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Get a Room! (fm:adultery, 2072 words) [1/3] show all parts

Author: Bloomgirl
Added: Jun 24 2024Views / Reads: 2250 / 1855 [82%]Part vote: 10.00 (15 votes)
My young work colleague, Felix, didn't understand the phrase "Get a room". He certainly received an education at our works function

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"I never know whether you are being serious or having a joke with me!" Felix said, blushing from his ears to the tip of his nose.

I laughed. I knew what he meant, I was always teasing him in way or another. "This time, I'm serious. You are good at this job, you deserve to finally get the permanent contract,"

I liked Felix, though it hadn't always been the case. When he first started with us, I found him annoying, but I quickly warmed to him and I took him under my wing and helped him learn the job.

"It's thanks to you, Liz," he smiled. "If you hadn't been so patient when I was learning..."

"Oh please you two! Get a room!" John, our colleague rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Get a room? I don't understand this phrase?"

Because Felix's English is so good, I often forget its not his first language and that he sometimes didn't understand the British sarcasm or sayings.

"He means that if we want to continue our mutual appreciation, we should take this in private where John doesn't have to listen to us!" I felt myself blushing. It wasn't quite what John meant, but I wasn't about to go into what it actually meant. Truth is, one of the reasons I'd changed my mind about Felix was that I found him attractive, and I know I wasn't always good at hiding it. I would never do anything about it of course, I'm a married woman for a start (not necessarily happily married but married none the less) and he's also young enough to be my son, but it doesn't stop a woman from appreciating a good looking man.

"I get it, it's not British to praise each other in public. You guys are so funny sometimes!"

I breathed a sigh of relief, he had accepted my explanation. I shot John a look who was desperately trying not to laugh. We were saved by the boss walking in and asking me to join a zoom meeting with our partners in the States, and I picked up my laptop to go and log in from a quiet office.

When I cam out a couple of hours later, everyone had gone home. It was strange because it was early, but a quick look at my emails told me why - we were expected to attend a drinks reception at the hotel across the road later, a social thing organised by one of our big customers. It was one of those things that it would be noted if you didn't go, so it seemed everyone had packed up early to go home and get changed. I did the same.

Just as I got home, there was a text message from Sam, my husband. He was "working late" and told me not to wait up for him because he wasn't sure how long he would be. I frowned. It had been a while since he'd worked late - the last time he was doing it on a regular basis turned out he was bending his secretary over his desk and fucking her. He was caught by a colleague, who threatened to go to their boss if it didn't stop. The secretary handed in her notice the next day and Sam got away with it. I should have left him I suppose, but he swore it was over and that it wouldn't happen again. Until now, I had no reason to think he being unfaithful again.

I stood looking into the mirror on the wardrobe door, two dresses in my hands. I held up my usual "business function" dress in front of me, frowning. Maybe Sam really was working late, but given his past I doubted it. I wondered how long it had taken to seduce the new secretary. I put the other dress in front of me. A black cocktail dress, classy, but perhaps a little more revealing than I would normally wear for a work thing, but then I figured, what the hell! I needed to feel good and confident despite my anger that my husband was probably cheating on me again.

The dress clung to my figure and had tiny straps with a plunging neckline, there was no way I could wear a bra, and I had to hunt out my tiniest pair of panties. Add in a pair of high heels, I suddenly felt like a million dollars. Maybe it wasn't appropriate for the occasion,

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Lyn writes Mon 24 Jun 2024 14:12:

OOh been there done that !

Lyn xxx


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