovery with Father Abelton by her side.

After a thorough tour of the chapel, Father Abelton led Katrina into his office, he closed the door behind them with a deliberate click, ensuring that no prying eyes would witness what was about to unfold. After a few moments of small talk, he gestured for her to take a seat, his demeanor switching from friendly to authoritative.

"Katrina, my child," he began, his voice oozing with calculated charm, "you are a lamb in the flock of the Lord. You must trust me as your shepherd." To which Katrina answered with a soft, innocent voice, "Yes, Father. I trust you completely."

As Father Abelton uttered those words, his gaze bore over Katrina's teen body with a predatory intensity, his eyes scanning her form as if searching for the hidden secrets beneath the surface. "Do you understand the concept of confession?" he asked, his voice low and commanding. "It's a sacred act, a way to cleanse your soul of sin. But it requires complete honesty and trust."

Katrina's heart raced as she met his gaze, feeling a chill run down her spine at the intensity of his scrutiny. She nodded slowly, her innocence masking the unease that stirred within her. "Yes, Father," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I understand."

Father Abelton's lips curved into a sly smile, a smile that sent a shiver of apprehension through Katrina's body.

Father Abelton's gaze keeps on lingering on Katrina, his eyes filled with a calculating glint and his erected cock starting to poke through his priestly robe as he continued. "Before you can fully integrate into our church community, my child, you must undergo a series of confession rituals," he explained, his tone dripping with authority.

"I'm willing to do whatever it takes, Father," she replied earnestly, her voice tinged with determination.

Father Abelton nodded, a smug satisfaction flickering across his features as he sensed her unwavering trust in him. "Very well, my child," he said, his voice soft but filled with hidden malice. "Together, we will embark on this journey of spiritual purification, and I will guide you every step of the way."

Father Abelton motioned for Katrina to enter the confessional by holding her by the wasit, his demeanor reassuring as he guided her to her side and closed the door behind her. As Katrina settled into the small, enclosed space, a sense of trust washed over her. She felt safe within the confines of the confessional, confident that Father Abelton would guide her through the sacred ritual of confession.

Meanwhile, Father Abelton's mind raced with anticipation as he entered the confessional from his side. He contemplated his plan, relishing the opportunity to manipulate Katrina's innocence to serve his own twisted desires. With each passing moment, his resolve hardened, his dark intentions masked by the facade of piety.

As they began, Father Abelton opened with a small, unheard-before prayer, his voice a soothing murmur that set the tone for the solemn ritual. He listened intently as Katrina's confession unfolded, her words as innocent as her looks. She spoke of minor transgressions, childish mistakes that paled in comparison to the darkness that lurked within the depths of Father Abelton's own soul.

As Father Abelton listened to Katrina's innocent confession, a sinister smile played at the corners of his lips. Suddenly, he interrupted her mid-sentence, his voice taking on a solemn tone.

"Katrina, my child," he said, his words slow and deliberate, "I adhere to the older rites of the church. My confessions are conducted in a manner that may differ from what you are accustomed to."

Katrina's brow furrowed in confusion, but she nodded, trusting in the wisdom of her priest. "Of course, Father," she replied, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Father Abelton leaned in closer, his gaze piercing as he spoke. "Before we continue, I must ask you a few questions," he said, his voice low but commanding. "You must promise to answer truthfully and swear to keep what is said here a secret until the day you meet your maker."

Katrina's heart pounded with apprehension, but she nodded, her trust in Father Abelton unwavering. "I promise, Father," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Katrina," Father Abelton's voice was low, almost sensual, "have you ever been romantically involved with boys before? Have you ever strayed from the path of purity?"

Katrina's breath caught in her throat, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she stumbled over her words. "I... I do have a boyfriend back in Latvia," she confessed, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "But we haven't... we haven't engaged in anything impure. I'm committed to honoring my faith and staying pure."

Father Abelton's gaze bore into her through the grid of the confessional, his eyes dark pools of scrutiny as he absorbed her confession. "And what of your desires, Katrina?" he pressed, his voice a mere whisper as he took out his fat erect cock in his hands throbbing with anticipation of tasting Katrina's juicy pussy "Do you find yourself tempted by the pleasures of the flesh?" As Father Abelton starts to stroke his cock with a slow up and down motion with precum drooling over his hands.

Katrina's heart raced as she struggled to find the right words, her innocence laid bare before the man she trusted as her spiritual guide. "I... I try to resist such temptations," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I pray for strength and guidance to remain steadfast in my faith." Father Abelton's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he listened to Katrina's earnest confession. With his hard cock in his hand, he leaned in closer, his voice a soothing whisper as he planted the seeds of manipulation in her impressionable mind.

