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Katrina and the wicked priests 2 (fm:threesomes, 7464 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: Josh and Bella
Added: Jun 14 2024Views / Reads: 1047 / 825 [79%]Part vote: 9.50 (6 votes)
Two priests manipulate a sexy girl named Katrina into taking their cocks in all her holes, disguising their sinister intentions as a cleansing ritual. As they guide her through these dark rites, they lead her further down a path of corruption and control.

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guidance and support." Abelton nodded, his expression a mask of pious benevolence. But inwardly, he thought with a dark satisfaction, If only you knew the wickedness of the things I have made your daughter do, you would not be thanking me so readily." Father Abelton thinking again about how his big black cock was deep inside Katrina's tight little asshole as she cummed all over him.

Katrina looked at Father Abelton with wide, trusting blue eyes, her voice full of genuine gratitude. "Thank you so much, Father. Your guidance has been such a blessing. I feel like I'm really growing in my faith." Her innocence and naivety shone through every word. Father Abelton smiled, a flicker of sinister satisfaction in his eyes, as he relished the control he held over her.

As they were preparing to leave, Father Abelton's voice cut through the air with practiced ease. "I am pleased to inform you," he began, "that my good friend Father Herod will be visiting tomorrow. It would be wonderful for Katrina to come over and have a beautiful time in the faith with another devout priest."

Mr. and Mrs. Kalina looked at the priest with so much appreciation, their eyes glowing with trust. They readily agreed, believing their daughter would be in the presence of two holy and trusted men.

Katrina, her heart still heavy with guilt from the sermon, looked to her father for approval. After a reassuring nod from him, she agreed as well, her naivety leading her to believe that she was truly embarking on a righteous path. "It will be an honor Father Abelton to meet and learn from father Herod. Thank you."

As they departed, Father Abelton stood at the entrance of the chapel, his gaze dark and lingering on Katrina's retreating figure. His eyes traced the shape of her firm teen's ass, a sinister glint flickering in his eyes. Tomorrow, he thought, would be a day of twisted pleasure cloaked in false sanctity. The anticipation of what lay ahead filled him with a perverse satisfaction, casting a dark shadow over his countenance as he watched her leave.

The next morning, Katrina prepared herself with great anticipation. She undressed slowly, folding her clothes neatly before stepping into the shower. Her pink little pussy lips appearing evermore delicious and her plumped ass so welcoming. Her firm breasts standing with elegance of her youth with her pink nipples hard as the cool wind of the morning breeze caresses them. As the warm water washed over her, she felt a strange tingling sensation in her pussy. It started pulsating, an unfamiliar rhythm that made her pause, confusion flickering in her innocent eyes. She tried to shake off the feeling, attributing it to nerves about the day ahead. After her shower, she dressed in a tight pair of jeans that couldn't hide her beautiful peached-shape ass and a beautiful top that complimented her breast shape. With excitement and anticipation, she made her way to the chapel.

When Katrina arrived, Father Abelton and Father Herod were already there, enjoying their morning cup of coffee. Father Herod, an old black priest in his late sixties, had a gaunt, unsettling presence that somehow combined an aura of comfort with a deep sense of unease. His sharp eyes flickered with something sinister as he looked up from his drink.

Father Abelton greeted Katrina with a predatory smile, his hands possessively resting on her waist as he kissed her cheek. "Welcome, Katrina," he murmured, his voice dripping with false warmth. "I'd like you to meet my esteemed friend and mentor, Father Herod."

Father Herod's gaze locked onto Katrina, his eyes dark with a mixture of lust and malevolence. "It's a pleasure to meet you, my child," he said, his tone deceptively soft while gazing at her beautiful body shape and firm runs breast pushing through her top. "May I have a hug?"

Katrina hesitated, taken aback by the request, but Father Abelton's grip on her waist tightened slightly, urging her forward. She reluctantly stepped into Father Herod's embrace, feeling a shiver of discomfort as he sniffed her delicate blonde hair and his eyes hungrily roved over her figure. With a tight hug, Father Herod locked her body firmly against his, feeling her soft boobs pressing hard against his body and his bony hands pressing into her lower back.

"Such beauty," Father Herod whispered, his voice a sinister caress. Katrina felt a knot of fear tighten in her stomach, but she suppressed it, trusting the priests' words.

Katrina, her voice trembling slightly, replied, "Th-thank you, Father Herod."

