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Sex-texting (Includes exhibitionism) (fm:group, 4803 words)

Author: Chris-t6290 Picture in profile
Added: Jun 27 2024Views / Reads: 1083 / 908 [84%]Story vote: 10.00 (10 votes)
In this unmissably hot erotic story, one that takes sex-texting to its ultimate level, newly discovered hotwife Caroline finds herself sat all alone in an adult cinema surrounded by horny men, the only contact with husband Mark being their phones.

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Mark knows how much I love having my tits played with, what woman doesn't. For one, it turns me on big time.

I held my tits for a count of ten and then graduated to massaging them. I stared at the movie so anyone looking in my direction would naturally assume I was responding to it and not, as was the case, following my husband's erotic text instructions.

I closed my eyes as I pressed my tits together and then apart. Having counted to sixty, I grabbed my erect nipples between thumbs and forefingers and pinched hard. I moaned out loud, thankful that the few men around me were too far away while watching the screen to have heard me.

Keeping my eyes closed, I pinched and pulled my nipples some more. I mashed my tits together again and then rolled them around for a few seconds, Finally, I felt the buzz of the phone with Mark's next message:

‘Well done. I dare say you're dripping wet right now.' He'd got that right, no doubting the slickness I felt between my crossed legs, clit pulsing madly as ever.

‘Now, very slowly, Caroline, I want you to reach beneath your top and play with your tits some more. Do it for a count of sixty.'

Trying to be subtle about it, I glanced around the cinema and then I slowly dropped my hands to my lap. I took a deep breath and slowly slid my hands under my top and played with my tits for a while. The tingling sensations I felt were familiar to me, just like the ones I feel when Mark plays with them, but they were so powerful, enhanced incredibly.

I quickly looked around again and saw that the middle-aged man to my right was watching me. We made eye contact for a second and I smiled at him as I pulled and rolled my firmed-up nubs. I moaned and then looked away, but I just kept on massaging my tits until Mark sent me another set of instructions:

‘Slowly, subtly, uncross your legs and ease up the hem of your skirt. Do it until you can see the tops of your stockings and then stop; leave it there.'

Acting on my husband's instructions, I slowly uncrossed my legs. In fact, I did more than that, opening my stance wide, especially for what he told me to do next. I slowly reached down my hands, grabbed my skirt's material and pulled it up until I could see the tops of my stockings. Another inch, and I swear that anyone looking would see my fine head of hairs.

I was that horny, not to mention dripping wet while making myself enticingly available, I was strongly tempted to reach beneath my skirt and run my fingers through my hair, but I resisted because it was not part of my husband's instructions.

‘Now, ease down and forward in your seat.'

"That's it. Perfect.' Came his quick response to my doing that.

‘Where are you?' I said to myself, ass forward on my seat, back slightly inclined as I awaited further instructions.

"Next, I want you to lift your top up as far as your midriff and then reach beneath it with your left hand and play with your tit and nipple. While you do that, reach beneath your skirt and play with your bush. Run your fingers through the hairs. Touch but only touch your pussy lips.'

It was agony, but I did as Mark had instructed, and in a short while I had my top pulled up, fingers massaging my left tit and nipple as I reached under my skirt and pressed my fingers against my bush.

There was no real way to do it subtly, so I knew that, at the very least, those men sat close by could see me doing what I was about to do. I closed my eyes and imagined those of a dozen set of men watching me behave like a wanton horny slut, which was damn well how I felt right then as I ran my fingers through my fine black hairs; almost a mask for my oozing wet cunt.

I spent several long seconds combing my hair with my fingers before I pulled at a tuft, feeling it stretch my lips.

I felt my pussy ooze more juices, and I could smell my arousal. I played with my hair some more until the sudden buzz of my phone alerted me to my next set of instructions:

‘I take it you are really getting turned on by this?'

‘That's stating the bloody obvious,' I thought. ‘Get on with it.'

‘I dare say the man to your right is watching your every move. Getting just as aroused as you, Caroline.'

I resisted checking to see and read:

‘Now, play with your pussy. Run your fingers up-and-down your wet slit. Feel the juices that must be pouring out of your pussy now. Play for a count of sixty and look around while you do it.'

‘At last. About time.' My body was close to exploding just then as I began to play with my pussy lips. As I did so, I looked around, this time not even trying to be subtle. I made eye contact with the man on my right and two men on my left, getting a thrill as I stroked my puffy lips with first one and then two fingers.

The men were openly watching me now I noticed, and I smiled to myself. ‘They are paying more attention to me than the movie. I guess that says something?' My smile grew wider, and I couldn't help the moan that escaped my lips.

Far from being subtle about it, the man sat to my right got up and moved to the seat one away from me. I watched him as he moved, still playing with my by then soaking wet pussy, and smiled at him when he got settled in. My pussy was really tingling as I turned myself on from openly playing with myself as he watched.