"My child," he said, his voice taking on a somber tone, "it pains me to see you burdened by these impure thoughts. You must understand, they are a stain upon your soul, a barrier between you and the divine. But fear not, for there is a path to redemption—a sacred rite of deliverance that can cleanse you of your sins and restore you to grace."

Katrina's eyes widened with hope, her heart pounding with anticipation at the prospect of liberation from her inner turmoil. "A rite of deliverance?" she repeated, her voice tinged with awe. "Tell me more, Father."

Father Abelton nodded, his expression serene as he continued to jerk off his big fat black cock weaving his web of deceit. "It is a profound and transformative ritual, my child," he explained, his voice resonating with conviction. "Many of the devout nuns within our order have undergone this sacred process, finding solace and strength to overcome their earthly desires and embrace a life of pure devotion."

As Katrina listened, her soul stirred with newfound hope, her faith bolstered by Father Abelton's promises. "I... I long to be free from these temptations," she confessed, her voice filled with determination. "Please, Father, lead me on this path of deliverance."

Father Abelton stopped stocking his cock at this exact moment, smirked inwardly, his dark desires smoldering beneath his facade of piety. Another soul ensnared, another victory for his twisted ambitions. And as he contemplated the small triumph, he knew that Katrina's innocence would soon be his to manipulate and corrupt as he saw fit.

"You have chosen wisely, my dear Katrina," Father Abelton intoned, his voice dripping with manipulation as he guided his cock back into his robe. He led her out of the confessional, his touch firm yet deceitfully comforting. With calculated words, he wove a web of deception around her, convincing her of the necessity of the upcoming rituals. "In this sacred ritual," he whispered, his tone ominous yet seductive, "you will be blindfolded, shielded and protected from the darkness that seeks to ensnare you. You may feel different sensations in your physical body, experience visions or strong emotions, but fear not, for as long as I am by your side, you are safe." "Rest assured my child, all of this is simply the forces of darkness leaving your body."

Katrina nodded, her heart fluttering with trepidation beneath her facade of naive trust. Her mind reeled with conflicting emotions, but in her innocence, she clung to Father Abelton's assurances, seeking solace in his presence. "Yes, I trust you Father Abelton." She says with a shaking fragile voice as tears fills her beautiful blue eyes.

Father Abelton embraced her tightly, kisses her on her silky golden hair, his touch a sinister caress disguised as a blessing, before gently blindfolding her. And as he commenced the dark rites, Katrina trembled with a mixture of fear and anticipation, unaware of the true depths of darkness into which she was about to descend.

Father Abelton's voice echoed through the dimly lit chamber, he instructed Katrina to kneel before him, her heart pounding with unease as she obeyed his command. With each syllable of the ancient incantation uttered in Latin, a shiver ran down her spine, her senses heightened by the foreboding atmosphere.

As Father Abelton continued the ritual, with a calculated grace, his hand reached out, for the container of holy water with a deceptive gentleness. As Katrina kneels in anticipation, Father Abelton takes his hard cock and dips it into the water container and starts to sprinkle it on Katrina. Katrina felt the cool touch of what seemed to be holy water cascading over her, its droplets a stark contrast against her skin. With her eyes blindfolded, she could only imagine the sinister tableau unfolding around her, the scent of incense mingling with the palpable tension in the air.

Despite her trembling limbs and racing heart, Katrina remained obedient, her faith in Father Abelton's guidance unwavering even as a creeping sense of dread settled over her.

"Now, open your mouth wide, my child!" Father Abelton commanded in a tone that brooked no argument.

"Like this, Father?" Katrina's voice trembled with uncertainty as she complied.

"Yes, that's it," the priest affirmed, his voice carrying a hint of anticipation. "Now, you may feel a presence, a darkness escaping from within you. Do not be afraid, for this is the first step toward purification."

Katrina nodded eagerly, her trust in Father Abelton blinding her to the true nature of the rituals unfolding before her.

Father Abelton, his expression serene yet tinged with deceit, extended his big black cock, which was way larger than the average man and gently touched Katrina's tongue with it. Startled, she flinched, her senses suddenly alert to the foreign object. "What is this?" she queried, her voice laced with unease. "Shh, my dear," Father Abelton soothed, his tone carrying an air of authority. "This is the sensation I spoke of earlier, a sign that the ritual is working. Trust in the process, and you shall be cleansed of all impurities." His words, though calming, concealed the true nature of his intentions, as he sought to manipulate Katrina's trust for his own sinister purposes.