Father Abelton, sensing the tension, decided to break the silence. "Why don't you join us for a cup of coffee, Katrina? It would be wonderful for you to get to know Father Herod better."

Katrina nodded, grateful for the chance to sit down and ease her nerves. She took a seat and accepted the cup of coffee that Father Abelton handed her.

Father Abelton: "Katrina has shown remarkable dedication in her spiritual journey, Father Herod. She's truly a beacon of purity and faith."

Father Herod: Smirking slightly "Is that so? It's always refreshing to see such devotion in someone so young.

Father Abelton: "So, Katrina, how have you been finding life here in Mauritius? It's quite different from Latvia, isn't it?"

Katrina: "Oh yes, Father, it's very different. But I love it here so far. The weather is beautiful, and the people are so friendly."

Father Herod: "That's wonderful to hear. And how have you been adjusting to the new surroundings? Any particular favorite spots you've discovered?"

Katrina: "I really enjoy the beach. It's so peaceful and calming. I like to go there and read or just sit and think."

Father Abelton: "It's important to find places where you can feel close to God. The natural beauty here can certainly help with that."

Katrina: "Yes, it really does. I feel very blessed to be here. It's like a fresh start for me and my family."

Father Herod: "And your family, they are adjusting well too?"

Katrina: "Yes, they are. My parents are very happy. They've made a lot of new friends, and they feel very welcomed by the community."

Father Abelton: "That's good to hear. It's important to have a strong support system. And remember, you always have us to guide you as well."

Katrina: Smiling "Thank you, Father. I feel very supported and blessed to have such guidance."

Father Herod: "Tell me, Katrina, how do you find the strength to remain so pure in today's world?"

Katrina: "I just try to focus on my prayers and keep my thoughts clean. I believe that staying close to God helps me resist temptation."

Father Abelton: Nodding "That's very admirable, Katrina. Not many young people can maintain such discipline. It must be quite a challenge, especially with all the distractions around."

Father Herod: "Indeed. It's important to have guidance. Do you feel that your faith has grown stronger since you started these special sessions with Father Abelton?"

Katrina: "Yes, Father. I feel like I'm really growing in my faith and understanding of purity. Father Abelton has been very helpful."

Father Abelton: Smirking, exchanging a knowing glance with Father Herod "I'm glad to hear that, Katrina. It's important to rid oneself of any impure thoughts. Sometimes, the process can be intense, but it's necessary for true deliverance."

Father Herod: Leaning in slightly "And you've been feeling different sensations during these sessions, haven't you, Katrina?"

Katrina: Blushing "Yes, Father. Sometimes I feel strange sensations, but Father Abelton says it's the darkness leaving me."

Father Abelton: "Exactly. It's all part of the process. You must trust us and let go of any fear or hesitation."

Father Herod: With a dark, soothing tone "You are in good hands, Katrina. Together, we will ensure your complete purification."

Katrina: Nodding naively "I trust you, Fathers. I just want to be free of any impure thoughts."

Father Abelton and Father Herod exchange a satisfied glance, their manipulative tactics cloaked in a facade of piety, as Katrina continues to sip her coffee, feeling more at ease in their presence.

Father Abelton, sensing the time was right and his big black cock was throbbing, set his coffee cup down and addressed the group. "Why don't we take things into the office and proceed with the rituals? Today, we are especially blessed to have my mentor, Father Herod, who will guide us through the process."

Katrina felt a flutter of anxiety mixed with anticipation. She remembered the strong sensations she experienced last time and felt that strange pulse again in her tight little pussy. A thin trickle of fluid gathered in her pussy, a sign of her growing anticipation. Despite her apprehension, she nodded anxiously, agreeing to continue.

Father Herod stood up and walked over to Katrina, placing a reassuring hand on her head gliding his fingers through her beautiful silky blonde hair. "You have nothing to worry about, my dear," he said, his voice both comforting and commanding. "Father Abelton will be here with you all along. You are a precious child, and we will take good care of you."

Katrina managed a small, trusting smile, her naive faith in the priests overshadowing her lingering doubts. Father Abelton led her to the office, his hand gently guiding her. Behind them, Father Herod walked slowly, his eyes hungrily admiring her figure as her perfect little ass danced at the rhythm of every step she took. The dim light cast long shadows as the door closed behind them, signaling the beginning of another dark chapter in her deliverance.

They sat down in the office, the atmosphere thick with tension. Father Abelton looked at Katrina, his eyes holding a sinister glint. "It's important that you trust Father Herod completely," he encouraged, his tone firm yet falsely reassuring.

