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UNCLE JOEY AND ME (fm:older women/men, 2084 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Thomas B
Added: Jun 30 2024Views / Reads: 787 / 644 [82%]Part vote: 10.00 (7 votes)
Ned goes to Las Vegas and his life changes

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My mom worked at a breakfast restaurant and every morning got up before sunrise to be to work. Then she waitressed at a fancy restaurant at dinner. She was always on her feet and was always exhausted. She made just enough money for us to survive.

Thankfully, Uncle Joey helped out and always made sure that we had a plentiful Christmas. I had a full scholarship to Berkeley which helped. I don't want to brag, but I always made Dean's List. Mary Ann was even smarter. She was going to grad school in astrophysics or something that I didn't understand.

I didn't have any plans after graduation. As smart as I thought I was, I didn't think that far ahead. My plans only went so far as to include spending the summer at the beach, surfing, smoking weed and getting laid.

At Christmas, Uncle Joey sat me down, "Ned, you have to think about your future. Let me take you to Las Vegas during your Spring Break."

I was planning to come back here and fuck Mary Ann every day. She was completely on board. "Ned, no classes, no homework; I can spend hours and hour on my back with you on top of me," she laughed.

Now, Uncle Joey wanted me to change my plans. What could he offer that was better than what Mary Ann was offering? To reiterate, Mary Ann was offering me her pussy.

As it turned out Uncle Joey did have something that in the long run was better. I'm an instant gratification guy so I was skeptical.

Mary Ann was disappointed. So, disappointed that the week before Spring Break, we both skipped classes so we could fuck. No more than an hour after I'd finished, "Ned, are you ready to go again?" She started playing with my dead cock.

On the drive to Las Vegas, Uncle Joey wanted to know what was going on with me and Mary Ann. "Are you fucking that?"

"I'm not going to tell you that."

"Okay, tell me this, are you a virgin?"

"No, of course not. I'm a senior in college." I was getting a little pissed off at his line of questioning.

I got more pissed when we got to Las Vegas. "Ned, this is my friend, Quinn Margolis. She's going to teach you some things that will help you in life."

I was confused. Of course, I knew there was prostitution in Las Vegas. There was prostitution everywhere. I'd never seen a prostitute live and in person, but Quinn Margolis or as I called her Miss Margolis didn't look like my idea of prostitute.

First, she was about Uncle Joey's age. Second, she was overweight. Like 50-60 pounds overweight. Third, I didn't think she was all that attractive, not compared to Mary Ann. Not compared to anyone. Her hair was blonde, but clearly colored; her make-up was over-done and her dress showed way too much cleavage for her fat titties. What was I supposed to do with her?

After introducing me, Uncle Joey left. Just like that.

"Ned, let me explain to you about your Uncle; some things you probably don't know."

I thought I knew him. He drove a big Cadillac convertible, which back then was considered a status symbol. He was always dressed in a suit and tie. His suits looked expensive, but what did I know? I always wore jeans or cut-off jeans and a tee shirt. His watch looked expensive, too.

"Do you know what Joey does for a living?"

I had to admit, I had no idea, but I thought he was rich. The cars he

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