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The Pickup - part 2 (fm:threesomes, 2942 words) [2/2] show all parts

Author: slobuild
Added: Jun 15 2024Views / Reads: 1696 / 1307 [77%]Part vote: 10.00 (16 votes)
After picking up a girl at a bus stop and having amazing sex, Tony's best friend gets invited to the party

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"Call him back and we can find out."

I thought about this. He was never going to believe me. It would be worth it just to see the look on his face. I wondered if he would be up for it. Probably, knowing Mick.

"Okay, if you are sure." I said after a moment.

I dialled Mick's number. He answered first ring.

"Oh. Hello. You changed your mind then Tony?"

"Well not exactly. It's just that my lady friend here needs a fresh cock to play with. She wants your big one."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Get the DVD player warmed up and the pizza menu out. I'll be there in two minutes."

He hung up.

"Oh, this will be fun." said Vicky. "Should I answer the door naked and blow him in the hallway, or just be reclining naked on the couch when he comes in do you think?"

"I reckon, on the couch. His face will be a picture. I want to see that."

I threw on a tee shirt and some shorts and we went downstairs. I knew we didn't have long. Vicky arranged herself naked at the end of the couch, facing the door and sat with one leg on the floor and one leg up. She looked so hot and I decided to stand behind the couch to hide my erection from Mick. It was quite obvious. There was a quiet knock at the door.

"Ready?" I asked Vicky.

"Yeah." she said with a smile. I positioned myself where I could see both of them.

"Come in. The door is unlocked." I called.

I heard Mick come in the door and could hear him taking his shoes off in the hall. He was still very fastidious about that. My wife had always insisted he did it. He started talking before he got in the room.

"This is so hot, you are not going to believe it." he said, voice getting closer "There is so much cock and pussy and there is a girl on it who is just awesome at hand and blow jobs and she ends up getting totally covered in..."

Tony stopped, mouth open holding up the DVD and some beers. He looked at me and back at Vicky to make sure he wasn't imagining things.

"I am probably that girl." said Vicky softly. There was silence for a few seconds. Mick's face was an absolute picture.

"Anyway, what did she get covered in? Do go on, I so want to know." asked Vicky innocently.

Mick looked at me, then back at Vicky. His mouth started working, but no sound came out to begin with. Eventually he found words.

"She, er, well she got. Well I mean she was good at making the men, er, you know, ejaculate. And well, she didn't always get it in her mouth, and well, it was a bit messy really and you probably wouldn't like it. But I enjoyed it. Sorry."

"What makes you think I wouldn't like that?" asked Vicky, turning the knife.

"Well, I mean you are a respectable type of girl I imagine."

Vicky laughed.

"I am reclining here naked with my legs open fingering my wet pussy on your mate's sofa at 12.30 am. Explain to me, what part of that is respectable?"

"Yeah. When you put it like that. I guess it is not what I am used to seeing here. Or anywhere I visit for that matter. Would you enjoy watching it then. I can put it on if you want."

"No. I don't want to watch that sort of filth." said Vicky firmly

Mick was floundering like a fish out of water. I felt sorry for him. Vicky was such a tease.

"Oh. Okay. Sorry, I just thought...well I really don't know what I thought. I'm sorry, Okay."

"Why on earth would I want to watch stuff like that?" continued Vicky making Mick squirm a bit more.

"Sorry for suggesting it. I'm a bit out of my depth here and I just say stupid things sometimes. Can I just go out and come back in and start again."

"No. You just stand there and take what is coming to you. I don't want to watch that sort of stuff because it is degrading of women, and anyway it is so much more fun to just do it. So, show me your cock for a start. I want to know if it really is twice as big as Tony's."

Mick's discomfort and confusion suddenly went to a whole new level. He looked at me desperately for guidance. I had to rescue him before he just took to his heels and ran. That would spoil things.

"Don't worry Mick. Just go with the flow mate, it took me a while to get up to speed with Vicky too. You will enjoy it I'm sure if you do as she asks. I certainly have so far."