Katrina hesitated, the memories of her previous experience still vivid in her mind as she feels her soft panties getting more wet. But with a deep breath and a nod, she reluctantly agreed, placing her faith once more in the men she believed were guiding her to purity.

Both priests sat in front of Katrina this time, their expressions a blend of authority and sinister intent. "There's no need to head to the confessional," Father Abelton began, his voice low and foreboding. "With both of us here, this is already a safe space for you to undergo your rituals."

Father Herod leaned forward, his eyes glinting with a dark curiosity as he undressed her innocent little teen body in his mind. "I believe you are already familiar with the way we proceed with our confessions, my child."

Katrina nodded, her trust mingled with a reluctant apprehension. She settled into her seat, feeling the weight of their gazes upon her.

"We will both ask you some questions that you must answer with complete trust," Father Herod continued, his tone both commanding and soothing.

"How did you feel after your last ritual of deliverance, my child?" Father Abelton asked, his voice a smooth, dark whisper.

Katrina hesitated, her voice trembling as she began her confession. "S- Since last time, I- I've had these weird sensations in my... my lower body, like a pulsating beat. It - It tickles and itches, and I don't understand why." Her words hung in the air, heavy with the sense of dread that had settled over the room.

Both priests shared a glance, a smirk of approval and wickedness passing between them.

Father Herod's voice took on a more sinister tone as he leaned closer, his eyes gleaming with dark intent. "Can you tell us where exactly in your lower body it pulsates, Katrina? Do not worry, you can speak of anything here. We will guide you."

Katrina swallowed hard, feeling the oppressive weight of their expectant gazes. "It's... it's in my va... vagina," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper as she blushes with shame. "The.. The feeling is strange and persistent." The air seemed to grow colder, the shadows in the room lengthening as she spoke, her words hanging heavily in the oppressive silence.

Father Abelton nodded, his eyes dark with hidden intent. "Oh, I see. It's more challenging than I anticipated. These sensations are the evil spirits trying to reenter your body," he said, his voice dripping with a sinister calm. "But fear not, we will help you through this."

Katrina's heart sank, despair gripping her as she realized there might be no escape from her fleshly ddesires. Seeing her vulnerability, Father Herod leaned in, his tone turning even more manipulative. "But do not worry, my child. We have a solution for you."

His words hung in the air like a dark promise. "Let's not waste any more time. We should begin the rituals immediately." says Father Abelton.

Katrina, her naivety blinding her to their true intentions, nodded in agreement. The priests exchanged a glance, their eyes gleaming with wicked satisfaction as they prepared to continue their twisted ritual.

Father Herod leaned closer to Katrina, feeding on her innocence, his voice a chilling whisper. "I trust that you understand, we must place a blindfold over your eyes to protect your soul from the evil spirits," he said, the words dripping with dark intent.

Katrina nodded, her voice trembling slightly. "Yes, I understand. Father Abelton did the same last time."

Father Herod's lips curled into a sinister smile. "Your willingness to be made pure is truly commendable, Katrina," he praised, his tone deceptively gentle as the two wicked men cautiously guiding this innocent soul into the path of debauchery.

Father Abelton carefully placed the blindfold over Katrina's eyes, his touch deceptively gentle but with a dark intent as he goes around her gazing on her beautiful ass. He paused for a second as the images of his past triumph of conquering that ass comes back to his wicked mind.

"Now, get on your knees, my child," he commanded, his voice a sinister whisper. She complied, her innocence expecting the ritual of cleansing to begin.

"Are you ready?" Father Herod asked, his tone dripping with malevolence.

"Yes, Father," Katrina replied, her voice trembling with naive trust.

Seeing her in such a vulnerable state, the two men takes their fat cock out of their robe and starts stroking it next to the blindfolded beauty. Their eyes gleaming with wicked satisfaction. Father Abelton took the container of holy water, his movements slow and deliberate, and once more, plunged his dick in it and began to sprinkle it over her. Each drop fell like a twisted mockery of the purity she sought, as father Herod kept on jerking off his big black cock which will make any men come shy. Their intentions cloaked in darkness and deceit. The air grew heavy with a sense of impending doom as they prepared to carry out their sinister plans.

Father Herod positioned himself directly in front of Katrina, his figure casting a foreboding shadow over her. "Open your mouth, my child," he commanded, his voice a sinister whisper that sent a chill down her spine. "The rituals are beginning, and soon you will start feeling the forces of darkness leaving your body."