As with the previous week, when my husband noticed the elderly man move next to me. I received my next set of instructions in my ear, my below shoulder-length black hair concealing the earpiece.

"Now, slip a finger inside your pussy as far as you can reach, then pull it out and slide it inside your mouth. Groan when you do it, enough that others can hear you."

The sound of Mark's voice and deep breaths suggested he had to be as turned on as the man sat to my right. I moaned even before I slipped my finger inside my pussy.

I, for one, was amazed at just how wet I was when my finger entered my pussy. In fact, juices leaked from me as my finger parted my lips and I could smell my arousal even more obviously. I made eye contact with the man on my right as I slowly, showily, withdrew my cum-slick finger and soon had it slid inside my mouth. I heard him moan as I licked and sucked my finger clean.

"Swing your right leg over the armrest and use two fingers. Move them in-and-out. Finger-fuck yourself for a count of sixty, but do it slowly while you gaze at the man to your right."

I locked eyes with the man as I dropped my right leg over the armrest, causing my skirt to slide further back on that side. In doing so, my soaking wet pussy was part turned towards him as I slowly slid two fingers inside. I was surprised that neither one of us looked away as I finger-fucked myself. It turned me on to have his full attention, if only captivated by my slow in-and-out finger movements.

I felt my pussy tingle from his attention. I was so involved in watching the man on my right that I almost didn't notice one of the men to my left move into the seat next to mine. When I turned to him and made eye contact, my pussy almost gushed more of its juices. He was watching so intently that I decided to up the stakes rather than wait for Mark's instructions. I pulled my fingers out and sucked them as he watched.

The man on my right took my focus on the man to my left as an invitation to get up and sit beside me. I turned my head when his leg brushed mine and smiled alluringly at him. He seemed hesitant to touch my dangling leg and so I reached for his hand and placed it on my thigh, inches away from my soaking wet cunt. He left it there, a broad smile on his face, as he gazed, transfixed, at my exposed, offered sex.

"I see you are really enjoying yourself. Don't look now, but the two men sat right behind you are leaning forward and looking over your shoulder at what you are doing. Now, ever so slowly, Caroline, I want you to pull up your top until your spectacular tits can be seen by those men. Leave them exposed for a count of ten and then begin to play with them. Pay special attention to your awesome nipples. Play with your exposed tits for a count of sixty."

‘Damn your counting,' I grumbled. As turned on and available as I was, couldn't he just let things flow? If anything, it made it hard to concentrate on counting beyond fifteen or so as waves of pleasure coursed through my slutty body with each passing moment.

I looked first to my right and then my left and slowly eased up my top until both boobs fell out and bounced for a couple of seconds. The chill of the air conditioning made my nipples stiffen and stand out even more. I began to massage my tits, putting on a show and not just for the men behind and beside me; heads turned around to gaze at my public exhibitionism.

The men sat on either side of me moaned with pleasure as they watched me play. I trembled and smiled, though, when the two men behind me reached under my arms and grabbed my tits firmly, making me moan aloud.

That was received as permission for the man sat on my left to join in, and I welcomed his hand on my thigh, which he first drew open, my pussy exposed fully, and began stroking.

I had the hands of four strangers on my body, groping my tits and stroking my open gated thighs, and I couldn't believe how much it turned me on. I dare say my husband had to be just as aroused, no doubt stroking his long hard cock for when we returned home later.

Mark's next instruction was the one I'd been so desperately waiting for:

"Time to let them play with your pussy, Caroline. Also, reach over and stroke their cocks. I dare say one of the men behind you has something for you."

‘First things first,' I told myself, my need to get off and cum bordering on desperate as I reached for the hand of the man to my left.

I smiled at him as I placed his smooth warm hand on my pussy. I moaned and trembled when his middle finger crooked before drawing a slow sensual line up my slit. I shifted in my seat, feeling the tip of his finger split my cunt lips, sensing just how wet and turned on I was.

I left him with that and reached my right hand across to stroke the elderly man's cock, only to notice he had invitingly undone his trouser zip. I smiled as I slid my tiny fingers inside the gap and was soon stroking his hard-on.

Curious as to what my husband had noticed, I turned my head back and felt something warm, smooth and firm brush my hair and neck.

‘Well, hello you,' I smiled and licked my lips at what greeted me. That of a long firm cock. I gazed up at the stranger, smiling approvingly at him, before dropping my head and licking the tip.

I tasted pre-cum on it and trembled with excitement. He released my tit and then his hand was on my head, urging me to take that long hard cock of his inside my mouth.