As Katrina settled into a state of uneasy acceptance, Father Abelton, his eyes gleaming with malice beneath the facade of benevolence. With a gentle yet calculated gesture, he placed his drooling black cock in her tiny little white mouth, watching intently as she reacted with a gasp of surprise.

"Fear not, my child," he murmured, his voice laced with deceit. "This is merely a manifestation of the darkness leaving your soul. The rituals are working."

His words were like a poisonous honey, soothing Katrina's doubts while weaving a web of manipulation around her unsuspecting mind.

Katrina, with a mixture of fear and obedience, wrapped her pink little lips around the priest's big black cock, seeking solace in its sweetness amidst the unsettling sensations of the rituals Father Abelton goes deeper with every thrust in her mouth. Katrina gags as Father Abelton shoves his cock down her tiny throat, "Do not be scared my child, you are doing well. Let the evil spirit come out of your mouth" he utters with a comforting yet authoritative voice with Katrina's saliva all over his fat cock.

Father Abelton's gaze lingering on her with a predatory intensity, observed her every movement back and forth on his cock, his mind calculating the next steps of his dark machinations. In that moment, as Katrina surrendered to the deceptive comfort of thinking that she will soon be free of any earthly desires, she remained unaware of the true depths of manipulation that surrounded her, her innocence unwittingly feeding into Father Abelton's sinister desires.

With a calculated grace, Father Abelton gently removed his wet cock from Katrina's mouth, a lascivious gleam in his eyes as he contemplated the scene before him. Droplets of drools moisture glistened on her beautiful face, adding an air of innocence to the sinister tableau unfolding in his office. "Katrina," he murmured, his voice thick with desire and deceit, "Stand up, My child, You are truly a vision of purity."

As Katrina stood before him, her naivety shielding her from the darkness that lurked within the priest's intentions, Father Abelton instructed her to bend over on his desk for the second part of the ritual. His gaze lingered on perfectly shaped 18-years old body, devouring her beauty gazing at her peached shaped little ass with a hunger that transcended the facade of piety he wore like a mask. And as she obeyed his command, Father Abelton holds her back to guide her on to the desk. He reveled in the twisted power he held over her unsuspecting soul.

Father Abelton: His eyes lingering on Katrina's firm ass from the back with the sundress lifted up slightly as she bends over on the desk, "You have the perfect disposition, Katrina."

Katrina: "Thank you, Father. I'm just trying to do what's right."

Father Abelton: "Your faith is truly impressive, Katrina. Now, the rituals will continue. Don't be afraid, my dear child. I'll be here every step of the way." He says with a fatherly voice as he glides his hands in her golden silky hair. "You may feel sensations stronger than before, but rest assured, it's all part of the process."

Katrina nods in agreement, her trust in Father Abelton unwavering.

Father Abelton stands behind Katrina, his eyes not leaving her beautiful ass that is about to be uncovered and deflowered for the first time. His voice resonating with ancient power as he recites the prayer in Latin. He warns her that she is about to feel the power of darkness leaving her, his words laden with a sinister undertone.

Katrina listens intently, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation. She nods silently, and says "m Hmmm"

As she utters her agreement, Father Abelton nods solemnly, then quietly kneels behind her. How is this possible? Yesterday I gazed upon that beautiful secret garden and here it is just a few inches from me." He thought to himself as he began stoking his big black cock.

With calculated precision, Father Abelton moves closer to Katrina, his movements deliberate and controlled, as if each step brings him closer to his ultimate goal. He takes a deep breath and proceeds to lift up her sundress a little bit to expose her beautiful peached-shaped ass. Father Abelton delicately runs his hands on Katrina's panties.

Katrina: "Father Abelton, what... what is this?"

Father Abelton: "It's alright, my child. This sensation signifies the darkness leaving you."

His voice, smooth and reassuring, carries an undercurrent of something darker, unseen.

Katrina's breath trembles as she nods in response, her trust in him outweighing her uncertainty.

The priest carefully slides one of his fingers on the slit of Katrina's tender little pussy which can be seen from her panties, sensing her tension as she stiffens at his touch.

Father Abelton: "It's alright, Katrina. Just relax. There's nothing to fear."

His voice, gentle yet commanding, soothes her nerves, urging her to loosen up and trust in his guidance.

Katrina, her heart racing with uncertainty, hesitates for a moment before finally surrendering to his reassurance, her body gradually unclenching as she accepts this sensation yet unknown to her.