Katrina, her naive trust in the priests blinding her to the malevolent undertones in his voice, obediently opened her mouth wide. Her heart pounded with a mix of fear and anticipation, each beat echoing the room's oppressive silence.

Father Herod's eyes gleamed with a sinister satisfaction as he observed Katrina's compliance. "Very well, my child," he said, his voice dripping with a dark satisfaction. He began to recite a Latin ritual prayer, his tone low and resonant, each word echoing ominously through the dimly lit room with his big cock in his hands ready at any moment to enter forbidden garden.

"Exorcizo te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica..." He says as they both keep on stroking their cocks even harder.

The Latin words filled the air, their meaning lost to Katrina but their intent clear: to manipulate and control. As he chanted, the room seemed to grow colder, the shadows lengthening and deepening around them. Father Abelton stood silently by, a twisted smile playing on his lips as he watched the scene unfold, both men reveling in the dark power they held over the naive girl kneeling before them.

Father Herod and Father Abelton each held their large, ominous-looking cocks firm in their hands. With a calculated, dark smile, Father Herod stepped closer to Katrina. "Open wide, my child," he commanded softly, sliding his massive big black cock into her beautiful mouth.

Katrina instinctively backed off, gasping with surprise and fear. But then she remembered the previous ritual, the priests' assurances that this was part of her purification. Hesitantly, she opened her mouth again and allowed Father Herod's cock to fill it completely.

She sat there, sucking on the enormous cock, her mouth stretched to accommodate its size as her beautiful pink lips wrapped around that massive black cock. The priests watched her intently, their eyes gleaming with a twisted satisfaction

Father Herod pushed his dick deeper into Katrina's mouth, watching as she gagged but did not stop. Tears welled up in her eyes behind the blindfold, but she remained obedient, her naivety compelling her to endure. The room was filled with the ominous murmurs of Latin prayers, their sinister cadence adding to the oppressive atmosphere.

"You're doing a great job, my child," Father Herod whispered reassuringly. "The evil spirits are leaving your body. Stay strong."

After a few agonizing minutes, Father Herod finally withdrew his cock, now dripping with her saliva. He handed her to Father Abelton, who stepped forward with fat cock in his hand.

Father Abelton said, his voice a dark whisper. "Remember Katrina, you are being purified."

He pushed his big black cock deep into her mouth, filling it completely once more. Katrina, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears, accepted it, sucking on his cock as the ritual continued. "You're doing wonderfully," Father Abelton murmured. "The darkness is leaving you. Trust in the process."

The sense of dread deepened with each passing moment, but the priests' constant reassurances kept Katrina obedient, her trust in them overshadowing her growing discomfort.

Father Herod leaned in closer, his eyes glinting with dark curiosity. "Katrina, are you still feeling the pulse and tingling sensation in your vagina?" he asked, his voice a sinister whisper. Katrina, struggling with Father Abelton's cock filling her mouth, nodded and managed to mumble a strained "Yes, Father."

Father Herod's smile widened. "Very good, my child. Now, we have to remove your jeans to expose the evil spirits leaving you. It's important for the next part of the ritual."

With some difficulty, Katrina got onto all fours and father Herod began to lower her tight jeans, exposing her delicate ass and juicy pussy to the cold air of the room. The priests watched intently, their eyes filled with a predatory satisfaction.

Father Herod knelt down behind Katrina's delicate ass and brought his face close to her beautiful plumped ass, inhaling deeply to savor the sweet aroma of her innocence and naivety. "Such innocence," he whispered, a dark satisfaction in his eyes

He began to gently kiss her dripping pussy already moist with the juice of the forbidden fruit as Father Abelton kept on shoving his fat cock deeper into her throat making her gag even more.

Each kiss was soft at first but soon became more fervent and passionate. As his lips moved over her pussy with increasing intensity Katrina moaned with pleasure, her breath hitching with each unexpected touch.

Father Herod proceeds to push his tongues into her pussy which was no longer a virgin one now but still very tight. As Katrina is moaning with so much pleasure, Father Abelton reaches over her perfectly arched back, and pushes one of his fat fingers into her tight pink little asshole. Katrina squirms with pleasure as she lets a loud moan come out of her dick filled mouth.

"AHHH... I CAN FEEL IT LEAVING ME AGAIN FATHERS. I- I- I FEEL IT COMING OUT...." As she squirts all over father Herod's face who drinks her natural juice with a sense of accomplishment.

