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For Zoe (fm:one-on-one, 2015 words)

Author: slobuild
Added: Jun 23 2024Views / Reads: 1042 / 531 [51%]Story vote: 10.00 (6 votes)
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Shall I find out?

Still sucking one nipple hard and caressing your other breast.

Squeezing moulding and stroking...my free hand slides round your back and begins to work that soft simple, beautiful dress over your hips.

It drops away. Making the slightest of sounds as it slithers downn your legs and gathers at your feet

I cannot see....are you naked?

My hand travels down over the smooth skin of your bum. Deliciously smooth....deliciously bare.

Oh wow! You are naked Zoe. Naked in the soft silvery moonlight.

Exposed! Bare! Beautiful!

My hand slides down your back to meet the other one on your firm cheeks.

I massage and squeeze hard. Digging my fingers into the firm muscular flesh there.

Lips following

Kissing my way down your sexy body, So beautiful in the soft moonlight...at the water's edge.

Your pussy looks wonderful...so deliciously kissable. I just have to do that...

I shuffle backwards, closer to the water's edge. Pulling your legs with me. It is only a narrow jetty on which we stand.

You get the message and lean back against the warm brickwork behind you. Reaching up you hold onto the railings above you. Now I can get between your legs

Right in front of me is the most gorgeous sight. Your excited pussy. Moist looking and inviting.

So inviting.

I extend my tongue to gently probe your lips.

I hear you gasp...and feel you shudder.

With pleasure and anticipation of the more intense sensations that you just know wil come.

"Yess! Do it! Do it to me!" I hear you whisper.

I cannot deny you. I need to satisfy your desire. To make your journey here worthwhile.

Teasing you, I pause for a moment...teasing us both. I want it as much as you do.

I can feel your body trembling as you wait.

I count to ten in my head.

Without further warning I plunge my tongue between your moist lips and wriggle it around.

I feel your body tense. Hear your little cry in the otherwise silent night.

Working my tongue in and I furiously stimulate your pussy lips and your clit. Opening you making you wetter and more excited.

After a few seconds I stop to let you catch your breath.

Slowly, gently I probe again with my tongue. A contrast to the previous rapid movements.

I place one palm flat either side of your juicy cunny and part your sweet lips using my thumbs on your mound to ease them apart.

Your clit is engorged and erect

Gently tenderly I begin to work on it with my tongue

Round and round it.

Probing it

Licking it gently.

Your body is trembling continually

I look up and see your beatiful tits quivering in the moonlight

Beyond them your face filled with an expression of pure excitement and pleasure

"Cum for me Zoe." I whisper. "Cum on my tongue."

"Ooooh fuuuck yess. Make me cum. Please make me cum. I am so desperate for it."

How can I deny you?

Gently sensually I resume probing.



Worshipping your gorgeous body.

I no longer need to hold you open with my thumbs

You have opened up for me like the petals of a flower.

Eager for attention

Your clit is so hard and engorged

So eager for more

I give it to you

Gently sensually respectfully.

Pleasuring your beautiful body as you deserve it to be pleasured.

My hands wander up over your smooth belly.

Muscles taut with anticipation of the building climax.

Then on up to your beautiful pert tits

I feel those gorgeous mounds under my hands

The feel so delightful

I squeeze them

Stroke them

Pull at your hard dark brown nipples. So beautiful.

Your breathing is becoming ragged.


Your soft moans the only sound in the night.

A stray cloud moves across the moon

It is suddenly much darker...as if a storm is coming.

There is a storm coming....but not from the sky.

From your beautiful naked body,

I can feel the storm building.

An orgasmic storm.

Driving you wild now with my tongue on your clit.

My hands on your tits.

Your body is tense.

Desperate for release

Craving it.

Wanting it to go on in this intense way...yet wanting it to be over.

Yearning for that release of energy

Pure sexual energy.

"Cum for me Zoe." I whisper loudly to you.

That does it.

As if permission is given.

The dam breaks and I feel your body convulsing under my hands

Such a wonderful orgasm. Wave after wave of pure sexual pleasure.

Your cry splits the night at the absolute climax.

Gradually the waves subside. Leaving you washed up on the shore resting in the shallows.