Willingly, like a starving slut, I pressed my lips against the rampant plum-shaped head and felt it split them open. Meanwhile, the man to my right had my pointy nipple inside his mouth and was licking the tip of my nipple as he feasted on my boob.

‘Yes, more. This is so more like it,' I marvelled to myself as between them - moreover all four fingers of the man to my left seated inside my soaking wet cunt, thumb rubbing circles around my clit - they pushed me to the edge and straight over it and I came.

While I fought to close my legs, I found I couldn't. As is usual, I had my eyes closed as my body went into orgasmic shock and the waves came crashing through me.

When I opened my eyes and looked down, my mouth still full of cock, I saw a black-skinned guy knelt between my legs, hands firmly on my thighs as he held them apart.

Instinctively, I threw my other leg over the armrest to my left, thereby causing my skirt to rise even higher. I saw little point in concealing the rest of my body, and so I drew it up to gather at my waist. It turned me on big time to have all of the men's eyes on me, in particular, my soaking wet cunt, which dribbled juices down to the crack of my ass.

I popped my head off the cock behind me and then I reached down and withdrew the cum-wet fingers from my pussy which I drew up to my mouth to lick and suck.

"I'll leave you to enjoy yourself now. I'll be watching, though," Mark, a thrill in his voice, said.

I smiled lustfully at the man knelt before me as I crooked a beckoning finger at him and then pointed it at my snatch. I then opened my pussy invitingly for him and his eyes and smile widened at what he saw. My glossy wet pink inner folds.

When a dribble of my juices seeped from inside, though, he closed on my mound in an instant while he darted out his tongue to catch them.

"Yes, lick it. Eat my cunt for me," I moaned and cried desperately at the sudden warmth and dexterity of his tongue, which he slowly, teasingly and tantalisingly drew up the length of my groove.

I shivered when the outer edges separated my sensitive lips before flicking my firmed-up clit with the tip. My next cries and moans, though, were quickly muffled by the cock that had found its way into my mouth, head turned to my left.

In no time at all, I had a cock in each hand, fingers stroking up-and-down their warm firm shafts while a fourth, that of the one I'd sucked a short while ago, brushed my hair. I even, to my surprise, felt the silky smooth warm head of a cock brush against my left nipple. When I looked, I noticed it belonged to the man who'd been sat to my left and I smiled and moaned at the unbridled attention I was receiving, the most welcome of it seated between my open thighs as the black-skinned man slurped at my folds and stroked my clit.

I so needed, as is my want, to reach down a hand and hold him to me, my next orgasm mere moments away. Instead, and with all the men around me, five plus the two, maybe more, behind me, I simply surrendered to the inevitable and was promptly sent bucking and surfing over the edge for a second time.

"Who wants to fuck me first. Get their long hard cock shoved deep inside my dripping wet cunt?" I appealed to them as I gazed and smiled at the black stud licking my dripping wet pussy.

"How about you do the honours?" I invited, instantly bringing a warm smile to his glossy lips.

I smiled when he stood up, though, catching a sight of his big long black cock which he no doubt had been stroking as he eat me out and made me cum.

He was quite forceful in how he positioned me, hands pulling me further forward. I trembled with excitement and the anticipation of him fucking me hard and deep, something that this horny slut could and would take.

First, though, he lowered his cock to my face and I instinctively closed my lips around his shaft, welcoming a short in-and-out, back-and-forth face fucking as I stroked an offered, available cock on either side.

"Fuck me with your black dick. Do it hard and deep. I want to feel you push me into the seat with your pounding thrusts," I urged and encouraged.

"You like it hard in that dripping wet cunt, slut?"

"God, no! I love it."

"Good, ‘cause that's how you're going to get," he smiled as he lined the head up with my heavily wet opening.

"Fuck, yes!" I squealed when he rammed that big long black dick of his deep inside my cunt. He held it there, my body impaled on his cock. I trembled from the sensations of the continuous throb of blood against my stretched walls as it coursed through his member.

"Fuck me," I hissed when he just remained there.

He withdrew himself quickly and then just as quickly pulled my legs off the armrests. He then stood me up and turned me over before lifting my right leg, which he knelt on the seat.

When I looked up, I saw eight men stood up in the three rows behind me; three in the first and second and two in the third. They were spread out, each one stroking a firm cock of some size, and I smiled at them as I reached for those on either side of the one in the middle before dropping my head and taking his cock in my mouth.

"You're quite the horny slut," a voice called out.

"Bang her cunt. Make her cum," another one chorused.

I trembled and froze momentarily, though, when I felt a warm wet tongue on my asshole, cheeks framed by his hands. I had my mouth and throat deeply full of cock even if I wanted to protest, which, considering how horny, needy and turned on I was from all the attention, my tits being mauled, nipples rolled, squeezed and pulled, was far and away from likely.

