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Get a Room! (fm:anal sex, 2025 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Bloomgirl
Added: Jun 24 2024Views / Reads: 695 / 626 [90%]Part vote: 10.00 (9 votes)
The evening continues and Felix takes things further

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The function was still in full swing when I got back. Felix was talking to someone near the bar and I was about to go over to get a drink when I had a glass thrust into my hand by John.

"So, you and the German... I don't think anyone else noticed, but you were gone for a while. Its been obvious for weeks you two fancy each other so I gave him a bit of a nudge earlier..."

"I'm married," I said.

"To a guy who was cheating on you for months. Don't forget it was me that listened to you when you found out. I still say you should have left him,"

I frowned, remembering the text message Sam had sent earlier. "Yeah, well. It is what it is."

"I'm glad I clued Felix in. You two have obviously been having some fun and you deserve it. Think carefully about where you go from here. Giving your husband a taste of his own medicine would be satisfying right?"

"I didn't do it just to get back at Sam," I said. John just smiled and walked away.

I was a bit angry to be honest, but maybe John had a point and had hit a nerve. If I hadn't had that text message, would I have ended up in that cupboard and allowed Felix to fuck me? And where did it go from here? I had to push all thoughts to the back of my head because I was being summoned by the boss who wanted to introduce me to a client, and I spent the next half an hour or so talking business. I hadn't noticed Felix disappear from the bar.

When I couldn't see him, I decided I should probably go home. I started to head to reception to see if they could call a taxi for me but was approached by Graham who shared our office. He handed me a card.

"Felix said to give you this, he thinks you dropped it when you were talking earlier. He was going to give it to you himself but didn't want to interupt your conversation and he had to leave,"

The card had the hotel details on, and inside was a plastic key card. I muttered a thank you to Graham, but was a little confused. The only other information on the card was the number 734, which I assumed was the room number that the key card was for. Then curiosity took over. I decided to go and find room 734.

I eventually found it several floors up and down a long corridor. I stood outside the door, my heart pounding. I had a good idea of who I was going to find in there, the question was whether I should go in or not. John's words about thinking very carefully about the next move hit me. It was one thing to give in to a moment of passion as a one off and be able to dismiss it as such, but another to knowingly go into a hotel room where the man you've just fucked would be waiting for you and likely hoping for more.

I closed my eyes. What did I want? I opened them and twirled the key card around in my fingers. What did I want? Then, I made my decision. Hands trembling, I swiped the card on the pad and the lock clicked. I pushed open the door, stepped inside and let it close and lock behind me.

"I was worried you wouldn't come," Felix said. "I got us a room for real this time, we can have it all night. If you just want to talk... or..."

"Felix. I ..." I swallowed nervously. "I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I shouldn't be doing this. But... here I am. Here we are,"

"Yes, here we are," Felix stood up and walked over to me. "Let's think about regrets tomorrow. Tonight, I just want to be with you. You deserve better than a quick fuck in a storage cupboard,"

I took his hand and we walked to the bed, sitting on the edge next to

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Lyn writes Mon 24 Jun 2024 14:15:

I lOOOve it up the bum!

Lyn xxx


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