Father Abelton watched with a sinister smile, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. The dark ritual continued.

Father Herod, his voice laced with dark authority, commanded, "Stand up, my child." Katrina, her body shaking from that overwhelming sensation, struggled to her feet, barely able to keep her balance. Father Abelton stepped forward, his tone deceptively gentle. "Katrina, for the ritual to go deeper, you must remove your clothes completely now."

Katrina hesitated, her sweet teenage body trembling. "But... why, Father?" she asked, her voice a mixture of reluctance and trust.

Father Herod leaned in, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "Because, my dear, true purity requires the full openness of your soul. Your clothes are a barrier. You trusted us before, and we guided you well. Remember, we are here to lead you to complete deliverance."

Father Abelton nodded, his gaze intense and manipulative. "Think of how far you've come already, Katrina. This is the next step. Don't you wish to be free of all impurity? To be truly pure in the eyes of the Lord?"

Katrina bit her lip, the persuasive words of the priests swirling in her mind. With a reluctant nod, she began to remove undress. She removes her top exposing her delicate firm breast. She reluctantly pulls down her pants completely exposing her freshly shaved little pussy swollen and dripping.

"Good," Father Herod murmured, his voice a dark, soothing whisper as the tucked their big black cocks again inside of their robes. "Now my child, we will remove your blindfold. You are ready to learn the secret rites."

Katrina gasped in excitement, her previous hesitation melting away. She stood still as they carefully untied the blindfold, her eyes blinking as she adjusted to the dim light of the room.

As Katrina's eyes adjusted to the dim light, she saw herself standing completely naked, deprived of her clothes, between the two old men who could very well be her grandfathers. A wave of shame washed over her, and she blushed deeply, feeling acutely exposed and quickly proceeds to hide her breasts and pussy using her arms.

Father Herod, sensing her discomfort, stepped forward and spoke in a soothing tone. "Do not feel ashamed, my child. We are professionals, and we have guided many young girls through this path to purity before as his eyes contemplates the curves of her fresh body.

Father Abelton nodded, his voice calm and reassuring. " You are safe with us, Katrina. This Is part of the sacred process, and you are doing wonderfully."

Katrina took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. The priests' words, though cloaked in manipulation, began to soothe her anxiety. She slowly composed herself, accepting the fact that her innocent body was exposed, and tried to focus on the trust she placed in them.

"Th- Th.. Thank you. Fathers." she said quietly, her voice still tinged with uncertainty.

Father Herod and Father Abelton exchanged a dark, knowing glance before turning their attention back to Katrina. "There is a secret rite," Father Herod began, his voice dripping with a sinister undertone, "a very mystical one that can help you fight the evil spirits when you feel attacked by the pulsating in your vagina."

Katrina, still blushing and feeling vulnerable, sat down with a mix of apprehension and anticipation. Her heart raced as she awaited their explanation, the dim light casting eerie shadows on the walls around them.

Father Abelton continued, his voice low and foreboding. "This rite is ancient and powerful, passed down through generations to protect the faithful from darkness. It requires absolute trust and unwavering commitment."

Katrina's eyes widened, a flicker of hope mingling with the fear in her heart. "What must I do, Fathers?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Father Herod leaned closer, his presence almost suffocating. "You must listen carefully and follow our instructions without hesitation. This rite will arm you against the darkness within, but it is not for the faint of heart."

As the room seemed to grow colder, the priests' dark and manipulative words wrapped around Katrina like a vice. She nodded, her anticipation growing despite the ominous atmosphere. "I understand. I will do whatever it takes," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Father Abelton smiled, a chilling satisfaction in his eyes. "Very well, my child. We will begin the secret rite now. Prepare yourself for what is to come."

The room felt even more oppressive as they moved closer, the shadows deepening around them,

Father Herod's voice dropped to a sinister whisper as he began to explain the secret rite. "Katrina, whenever you feel the pulsating in your vagina, you must act quickly to counter the evil spirits. Wet your finger with a little bit of your saliva."

Katrina, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation, nodded obediently. Her hands trembled slightly as she lifted her finger to her mouth, moistening it with her saliva.

Father Abelton leaned in, his tone dark and commanding. "Now, slowly bring your hand to the area where you feel the pulsation. Start massaging your vagina, gently at first."

With the priests' perverted eyes fixed on her, Katrina placed her hand on her vagina, feeling the strange pulsation beneath her fingertips. She began to massage the area gently, her breaths coming in shallow gasps.