Mick looked uncertain.

"Go on big boy. Let me see it."

"Go on Mick. It's okay with me if you want to do it. I'm not interested in your cock; only interested to see what Vicky does with it."

Mick reached a decision and opened his trousers, glancing between me and Vicky - mostly Vicky - trying to judge if he was doing the right thing. His trousers dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them. I could see he was getting hard.

"Keep going big boy." said Vicky.

Mick pushed his shorts down and his cock was rapidly reaching full erection. I could feel mine stiffening too at the anticipation of seeing what Vicky did with Mick.

"Your shirt too now please." said Vicky quietly. Mick complied without hesitation. He was getting up to speed with the situation now.

Vicky uncoiled herself slowly off the couch and went and stood in front of Mick. I could see Mick breathing heavily. He was fully erect now. He was bigger than me. Not twice the size, but definitely bigger. Vicky knelt down in front of Mick. She reached out and grasped his hard shaft and slowly began to pump it.

"Feels good to me, Mick. How does it feel to you? Do you want to cover my tits with your hot creamy cum like the girl in the movie? I bet she got it on her tits, didn't she?"

"Feels awesome to me, yes, I would, and yes, she did. To answer your three questions."

"That's exactly what I thought. Your cum on my tits would not be enough for me though. I want more. I want Tony's too." said Vicky with a smile.

"Come here too Tony."

I didn't need asking twice. Within about five seconds I was naked and standing next to Mick. Vicky bit her lip, smiled and took me in her other hand.

Mick glanced across at me and said.

"What the fuck? Care to explain?"

"Later Mick. Just concentrate on the job in hand."

"The job in my hands." corrected Vicky "All you have to do is cover me in cum."

Vicky was very good at jerking cocks. She went at us both relentlessly. I had quite recently shot my load and I thought there was a good chance that Mick had released some pressure in his balls while watching his beloved porn flick. Therefore, it took a little while to get the sap rising again, but nobody was complaining. Every so often Vicky would give one of her hands a break and suck us. That didn't warrant any complaints either.

Mick started making noises which said to me that he was imminent and for some reason that brought me closer. Who'd have thought that? Soon Mick thrust his hips forward and cried out. Vicky was ready and she caught his load all over her beautiful tits. I had never seen another man cum on a woman's tits (or anywhere for that matter) in real life. I found I loved it. Vicky jerked me harder and I soon released a surprisingly substantial load on her tits.

Vicky was clearly loving it. She leant forward and used our cocks like spoons to scoop our cum into her eager mouth.

When she was satisfied that there was no more, Vicky stood up and moved over to the couch, sitting with her legs open.

Vicky patted the spaces either side of her.

"Come on boys. My turn now. Vicky wants another orgasm. Forget the DVD, come and suck my tits and let's all have some fun on my red button."

We didn't need telling twice

Mick and sat either side of Vicky. We each grabbed one of her tits and began caressing and squeezing. Vicky moaned softly with pleasure. She opened her legs an began vigorously rubbing her clit and pussy. She was very wet. This went on for a minute or so and Vicky said.

"Come on guys I'm ending up doing all the work here. One of you needs to take over."

I looked across at Mick.

"Go for it Mate." I said.

Eagerly Mick got up of the sofa and dropped to his knees between Vicky's legs. I saw him lick his lips and then his head dropped down between Vicky's legs. I'm not sure exactly what Mick was doing with his lips and tongue but Vicky clearly loved it. Her body stiffened and she arched her back and gasped loudly.

I took full advantage of her tits being thrust upwards. I went to work on those beautiful quivering orbs with my mouth. Tasting the saltiness of our recent deposits there. I did not care in the least, I found.

Mick's big hands were pushing Vicky's legs wider and wider apart to give him better access to her wet juicy sex orchid. Vicky was trembling and her body was rigid. I could tell as I nibbled her nipples and sucked them hard while crushing her tits in my hands that she was approaching an orgasm. It felt like it was going to be a big one.