Father Abelton pauses in the latin prayer and asks: "Where are you feeling the effects on your body, my child?" His tone is authoritative, yet strangely soothing, laced with a hint of manipulation.

Katrina blushes and struggles to speak: "Um... on.... on my... vagina." She says shyly her voice timid and hesitant, betraying her innocence and naivety.

Father Abelton: "Ah, I see. You have nothing to fear, my child. This is completely normal. I have heard this more than you could imagine. This is a safe space. As the evil spirits are coming out from there, we have no other options than to remove your panties Katrina." His words are persuasive, designed to instill trust and compliance.

Katrina: "My... my panties. But why?" Her voice trembles with uncertainty, her trust in the priest waning.

Father Abelton: "That's for the ritual to work. You don't want it to fail, do you? You can trust me. I am like a doctor for the soul. I will take great care of you and you will be pure after this" His tone remains reassuring, yet there's an underlying sense of control and manipulation.

Katrina: "Yes, you are right." hesitantly She acquiesces, her trust in the priest overriding her doubts.

Katrina proceeds to remove her panties, exposing her perfectly shaved pussy and her beautiful firm ass. The priest remains stunned with amazement, his eyes lingering on her delicate virgin pussy not believing that only last night he jerked off to the thought of seeing this beautiful private garden. Father Abelton: "Such purity," he murmurs, barely able to contain his admiration. "Now, bend over again, my child, and we will continue."

Katrina nods and beds over once more will blindfolded, her trust in the priest unwavering, despite the growing unease within her.

Father Abelton kneels down behind her, admiring her beautiful pussy which is pulsating slightly and starting to get wet. He gets closer to get the scent of purity coming from her garden of pleasure as he keep on jerking his big black cock that is waiting to penetrate that teen's pussy. He leans forward and kisses it gently. Katrina feels a strong sensation coursing through her entire being, and she lets out a gasp of surprise.

Priest: "There it is," he murmurs, his voice filled with a dark satisfaction. "The ritual is working, my child. You are feeling the darkness leave your body. Trust the process."

Katrina: "Y-yes, Father," she stammers, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and trust. "I feel it."

Father Abelton places his hands on her ass cheeks to spread them away from each other opening her tiny slit with the pink little ass hole, leaning in he eats her pussy from the back passionately pushing his tongue into her tight pussy. Katrina moans with pleasure, her breath catching in her throat.

Katrina: "I... I'm feeling a warm feeling taking over me completely," she whispers, her voice filled with a mixture of confusion and vulnerability.

Father Alberton takes out his mouth: "Good, my child," he says, his tone soothing yet insidiously manipulative. "That's the darkness leaving you. Trust me, you are safe."

He continues eating her pussy, sending shivers down her spine as she lies there.

Father Abelton moves up a bit to her ass hole, placing his tongue on her delicate pink butthole. The sensation sends a wave of unfamiliar feelings coursing through Katrina's body, causing her to moan even more intensely.

Katrina: "Oh... I feel something... something even stronger," she stammers, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

Priest: "That's good, my child," he reassures her, his tone dripping with false comfort. "The ritual is working perfectly. Trust in me, and let the darkness be expelled. We will do this together."

Father Abelton continues to eat and lick both of Katrina's holes, each thrust of the tongue sending ripples of confusing sensations through her innocent body. Her whole body is overwhelmed with a sensation she never felt before. She moans with pleasure as she feels the tension building up inside of her lower belly.

"Wh.. What is happening to me Father?" - She exclaims with a voice full of surprise. "I want to pee, it's... it's coming out. AHHHH!!! I.... CAN'T HOLD IT IN."

Father Abelton: "Do not worry child, let the evil spirit come out of you." He speaks with a firm voice.

"IT'S COMING OUT........" Katrina let's out a big moan as her whole body twitches from what is her very first orgasm. Her pussy is dripping with her own fluid and her little asshole is pulsating at her heartbeat. She has never felt anything as close to this before.

Father Abelton lingers for a moment. savoring the control he holds over her. Finally, he stands up, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. He looks down at her and says, "Now my child. we must proceed to the next part of the ritual." His voice is a mix of authority and false gentleness. "Remember you are safe with me. and every step we take it will take you closer to purification."

Katrina, catching her breath and her voice shaking, replies, "Y-yes, Father. I trust you. Please, help me find purity."

Father Abelton gently stands up behind her. His throbbing cock in his hand. He has never been that hard ever before, that taste of purity and innocence gave him the hardest cock he ever could imagine. He approaches her reassuring her that he is here and that now they have reached the highest level of purification. Katrina agrees to his word and he looks at her tiny pussy and asshole, both so inviting.

