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Get a Room! (fm:adultery, 1669 words) [3/3] show all parts

Author: Bloomgirl
Added: Jun 24 2024Views / Reads: 622 / 549 [88%]Part vote: 9.75 (12 votes)
The day after the night before and another hotel room

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a dream. Sam didn't even question when I said I was going out and probably wouldn't be back till late. It all seemed too easy. Even when Felix arrived, looking gorgeous in jeans and a crisp white shirt, I didn't believe it.

We had a drink and chatted, mostly about work, and then after about an hour we left, heading to the hotel. Felix waited outside whilst I enquired if they had any rooms and I checked in. Five minutes later, I sent him a message to come up to room 32 on the first floor. Now I would really see if this was actually happening.

He was barely through the door when he started to unbutton his shirt. I stood up and pulled him close to me, kissing him softly. "My beautiful Liz," he breathed, returning the kiss. I responded, opening my mouth to allow his tongue to dance with mine and I slipped his shirt from his shoulders.

It was like a switch was flipped. He practically tore my blouse off, quickly followed by my bra and then we stumbled together towards the bed. We lay on the bed, wrapped in each other's arms, kissing and breathing hard as we then tugged at zips and buttons to remove each other's jeans, and then finally underwear. Every inch of bare flesh was explored, hands, mouths. His body felt so familiar to me already, and when he sank his cock into my pussy it seemed like we'd been fucking each other for years.

"Yessss!" I groaned out, wrapping my legs around his hips, "Fuck me!"

Felix laughed, "I have thought of nothing else since last night!" He thrust deep into me and I cried out, digging my fingertips into his back. Again and again, hitting the exact spot to send me soaring towards orgasm. My whole body shuddered violently as I climaxed, urging my young lover to continue until he too came, exploding into my womb. My body clamped around his shaft, connecting us as one for a few all too brief moments as he filled me before withdrawing and pulling me into his embrace, smothering me with a passionate kiss

We lay together, breathing hard and taking the time to recover. Felix gently cupped my breast, lightly kissing my lips and moving to my shoulders and neck. I sighed softly, feeling the fire in my body begin to reignite again. His mouth clamped onto my breast, suckling and licking it as I stroked his back lazily, and then he moved down my stomach, parting my thighs with his hands and then probing his tongue into my sodden pussy. I felt my back arch as his expert tongue fucked me and soon I was writhing in pleasure and sobbing as I came again.

I lay on my back, exhausted but extremely happy. No man had ever satisfied me in the way Felix was and I couldn't believe he not only wanted to continue fucking me, but wanted to do it every day. I was definitely going to find a way to make that work, even if it was in the back of a car somewhere.

Felix was sitting on the esge of the bed now, stroking his cock. We weren't done yet! I moved to the floor, kneeling between his legs and took his cock in my own hands. He leaned back a little, and I moved forward, now taking it into my mouth to suck him. His fingers tangled in my hair and he gave encouraging groans, but just as I thought he was going to cum, he pulled away and guided me to stand up and straddle his lap. I sat down, guiding his cock into my pussy and sinking down onto it. His hands rested on my hips as I moved up and down, setting a pace I liked and he suckled on my breasts greedily. We came at pretty much the same moment, gasping and sobbing and clinging to each other like our lives depended on it. We collapsed in a heap on the bed and just lay there, neither of us wanting to end this.

Eventually though, we both knew we had to go and clean up and go back to our normal lives. I realised that I knew very little about Felix outside of work. He never spoke of his private life. Did he have a girlfriend or even a wife? Did he live alone or was he still at his parents home? I was determined to find out, especially if this affair was going to continue.

"What are your plans for the rest of the evening then?" I said, tugging my jeans back on.

"Nothing much," he shrugged. Then he looked at me. "I meant what I said at lunch. We can fuck every day if you want to, although I know it won't always be easy for you to get away. My flat mate is out on Tuesdays and Thursdays, he goes to college for English lessons and doesn't usually get in until late, and he spends Saturday nights at his girlfriend's house, so that gives us a few options,"

I smiled. Three nights were definitely sorted. "Obviously my place would be out of the question," I said. "Unless I could guarantee Sam would not be there,"

"Its fine," Felix kissed me. "I knew exactly what I was getting into with you. We will become inventive on days we cannot use my bed,"

We were now both fully dressed and ready to leave. Tomorrow was Thursday, and Felix was giving me his address so that I could go there straight after work. I was already imagining what we were going to do.

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This is part 3 of a total of 3 parts.
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Kevin writes Mon 1 Jul 2024 13:05:

Will there be more? I am hooked. Thank you!


Kevin writes Mon 1 Jul 2024 06:21:

Will there be more? I am hooked. Thank you!


Kevin writes Sun 30 Jun 2024 21:38:

Will there be more? I am hooked. Thank you!


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