Your body relaxes

My cock is so hard now. So stiff in my shorts after feeling, tasting and hearing such a beautiful orgasm

As soon as your breathing recovers a bit. I stand up and pull you upright too. So you are no longer leaning on the wall at an unnatural angle.

I kisss your neck and whisper in your ear

"Suck it for me Zoe. Suck my hard cock. It needs your attention"

Dutifully you sink to your knees. I hand you my tee shirt to kneel on. I don't need it and the stone floor is hard.

I feel your hands on my shorts. Your hands trace the outline of my aching cock through the fabric. So good yet such a tease. I want it out. I want skin to skin. Lips to skin. Tongue to skin!

I feel you slowly un buttoning and un-zipping. I am dying from anticipation here. Suddenly I feel the warm evening air flowing round my cock and balls. My shorts fall to the ground. I step out of them.

My throbbing cock is in the open-air inches from your lush lips.

You look up at me and smile coyly.

The anticipation is killing me. It is almost painful.

You edge closer and closer. Teasing us both I think.

I see your head dart forward and then feel the sensation of your sweet lips kissing the tip of my cock...briefly.

Felt so good.

You lick your lips. Moistening them and making them glisten in the moonlight

I ache for their touch once more.

Slowly your head moves forward and kisses the sensitive tip of my cock once more.

This time slowly, sensuously.

You can probably imagine how good it feels....maybe like having your clitoris kissed, I guess.

My cock head disappears into your mouth...and I feel your tongue roll round and round the tip.


You release me and straight away run your tongue along the length of my stiff cock.

Feeling the ridges. Exciting me no end.

Up and down

Up and down goes your tongue. Making my cock wet and glistening in the moonlight.

Your hand cups my full balls and my cock disappears into your mouth once more.

This time you take it deep

Sooo deep.

I can feel my cock against the back of your throat.

Balls deep in your hot mouth.

Sooo goood!

Fuck Zoe you are a wonderful cock sucker

A natural

I place my hands on your head as you start slowly to bob up and down my straining shaft

With the previous excitement of feeling you cum and now this wonderful sensation all over my cock I know I cannot hold out for long.

I will erupt for you Zoe

I release your head

Your eyes look up to me


A nice girl

A nice girl turned Slut

A moonlight slut.

"I will cum soon Zoe. Be ready!" I whisper.

You go back to licking the tip of my cock...perhaps holding the eruption off...perhaps not

It feels so fucking good Zoe

My balls are aching.

Aching for release

I so want to cum for you Zoe...but at the same time want this to go on forever.

You smile up at me cheekily.

Your lips release me

Your hand grasps my shaft.

I have no idea what you are about to do...but it is so exciting.

You kneel up higher and begin to rub my wet cock head on your nipples

Your beautiful dark, hard nipples.

That is just so sexy.

My wet cock making trails on your tits as you drag it across to the other nipple.

Round and round you make it go.

That is just so hot. I love it.

I can feel a burning sensation in my balls

Which moves to the base of my cock

"Gonna cum Zoe!"

"Let me slut you. Let me cum slut you by creaming your beautiful tits!"

You smile up at me again.

I know it is what you want.

"You are such a wanton slut Zoe! You want me to cum on your sexy tits don't you,"

I see and feel you rubbing my Cock faster around your right tit. Deforming it, tormenting my cock with the friction of it.

"Zoe I'm gonna cum!"

"I want to cream your tits so badly! Splatter them! Cover them!"

I hear you giggle with excitement.

"You want it too, don't you, slutty girl"

Round and round you go.

Running it over your tits.

My cock starts to pulse and the burning sensation surges up my throbbing shaft.

You feel it too. You know what is happening.

I feel you pump it with your hand. Totally unnecessary at this point but it feels so good.

Creamy cum erupts from the slit of my cock head...and splatters onto your gorgeous sexy tits.

Spunk covered slutty tits

There is so much cum... so much cum for your beautiful tits Zoe.

Creamy slippery dripping tits

You are well slutted now Zoe.

Sexy slutty nice girl Zoe.

Zoe with spunky tits. Beautiful spunky tits.

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Lyn writes Sun 23 Jun 2024 19:08:

Love it

Lyn xxx


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