"That's it, my child," Father Herod encouraged, his eyes gleaming with a twisted satisfaction and his black cock twitching under his robe, "Increase the pressure slowly. Feel the evil spirits being driven out."

Katrina applied more pressure, her fingers pressing into her pussy with increasing firmness. The sensation was indescribable, almost too much to handle, but she continued, driven by the priests' manipulative guidance.

Father Abelton's voice was a dark caress in her ear. "You are doing well, Katrina. The more pressure you apply, the more you purify yourself. Trust in us."

She continued to massage her pussy as her pussy juice was all over her fingers. The room's oppressive atmosphere closing in around her. The priests watched intently, their expressions a mix of dark anticipation and satisfaction.

"Harder, my child," Father Herod urged, his tone almost commanding. "You must be thorough to rid yourself of the darkness completely."

Katrina obeyed, her fingers digging deeper into her flesh, her gasps turning into soft whimpers. She was determined to follow their guidance, her naive trust in the priests overshadowing her discomfort and fear as she pushes her finger into her wet inviting pussy.

Father Abelton nodded approvingly, a chilling smile playing on his lips. "Excellent, Katrina. You are driving out the darkness. Continue with unwavering faith."

As she persisted, Katrina felt a strange mix of sensations—excitement, fear, and a perverse sense of accomplishment. She clung to the belief that she was purifying herself, completely unaware of the true darkness surrounding her and the manipulative grip the priests had on her.

As Katrina followed the priests' instructions, she felt the pressure in her pussy intensify, each movement of her fingers sending ripples through her body. Her breaths grew more ragged, a mixture of pain and a strange, unsettling relief coursing through her. "I... I I CAN FEEL THEM L.. LEAVING AGAIN..." She moans.

Suddenly, as she pressed harder, she felt a release—a surge of pressure escaping her pussy, leaving her gasping. The sensation was overwhelming, almost dizzying.

Father Herod's voice cut through the haze. "That's it, my child. You are purging the darkness. Let it all out."

Katrina's eyes fluttered shut, her body trembling as the pressure continued to dissipate. She could barely comprehend the rush of sensations, her mind reeling from the intensity of the experience. In the dim light of the room, the priests' dark figures loomed over her, their presence a twisted source of comfort as she sought deliverance from the forces within her.

As Katrina reached the peak of the intense sensation, the two priests moved to stand beside her, their presence looming ominously. "Prepare yourself for the next part of the ritual," Father Abelton intoned, his voice dark and commanding.

Katrina, still reeling from the overwhelming feelings, nodded in acceptance.

Without warning, both priests pulled out their enormous cocks and placed them near Katrina's beautiful face. She gasped in shock, her eyes widening in disbelief. She quickly stood up, confusion and fear etching her features. "What is this about?" she stammered.

Father Herod stepped closer, his tone insidiously soothing. "Do not be alarmed, my child. This is part of the cleansing ritual."

Katrina's voice trembled as she spoke, "But... I thought this is a sin."

Father Abelton shook his head, his eyes gleaming with dark intent. "Not with us, Katrina. We are holy men, and our bodies are blessed. This is necessary to drive out the remaining evil spirits."

Father Herod guided her back down, his hands firm but deceptively gentle. "You must trust us, my dear. Now, you need to take both of our cocks in your mouth to cleanse it from all the evil spirits."

Katrina's heart pounded in her chest, her mind a whirlwind of confusion and fear. But the priests' manipulative words and commanding presence overpowered her doubts. Reluctantly, she opened her mouth, her naive faith in their supposed holiness compelling her to follow their dark instructions.

The priests took turns placing their enormous cocks into Katrina's mouth. As each one entered, she felt her mouth stretch wide, an initial wave of discomfort washing over her. However, to her surprise, an unexpected feeling of excitement began to stir within her.

Father Abelton was the first, his movements slow and deliberate as he pushed his Big Black Cock deep into her mouth. Katrina gagged slightly, her eyes watering, but the sensation of the dick filling her mouth brought a strange sense of pleasure.

"Good, Katrina," Father Herod murmured, his voice dark and soothing. "You are doing wonderfully. Feel the evil spirits being driven out."

Katrina, her mind a whirl of conflicting emotions, found herself leaning into the experience. She gagged as Father Abelton pushed his cock deeper, but she continued to suck on it passionately, the mixture of fear and excitement heightening her senses.

