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Get a Room! (fm:anal sex, 2025 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Bloomgirl
Added: Jun 24 2024Views / Reads: 839 / 739 [88%]Part vote: 10.00 (9 votes)
The evening continues and Felix takes things further

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each other. After a brief pause, he put his hand on my face and turned it towards him, leaning in to kiss me. This felt so different to earlier, intimate and tender. I lay back, and Felix followed until he was laid on top of me. He kissed my neck and my shoulders, slowly tugging at my dress until my breasts were revealed to him again. He kissed them, then moved further down, easing my dress over my stomach and following with his mouth. As the dress reached my hips, I helped him and my panties followed. He cast both to the floor with a flourish and then kissed my thighs and teased ever closer to my pussy.

Then he sat up. "I think I'm a bit over dressed," he laughed. He had already removed his jacket and tie before I arrived, but was now unbuttoning his shirt. I watched, fascinated. It occurred to me that he had barely undressed when we fucked earlier so this was the first time I had seen his body. As he tossed his shirt to the floor, I was struck by what a beautiful man he was. He shoulders and torso were well defined and firm and there was a fine line of hair running from his navel down. I reached up and began to unfasten his trousers, and he wriggled out of them and his underwear quickly, sitting there beside me now completely naked.

He stroked his cock as I watched until I couldn't stand it any longer. I pounced, taking his cock into my mouth hungrily. He laid back and I shifted so that I was over him, straddling my legs either side of his shoulders. He guided my pelvis towards him, plunging his tongue into my aching pussy as I sucked his cock. I groaned and sobbed, his tongue probing so deep it almost felt like a cock, yet I knew it wasn't and that I still had that pleasure to come.

After several minutes of pleasuring each other, we both stopped for air. I moved, straddling him again but this time facing him. His cock pressed against my stomach until I raised myself up and guided the tip to the sodden entrance to my pussy. There was no begging this time, I just sank down onto that hard shaft and cried out. My body clamped around him as we both settled into position.

"You are the most wonderful woman!" he exclaimed. He reached up and grasped both my breasts as I began to move slowly up and down on his cock. He moaned softly as I lead the pace, enjoying this slow, deep, fuck. My groans grew louder and I soon felt that familiar fire that told me I was close to orgasm. I quickened the pace, bouncing on his cock as Felix's hands moved to my hips and he began to match me, his upward thrusts meeting my downwards moves. I practically screamed as my orgasm hit at the exact moment his cock exploded into my body. He rolled us over so that I was beneath him and continued to fuck me, cumming a second time and filling me completely.

We lay together, wrapped in each other's limbs. It felt really good, and unlike earlier I knew that we didn't have to leave. I couldn't remember the last time I'd just been held after sex, it wasn't something Sam did these days. I was actually thinking that maybe I could fall asleep like this, but I became aware that Felix was caressing my body and nuzzling into my neck.

"Hey!" I laughed, kissing him. "Wanting more already?"

"I can't get enough of you, and I'm making the most of having you all to myself!" He had moved so that he was behind me and was pressing his body against my back. He grasped my breasts as I turned my head to kiss him, his words swirling round in my head.

"I can't get enough of you either," I whispered. "I don't want to ever stop being with you like this!"

His hands glided over my body and I closed my eyes just enjoying the sensation and the feeling of being so desired. I felt one hand move over my hip and behind me, gently squeezing my arse cheek and then a finger pushing into the crack between both cheeks. I froze for a moment, tensing up as I felt a push into my hole.

"Its okay," he whispered. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing, but if you want to stop just say,"

I tried to relax, the sensation of his finger moving inside my ass was strange but not unpleasant. As I relaxed, the better it felt. I trusted Felix and I knew he was slowly building up the intensity for me, so I wanted this to work for both of us. He pushed a second finger in and I could feel him moving the fingers to stretch and open up the passage. I moaned softly and found myself sliding my own fingers into my aching pussy as Felix's warm breath on my neck sent shivers through my whole body. He softly kissed behind my ear and then my lips. He murmered something and then I felt him shift his body. Moments later, I felt another push into my ass. His cock slid in just a little and I gasped. This was actually going to happen! Even in my younger days, anal sex had never appealed and only one man had even suggested it, yet it now felt like it was something I not only wanted but needed more than anything else I'd experienced before.

"Okay?" Felix whispered,

"Yes," I breathed. I felt his cock push in further as he guided it expertly. I pushed too, now eager to have it completely inside me and I think he appreciated my enthusiasm. A few moments later I had my wish and he was pressed completely against my body and seeking my mouth for a kiss. As our mouths mashed together and our tongues tangled, he began to move inside me.

I whimpered, my body on fire and every nerve tingling with pleasure. I moved with him and soon our thrusting became hard and fast. Felix slid his fingers into my pussy, matching the intensity of our fucking and making me cry out loud. We came within a breath of each other, my ass being filled with his cum as I fell limp in his arms. He withdrew, but held me for a few more moments until I rolled to face him.

Words could not do any justice to how I felt at that moment. He tenderly stroked my cheek and I nestled into his chest, more content than I'd been in a long time. I guess we both fell asleep like that because the next thing I remember was waking up with the sun on my face. For a brief moment, I was confused - where was I? Then I remembered as I felt the warmth of Felix still sleeping beside me. I gazed at him, my groin dancing as I recalled what an amazing night we'd had.

I reached out for my handbag at the side of the bed and checked my phone. I thought my husband might have at least wondered where I was but there was nothing from him. I was annoyed, but at the same time it just gave me even more justification for doing what I had done - and more importantly for what I was going to do in the future. I thought about waking Felix, but the sensible part of me was now fully awake and I knew I needed to go home, shower and change for work. Instead I scribbled my phone number on a piece of paper with "Call me if you're interested in doing this again sometime x" and I quickly dressed and left, wondering if my phone would ring soon.

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This is part 2 of a total of 3 parts.
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Lyn writes Mon 24 Jun 2024 14:15:

I lOOOve it up the bum!

Lyn xxx


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