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Get a Room! (fm:adultery, 1669 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Bloomgirl
Added: Jun 24 2024Views / Reads: 560 / 489 [87%]Part vote: 9.73 (11 votes)
The day after the night before and another hotel room

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The day felt longer than usual. When I had got home just after 7am, my husband was making coffee in the kitchen. He made some comment about only just getting in himself (It had been a long meeting apparently and he was too tired to drive home so he crashed at a colleague's house) and I told him I'd been to a work function and that the boss had paid for hotel rooms so I took it up. I didn't believe him for one second, and I suspect he probably didn't believe me either, but I didn't care.

All talk in the office was about a junior director who had had a little too much to drink and began to tell everyone exactly what he thought of them. He was currently in the manager's office having a discussion. Thankfully that meant no-one even thought about anything else that had gone on. I'd decided to shut myself away and work on my project but my mind was elsewhere. I checked my phone several times but there was nothing - until lunch time.

The text message simply said "Meet me at Alice's at One, Felix x" My heart skipped a beat but then I began to think about all of the possibilities. I shouldn't assume he was interested. Maybe he wanted to let me down gently? Maybe he was going to be the sensible one and say that nothing else could happen between us? By the time One o clock came round, I was a wreck, convinced that this was going to be a "thanks but no thanks" discussion and I was already disappointed.

Felix was waiting at a table in the corner. He waved me over and I forced a smile as I crossed the busy cafe to him. "I was glad you messaged me," I began nervously.

"Why wouldn't I? When I woke up and realised you..." He stopped as the waitress approached to take our orders. We asked for coffee and a sandwich each and she left. "When I woke up and realised that you'd already left, I assumed that was it. A one night stand - is that what you call it?"

I nodded and was about to speak when he continued, "Then I found your note," He grinned.

"I'm sorry I left so early," I said. "I needed to get home. Sam..."

"Ah yes, your husband. Did he even realise you hadn't been home?"

I shook my head. "He'd been out all night himself,"

There was an awkward pause, and then our food and drinks so we both focussed on that for a moment, trying to work out what to say next. It was Felix that was brave. "So, your note. It said to call if I was interested in more. I take it that means you would like there to be more?"

I took a deep breath before answering, "Yes. Yes I would," There. I'd said it. Me, a married woman, who had just spent the night fucking a younger work colleague, now deciding to take things a step further and make it a more regular arrangement. I felt Felix's hand on my knee beneath the table. "And I take it that you would also like there to be more?"

"I would be a fool to say I didn't," he grinned. "I am aware that our situation is not ideal and wrong in so many ways - but that makes it even more exciting does it not?

I laughed nervously. He had put it so perfectly. "I am free this evening," I suddenly found myself saying.

"It just so happens that I am also free. Don't worry, I am very discrete. No-one will know about our affair. We can fuck every day if you want!"

I almost came at his words. Fuck every day! That sounded amazing, and exciting and scary all at the same time. We arranged to meet at a bar in town we both knew and it was across the road from a small hotel that Felix said would have a room available. This evening could not come quick enough.

As I waited at the bar, I still couldn't quite believe what I was doing and part of me thought I was going to wake up any minute and it was all

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This is part 3 of a total of 3 parts.
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Kevin writes Mon 1 Jul 2024 13:05:

Will there be more? I am hooked. Thank you!


Kevin writes Mon 1 Jul 2024 06:21:

Will there be more? I am hooked. Thank you!


Kevin writes Sun 30 Jun 2024 21:38:

Will there be more? I am hooked. Thank you!


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