Then, it was Father Herod's turn. He guided his big cock into her mouth with a steady hand, watching intently as her lips stretched around it. Katrina's initial resistance melted away, replaced by a bizarre sense of exhilaration. She gagged again, her breath hitching as his cock reached the back of her throat, but the priests' constant reassurances kept her going.

"You're doing a great job, my child," Father Abelton whispered, his voice filled with a twisted satisfaction. "Embrace the ritual. Feel the purity taking over."

Katrina's heart raced as she passionately sucked on the cocks, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the experience. The oppressive atmosphere of the room seemed to press in on her, but she continued, driven by a mix of manipulation, fear, and a perverse sense of duty.

The priests praised her efforts, their voices a mix of dark satisfaction and false reassurance. "You're doing wonderfully, my child,"Father Abelton murmured, his eyes gleaming with twisted pleasure as his cock is buried deep into her throat,. "The ritual is going perfectly.

After a few minutes, he removed his cock from her mouth, allowing her a moment to catch her breath.

"Now, sit on Father Abelton's lap," Father Herod instructed, his tone commanding yet deceptively gentle. "He will carry forward the ritual while I continue to purify your mouth my sweet Katrina."

Katrina, her mind clouded by the overwhelming sensations and the priests' manipulative words, nodded in acceptance. She climbed onto Father Abelton's lap, her body trembling with a mixture of anticipation and residual fear.

Father Abelton carefully turns her to face him, open her legs so that he can get in the middle of her body, where the secret garden lies. Katrina's wet pussy is just a few inches away from Father Abelton's throbbing cock. The old priest placed his fat cock on her wet pulsing tight pink pussy, his touch slow and deliberate.

"This cock has a special power to remove the power of darkness from your insides, including the pulses and twitches," he reassured her, his voice a dark whisper in her ear.

As she settled onto his lap, Father Abelton pushes his big black cock into her tight little 18-years old pussy. The sensation of his big cock in her pussy sent waves of strange feelings through her mind. She moans and gasps, her body reacting to the unexpected intensity. Meanwhile, she obediently resumed sucking on Father Herod's enormous cock, her mouth and tiny pussy stretching to accommodate both their cocks.

"Feel the power of the ritual, Katrina," Father Abelton murmured to her ears, his hands steadying her as she continued. "Embrace the purity it brings."

"Katrina's mind swirled with conflicting emotions, her body responding to the dual sensations of the cocks and the priests' manipulative presence. She sucked and ate Father Herod Big black cock as she was being filled by Father Abelton's big black cock. She was now the slut of the priests.

As the sensations washed over her, Katrina couldn't help but react with gasps and moans, her body responding to the intensity of the experience.

"Oh... Father, I can feel it... it's so strong," she gasped, her breath hitching with each word.

"This... this cock, it feels... different," she moaned, her eyes fluttering shut as she succumbed to the strange pleasure.

"I can feel the pulses... they're changing," she whispered, her voice trembling with a mix of excitement and confusion.

"It's... it's working, Father. I can feel the evil leaving me," she managed to say, her voice filled with naive trust.

"Please, don't stop.. it feels so... intense," she murmured, her body trembling as she continued to suck on Father Herod's big cock.

Father Herod slowly withdrew his cock from Katrina's mouth, his cock coated with her saliva and her face glistening with drool. The old black priest moved behind her, his presence a dark and foreboding shadow. With a firm yet deceptively gentle grip, he helped her lean forward onto Father Abelton, who wrapped his arms around her with a twisted sense of possession.

Father Herod stood there gazing at her tight pussy being penetrated thoroughly by Father Abelton. He saw her tiny asshole pulsating with every thrust. He comes closer and gently placed his large erect veiny cock on the opening of her tight asshole, the warm, slimy head of his dick sending a jolt of shock through Katrina's body.

Father Herod proceeds to, with one powerful thrust penetrate her tiny asshole that clenches around his thick dick. As she felt the unexpected move, Katrina gasped loudly, a sound of pure surprise escaping her lips. "AAHHHHH- AHHHHHH WH- WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?"

"Do not worry my child, I am purifying your insides. Trust me, you are working well." Father Herod says with a soft whisper to her ear hiding his real intensions of using her like a cheap whore.

"B- But Father, I- I poop from there..." Katrina says with a very shy tone to her voice.

"No my child, not right now. Feel the power, my child," Father Herod whispered, his voice a sinister blend of assurance and false comfort. "This will help to drive out the remaining darkness."