Suddenly Vicky cried out.

"Fuuuuuuck yesss. Oh wow! Keep going guys. Don't you dare stop now!"

Not that we needed any encouragement to keep going of course. I think we both wanted her to cum as much as she did.

Suddenly without further warning Vicky reached orgasm. It was like a switch was flicked in her body. She convulsed and moaned and eventually sobbed as we both kept working on her. Wave after wave of pleasure swept over her. I thought it would never end. Women are lucky in the length of their orgasms.

Eventually Vicky collapsed, her body limp. Mike and i came up for air and settled down beside her on the sofa caressing her limp sweaty but beautiful body.

Mick and I looked at each other.

"Bet you never expected that did you mate?" I said to Mick.

"No. I never." replied Mick. "You kept this beauty quiet. How long have you known her?"

"About two and a half hours...maybe three." I replied

"Fucking hell!" said Mick. "What's your secret?"

"Damned if I know. Wish I did."

Vicky was quiet for several minutes while she came down from that wonderful place that her orgasm had taken her.

"Wow guys!" she eventually said. "That was awesome. Shower time now though."

Vicky got up and looked at us sternly.

"On my own you pervy fuckers. I can read you both like books. But when I get back you had both better be ready to fuck me."

Vicky walked out of the room.

"Have you fucked her already mate?" asked Mick.

"Yes, I have. She is an amazing fuck."

"I can believe that." said Mick

"Not sure if I can again though. She has made me cum three times already. You go first mate, when she gets back. Let's have one of your beers. We've got time."

We did have time. We each had a beer and then a quick shower and were back contemplating another beer when Vicky walked in once more. She looked absolutely amazing.

"Miss me guys?" she asked innocently.

"What do you think?" asked Mick. "Tony is lovely, but his cock does nothing for me. You on the other hand do a lot for me."

"I can do more....for us all. Who's up for a doggy fuck?

"Me! Me!" said Mick enthusiastically,

"Ok big boy. Let's see if your cock is as good as your tongue. Let's get him pumped up."

Vicky knelt between us and took a cock in each hand. I was amazed how quickly she got us both hard, by stroking and wanking us.

Satisfied that she had done enough, Vicky got on all fours on the rug in front of the sofa. Mick looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I nodded to him. He shuffled round behind Vicky on his knees.

I had never seen sex before that moment - except on video. I found it very exciting watching Mick enter Vicky's eager pussy, I loved watching her tits swing as he fucked her and most unexpectedly loved the look of Mick's cock sliding in and out of Vicky's wet and vet open cunt. I must have looked a bit like that earlier I realised. Clearly doggy was one of Vicky's favourites.

I watched for a minute or so and then began to feel left out. I instinctively went an knelt in front of Vicky. She lived up to her reputation as a slut and took my cock in her mouth. There she was being spit roasted...in my living room and I loved it.

It took a while....but no complaints there. Mick deposited his second load of the night - plus whatever else he had done in front of his DVD. Shortly afterwards Vicky's next orgasm washed over her, It was as intense as her previous ones. I was so glad she was having a good time with the old guys. That left just me. Vicky kept going and a minute or two later I could feel it starting to happen. Mick wasn't complaining. He was still deep inside Vicky, just slowly massaging his satisfied cock; DVD long forgotten.

My balls were aching as the pressure built up once more. Vicky's mouth felt amazing as she worked her magic on it. Somewhere from deep in my reserves I felt a round enter the chamber. I was ready to shoot.

"I'm gonna cum." I managed to say.

"Mmmmmmgghh" Vicky seemed to approve.

I felt the lovely sensation as my cum surged up my overworked cock. I don't think there was very much, but it still felt so good. Vicky eagerly swallowed it down and after a short while she released me.

We all collapsed together on the sofa. I for one feeling totally spent and satisfied. Four times in one session. I was amazed I could still manage.

We were silent for a couple of minutes, and then Mick said.

"Anyone fancy ordering pizza?"

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This is part 2 of a total of 2 parts.
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