More to the point, I pushed back on him, urging him to stick his tongue in my ass if he so wished, and you know what, he accepted my invitation in a heartbeat.

I trembled and shook as a low-level orgasm, more of a climax made its way through my body to flourish, yes, flourish in my head. It was like endorphins cascading as his tongue did things that only a thumb and toy so far had.

"Let him fuck your ass, Caroline. Show him," Mark suggested.

I released the cock I was stroking and dropped my hand onto my ass, fingers snatching at my butt cheek, which I flexed back-and-forth, open and closed a couple of times before clawing it open.

Seeing my asshole part exposed brought a chorus of appreciative ‘oos' from those stood to the side and behind me.

"Is that somewhere you like to be fucked? Get a length shoved up inside?"

God. I, for one, could not believe just how wet their dirty talking was making me, trails of my juices seeping down either thigh in rivulets.

"Yes! Please! Do what you want. Just fuck me, use me, make me cum," I moaned and whimpered my need, seconds before I felt a big long cock barrel its way inside my pussy; the tongue on my ass enjoying a lingering taste.

Between the one reaming my pussy and the one fucking my mouth and throat, they spit-roasted me relentlessly until they came, flooding me with copious amounts of spunk.

I gasped from the intensity and welcomed their replacements, each one banging me hard at both ends until he, too, pulsed a load inside my wanton body.

"Someone, get a cock, shoved up, my slutty, ass," I breathed a string of gasps, legs trembling, thankful that I was knelt up on the seat, albeit on one knee.

I noticed the hand of the black guy on my arm pull me around before sitting in my seat. ‘I just hope he doesn't rip me a new one with that big long cock of his,' I worried as he turned me with my back towards him and waited, his hands on my hips.

I backed up a bit more and then I began lowering my ass towards his cock. I reached between my thighs, noticing, when I did, just how abundantly wet I was, not to mention sticky from the men's leaking cum.

‘Here goes,' I told myself, eight or more pairs of eyes, all of them watching as I poised the head of the black dick at my ass and felt it nudge my puckered hole.

To my gratitude, his hands dropped to my cheeks, which he used to both support my body while spreading me all the more open. I felt a warm frisson ease up my spine and my body dropped down, enough that the head of his black dick sunk inside my tight little ass.

Excitement at my accomplishment, he was damn well big after all, seized my body, and I wiggled my hips, feeling the head and about an inch ease further inside.

The expected discomfort, beyond the stretching, quickly transformed into pleasure as more of his throbbing black dick found its way inside my once virgin asshole. All of a sudden, I'd gone from a horny cock hungry slut to an anal cock-loving slut and it was all thanks to my husband, Mark.

"Fuck my ass, fuck my ass. Yeah, someone fill my cunt and mouth. I want to be airtight with dick and covered in cum," I moaned and appealed to them, and in no time at all I got my wish.

I had cocks and hands everywhere. I had one in each of my holes, one in each of my hands while two more wedged themselves between my arms. I had fingers from someone stroking my clit, fingers massaging my tits and all while others rolled, squeezed and pulled at my nubs.

I lost count of how many times they made me cum, leaving me impaled on the black guy's dick, body painted and pussy flooded with countless loads of spunk.

"I want you to cum on my face," I said to him, head turned to the side.

I wiggled my tender little gaping ass off him and turned around. I bent forward and with a smile on my face extended my tongue and licked the head of his cock as he stroked the bottom few inches.

I thought nothing of where his cock had just been as I covered the head with my mouth and slowly slid my lips all the way down. To my welcome delight, I felt a hand on my back and I slid my left foot to the side, opening myself up to be fucked some more.

"How many more are there?" I smiled at the black stud before once more covering his dick with my mouth, tongue washing it clean.

"There's a train of about ten," he smiled.

‘Goody,' I rejoiced to myself as I sucked his cock and let ten more faceless strangers fuck me, use me and cum inside my body, four in my ass, which was a first, and six in my pussy.

When they were done and zipped up, I smiled at the black stud saying, "Now, it's your turn. Cum on my face."

"With pleasure," he smiled, teeth shining between his puffy brown lips, and promptly stroked off three hot creamy loads of cum. If I didn't know any better, he was a porn stud, from how he was able to control his climax.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"No. Thank you," he intoned, fingers brushing my hair.

A short while later, once more all alone, I texted Mark: ‘Where are you?'

‘Right behind you,' he texted me back before climbing over the seat and sitting beside me.

"You were amazing," he smiled at me. "I had no idea you were that much of a slut."

What was it that Madonna said on ‘Justify my love'? ‘You put that in me!'

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Jim writes Tue 2 Jul 2024 18:58:

Amazing story, so hot and erotic.


Lyn writes Thu 27 Jun 2024 17:29:

Love it

Lyn xxx


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