Katrina, overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensations and the manipulative words of the priests, could only gasp and moan, her mind clouded with a mix of fear and misplaced trust.

"I- I can feel the powers leaving. It's.... Mmmmm... It's coming, don't STOP... IT'S COMING...... AAAHHHHHHHHH" Katrina moans out as she squirts all over the dick of Father Abelton in her pussy and as her ass tightens around Father Herod's massive cock railing her insides. The room seemed to close in around her, the shadows deepening as the dark ritual continued, pulling her further into their insidious control.

Father Abelton withdrew his Big cock from her tight wet puss, his eyes gleaming with dark intent as her pussy juice was all over his dick.. "Now open your legs wider, and get on all fours," he commanded, his voice a blend of authority and twisted persuasion.

Katrina, her mind clouded with a mix of fear and misplaced trust, obediently complied. She positioned herself on all fours, feeling the vulnerability of her position.

Father Abelton and Father Herod, each old priest placed their massive cocks into her tight little asshole. Her tiny little asshole being stretched by the two huge BBC as she keeps on moving to the rhythm of their thrusts.

"Feel the power my child" Father Herod said "Yeah take it all in Katrina" Father Abelton exclaimed said as they feel that they are about to cum.

Katrina lets out another huge moan this time her voice raspy and squeamish as she contorts to the pleasures of two BBCs into her asshole as she cuts hardly on their thrusting cocks.

The two priest explode their load into her tight asshole as their cum spurt inside of her.

"What is this warm feeling oozing out of me Fathers?" Katrina said.

"Do not worry my child, this is the juice of purity. Your inner being has been purified now." Father Abelton said with a soft whisper to her ear.

Father Herod and Father Abelton removed their cocks from Katrina's ass. They then brought their cocks to her mouth.

"Clean them, my child, suck the last drop out of them" Father Abelton commanded, his voice dark and commanding.

Katrina, overwhelmed by the intensity of the ritual, obediently opened her mouth. As she sucked on their cocks, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. The pressure that had been building inside her seemed to dissipate, replaced by a strange sense of calm and contentment.

The priests watched with dark satisfaction as she cleaned their cocks, her eyes fluttering shut in relief at the beautiful feeling that now coursed through her.

As Katrina knelt there, still covered in cum from their big black cocks oozing from her ass and on her face, her phone suddenly rang. The unexpected sound pierced the heavy atmosphere of the room. The priests exchanged a quick, dark glance and nodded.

"Answer it, my child," Father Abelton commanded softly.

Katrina, her hands trembling, picked up her phone and saw it was her mother calling, Mrs Kalina. "Hello, mama," she greeted, her voice shaky.

On the other side of the line, she heard a familiar male voice. "Hello, Katrina, SURPRISE!!!!! I am in Mauritius. I have come to visit you, my sweet love."

It was her boyfriend, a 20-year-old devout Catholic named Janis. "Your mom told me all about your involvement with the chapel and Father Abelton. I will be here for a few months with your family. I cannot wait to see you and meet the priest. See you soon."

Her voice still shaking, Katrina struggled to compose herself. "Janis... that's wonderful. I can't wait to see you too."

She hesitated, glancing at the priests who slides their cum dripping cocks again into her mouth before continuing. "I'm so happy you're here." She said with a muffled voice.

"I'll see you soon," she said faintly, her voice barely holding together.

After the call ended, The priests removed their cocks from her mouth. Katrina slowly gets back up, puts her clothes back on, the weight of the ritual and the unexpected phone call pressing down on her. The priests watched her intently, their eyes gleaming with dark anticipation.

"We will see you next week, same time, and bring your boyfriend along" Father Herod said, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

Katrina nodded, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. "Y- Yes, Father," she murmured, her voice filled with a mix of trust and confusion.

As Katrina walked away, her figure slowly disappearing into the shadows, Father Herod turned to Father Abelton, a sinister smile curling his lips.

"Next week, I shall invite five other friends who will help us in the rituals," he said, his voice dripping with malevolent anticipation.

Father Abelton's eyes gleamed with dark excitement. "Excellent. We shall take her further than ever before."

The two priests watched the chapel doors close behind Katrina as they gaze on her plumped ass filled with their cum walking away, their minds already plotting the next dark chapter of their twisted ritual, the foreboding silence of the chapel echoing with their unspoken intentions.

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blazendad (rick) writes Mon 17 Jun 2024 16:53:

Very good story. Hope the next chapter will be ready soon


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