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UNCLE JOEY AND ME (fm:older women/men, 2084 words) [2/3] show all parts

Author: Thomas B
Added: Jun 30 2024Views / Reads: 1001 / 819 [82%]Part vote: 10.00 (7 votes)
Ned goes to Las Vegas and his life changes

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drove; the way he dressed; always making sure my mom and I were okay. Sometimes he'd come up to Berkeley, take me to lunch and when he left, he gave me some money. "Take your girl out to dinner." It was usually about a hundred dollars. I could take Mary Ann out two or three times for that much money back then. I'm sure Uncle Joey knew that.

Anyhow, in answer to Miss Margolis' question. "I don't know, but I know he's rich."

"Ned, I don't want you to be shocked. Your Uncle Joey makes women happy. Many of them are rich; I'm talking really, really rich. Some of them are even married."

It took me a minute to process this. When I did, I blurted it out, "are you saying that Uncle Joey is a male prostitute?" I'd never heard of such a thing.

"Oh no, I wouldn't put it that way. Now, it's my understand that you're not a virgin, but you also have no idea what you're going to do beyond college."

That was true. Like I said, surf, smoke some weed, fuck girls. I was going to graduate with a degree in Finance, but I certainly didn't want to work in a bank. Damn, I'd probably have to cut my hair, which hung down to my shoulders, shave off my Fu Manchu mustache and wear a suit. Probably stop smoking pot. That wasn't for me.

"Come with me, Ned. Your real education is about to begin." Miss Margolis led me to her bedroom. Since I started seeing Mary Ann, I hadn't fucked anyone else. Not that I was opposed to fucking some hot babe. Trust me, Miss Margolis was not a hot babe.

The next three days were the most amazing of my life. Quinn Margolis was, even compared to the beautiful Mary Ann, an incredible fuck and I wasn't always on top. Not just that, I couldn't believe how good it was to get smothered by those massive tits. When I didn't think that my cock could get hard again, those tits in my face were a magic elixir.

Did I mention Miss Margolis' blowjobs? They were my first ones. "My God, Ned, those college girls have never had the pleasure of sucking your big cock? They have no idea what they're missing. You know, I think you're bigger than Joey, and he has a big one."

Cindy Nicholson, my first, didn't say I had a big one. Neither did any of those girls at the beach. All the times I fucked Mary Ann, she didn't say anything. Was Quinn Margolis just being kind?

Every time Miss Margolis and I fucked she told me how big it was. "Come on, Ned, give me that big cock. Fuck me with that big cock. God, Ned, your big cock is so good to my pussy."

Speaking of pussy, Miss Margolis insisted that I learn how to eat it. "Becoming a good pussy eater will make you some money. Becoming a great pussy eater will make you lots and lots of money."

"Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah, Ned, you're becoming a great pussy eater," she said two days later. "You just need a few more hours practice. Use your tongue, right there, oh yeah, right there."

As I said, I liked watching my cock going in and out of Mary Ann's pinker than pink pussy with her thin whisps of blonde hair. That wasn't Miss Margolis. She may have been blonde on top, but she was black between her legs. That big black bush was as thick as the hair on her head.

I was surprised at how good pussy tasted. That's right, none of those high school and college girls wanted their pussy eaten. I was even more surprised how good old Miss Margolis' pussy tasted. I couldn't have been more surprised how good Miss Margolis' pussy tasted the fifth and sixth time I ate it. Frankly, I didn't want to stop eating it.

Miss Margolis taught me a whole lot about sex, but there was one thing that proved to be critical to my education. I was on top and we were banging away. Quinn slowed down, "Ned, I want you to tell me that you love fucking my pussy, but more than anything you want to take it out so you can eat it."

No, I didn't. I was close to cumming. "Say it, Ned, tell me you want to eat my pussy."

Reluctantly, I did.

As always, Miss Margolis went crazy on my tongue, and later the fucking was even better.

"Ned, if you do that with every woman you're with, you will get the best fucks ever."

When it was time to leave, Miss Margolis drove me to Uncle Joey's tailor. Two days later, five very expensive suits along with shirts, ties and shoes arrived at the hotel where Uncle Joey and I were staying. There was a note, "Be at this address on 8 PM Friday night, dress appropriately-Uncle Joey."

In the interim, Quinn brought me to Uncle Joey's personal barber. An hour later, I had a businessman's haircut and my face was clean shaven. The barber, "now Ned, Joey told me to send you to this barber in Berkeley and another in LA. You're to go every week." At the moment, he was holding that straight edge razor to my throat, menacingly.

Friday night, I put on a dark blue pinstripe suit, white shirt and a red print tie. I thought I looked like a jerk. It wasn't me. Where were my jeans and tee shirt?

The taxi dropped me off at a home in the suburbs of Las Vegas. A gorgeous woman, perhaps in her fifties answered the door. "You must be Ned Norton, Joey's nephew. I'm Glenda Johnstone. Joey's inside, come on in. There's a bar to your right. By the way, you look delicious," she smiled.

Inside, there were more gorgeous women than I'd ever seen. Not girls, women; most of them in their forties and fifties; all dressed up. "Hey Ned, I'm glad you could make it," Uncle Joey said. "You look great."

I saw Quinn Margolis talking to a group of three or four women. She nodded when I made eye contact. The other women turned toward me and smiled.

Quinn and Uncle Joey introduced me to numerous women. A few hours later, Uncle Joey came over to me, "Ned, I'm leaving, but I'm leaving you in the capable of hands of the lovely Elizabeth Baker. Betty, this is my nephew, Ned. Whatever you do, don't hurt him," he laughed.

"Oh, hurting him is the last thing on my mind." Betty Baker was tall, thin, with dark hair, and perhaps older than Uncle Joey. "Ned, your glass is empty. Can I get you another drink?"

Two hours later, we were at Betty Baker's apartment and her bright red lips were going up and down on my cock. For a moment she took it out, "My God, Ned, I can't wait for you to fuck me with this big cock, but I've never enjoyed sucking a cock so much."

Betty woke me up in the middle of the night by playing with my cock. "Ned, Quinn Margolis told me that you have the most marvelous tongue."

Well, let me tell you that Mrs. Betty Baker had the most marvelous pussy. Oh, and yes, it was Mrs. Later she told me her husband had no interest in her pussy, but he did have an interest in every other pussy in Los Angeles and possibly all of California.

As for her sweet pussy. The only pussy I had to compare it with was Quinn's; so that may be a bit of hyperbole, but she had the sweetest taste.

In the morning, "Ned, I had the nicest dream. I dreamt that a nice young man just couldn't get enough of my pussy. He ate and ate and ate and promised to eat me again in the morning."

"That was no dream." I crawled under the blankets. "Hmmmmm, Hmmmmmm, Hmmmmmmm, Betty, you're beautiful. "In your dream, did that nice young man tell you that you have the sweetest pussy."

"He did, but I'd like to hear it again."

Sunday morning, "Ned, you have the biggest cock ever. I'd love to fuck it again, but you have to get back to school. Your uncle is waiting down stairs."

When I got in Uncle Joey's Cadillac, "you should check your pockets," he smiled. In the inside pocket of my suit jacket there were a bunch of hundred-dollar bills. I counted twelve. "You must have made Mrs. Baker happy. You'll make more as you get better and the word spreads."

No, I wasn't going to do that. That's what I told myself, but it didn't work out that way.


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