Father Abelton decides in good heart to save her pussy for her boyfriend and he places his big black cock in front of Katrina's asshole. He take a deep breath and he pushes in his huge cock into Katrina's tiny little asshole causing her to gasp in surprise. Sensing her shock, he places a comforting hand on her shoulder, reassuring her that everything is alright. Despite his reassurance, Katrina can't help but tremble with nervousness as her virgin little asshole is stretched beyond what nature intended.

Father Abelton pushes his cock deeper into Katrina's asshole. Despite her initial shock, she can't deny the amazing sensation that fills her body, momentarily distracting her from the strange circumstances. She again feels the warm sensation coming into her stomach but now it's stronger, She can no longer resist it.

"It's.... I... It's coming again, oh.. Y- Yeah. It's stronger this time" She says with a voice lost in pleasure.

"Let it out my child, we have to rebut these evil spirits. You are doing well Katrina" replied father Abelton with a firm voice.

As Father Abelton thrust harder into her tiny little white ass, Katrina contorts with pleasure and screams out again, "IT'S COMING..... I CAN'T HOLD IT.. I- I - I AM PEEING AGAIN......"

Father Abelton despite his old age does not stop thrusting as he feels her asshole clenching on his Big Black Cock as she orgasms again. Her pussy squirts out her fluid as her legs are trembling uncontrollably.

Contemplating his greatest achievement, in a moment of deeper temptation, Father Abelton succumbs to his desires and presses his Big Black Cock against Katrina's tight little virgin pussy no longer thinking about her boyfriend in Latvia. With one big thrust he penetrates her secret garden with a fervor that sends shivers down her spine. Caught off guard by his sudden sensation, Katrina's initial shock gives way to a sense of forbidden pleasure as she surrenders the feeling. Despite the darkness that surrounds them, she finds herself drawn into the intoxicating embrace.

In the dimly lit confines of the chapel, Father Abelton's dark desires consume him as he lifts Katrina off her feet, pressing her against him with a fierce urgency. His cock deep in her pussy, igniting a flame of forbidden passion that engulfs them both. Wrapped in each other's embrace, Katrina asks what is happening. Father Abelton says: "Do not worry my child I am taking you in my arms to help you fight the forces of darkness."

Father Abellton reaches for a candle stick and pushes it up her used asshole while simultaneously being deep inside her pussy. Feeling both of her holes filled, Katrina screams with pleasure.

"Yes- Y- YES, I CAN FEEL THEM LEAVING AGAIN" Katrina says. Father Abelton keep on fucking her as she wraps her legs around him and her firm breast are pressed against him as she cuts again in a moment of pure ecstasy and pleasure.

They lose themselves in the intensity of the moment, their bodies entwined in a dance of desire. Time seems to stand still as they continue to fuck, each touch fueling the fire burning in Father Abelton, oblivious to the world outside the chapel's walls.

"Quick get to your knees Katrina. I have to give you your final blessing." In a commanding tone, Father Abelton instructs Katrina to kneel swiftly, his voice carrying the weight of authority as she complies without hesitation. With his hard cock in his hands he pours his cum into her mouth, its warmth trickling down her throat and spilling over her face. He watches intently as she drinks it all, her obedience a testament to his power over her. As the last drop is consumed, he nods in satisfaction, a sinister smile playing at the corners of his lips as he pushes his cock into her mouth to have her clean it and suck it until the last drop.

With a sense of finality, Father Abelton dons his garments once more, carefully removing the blindfold from Katrina's eyes. As her vision adjusts to the dim light of the chapel, he offers her a tissue to wipe her face from his cum and a congratulatory smile, his words dripping with false sincerity. "You've done well, my child," he commends, his voice laced with satisfaction. "But remember, this is just the beginning of your journey to purity." Father Abelton reminds her that all of these rituals are to be kept with the greatest secrecy.

He lets her know that next time, he plans to invite another priest friend of his to aid in her deliverance, a subtle manipulation veiled behind promises of further assistance. Katrina nods in agreement, her voice quivering as she expresses gratitude to the priest. With shaky steps, she prepares to depart the chapel, her mind awash with conflicting emotions and the unsettling realization that she has given herself to Father Abelton forgetting about her faithful boyfriend in Latvia. As she knew that Father Abelton was using her all along but the feeling was too strong for her to resist the touch of this old man.

Father Alberton the wicked priest stands and gazes at her little used body walking away without any idea of the wickedness that was just brought to her. He knows deep within that this is the point of no return for this beautiful innocent sexy girl who from now on is his own cum dump.

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