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The Taxi Ride, Ria. (fm:adultery, 13710 words)

Author: Josh and Bella
Added: Aug 29 2024Views / Reads: 1805 / 1417 [79%]Story vote: 10.00 (5 votes)
Ria, an 18-year-old betrayed by her boyfriend, seeks solace in a taxi ride with a manipulative driver. What begins as an escape quickly turns into a dark, explicit descent into rough sex, anal domination, and forced submission, pushing Ria into depravity.

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Still, there were times when his advances made her uncomfortable. Dylan was always trying to push things further, to take their relationship to the next level physically. He would often try to kiss her more passionately, his hands wandering to places that made her blush. He would touch her waist, sliding his hand down to her ass, squeezing it lightly as they walked together.

Ria, though deeply in love with him, was reserved when it came to physical intimacy. She enjoyed their kisses, the way his lips felt against hers, but she always pulled back when things got too heated. She wasn't ready to go further, to give him all of herself. Dylan would sometimes get frustrated, but he always managed to charm her back with sweet words and promises of love. He would tell her how beautiful she was, how much he wanted her, and Ria would blush, her heart torn between her love for him and her desire to remain pure.

She couldn't deny that there were moments when she felt a stirring of desire within her—a warmth that spread from her core whenever Dylan touched her in certain ways. But those feelings also scared her. She didn't want to lose herself, to give in to the temptation of his touch. Ria wanted to take things slow, to make sure that what they had was real, and not just a fleeting passion.

As Ria waited for the tram, she thought about their last meeting. Dylan had pulled her close, his hands resting on her waist, just above the curve of her ass. He had leaned in, his breath warm against her neck, whispering sweet nothings in her ear. She had felt her body respond to his touch, a tingling sensation spreading through her. But then his hands had started to wander, sliding down her back, and she had gently pushed him away, her cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Ria sighed, biting her lip as she thought about Dylan. She loved him, but she wasn't ready to give him everything. She wasn't sure if he understood that, or if he was just waiting for the right moment to push her further. A part of her was afraid of disappointing him, of losing him if she didn't give in. But another part of her, the stronger part, knew that she had to stay true to herself.

The tram arrived, and Ria stepped on, finding a seat by the window. The ride was smooth, the rhythmic clattering of the wheels on the tracks almost soothing. She watched the world pass by outside, her thoughts still on Dylan. But as the tram moved closer to Rose-Hill, a small knot of unease formed in her stomach. It was a feeling she couldn't quite place, a sense that something was not quite right.

Ria shook her head, trying to dismiss the feeling. She was probably just overthinking things. Dylan loved her, didn't he? He wouldn't do anything to hurt her. But the unease lingered, a tiny voice in the back of her mind whispering that something was off.

As the tram pulled into the station, Ria took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She stepped off, the familiar sights and sounds of Rose-Hill greeting her. Everything appeared normal—the bustling crowds, the busy shops, the sun shining brightly overhead. But the feeling of unease didn't go away. It was as if the world was slightly out of tune, a dissonant note in the otherwise harmonious melody of her life.

Ria brushed the thought aside, focusing instead on the day ahead. She was probably just being silly, she told herself. There was nothing to worry about. Dylan would be waiting for her at their usual spot, and everything would be fine. But as she walked towards the school, the feeling of foreboding lingered, like a dark cloud on the horizon, hinting at the storm that was about to come.

Chapter 2: The Heartbreak

Ria's heart was already fluttering with excitement as she stepped off the tram that morning. She was early—something that usually filled her with anticipation at the thought of spending a few extra moments with Dylan. The station was quieter than usual, with only a few people

milling about, hurrying to their destinations. The cool morning air brushed against her skin, and she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling a slight shiver of excitement.

She had planned to surprise Dylan. They usually met closer to the school, but today, she thought she might catch him as he arrived. As she walked towards their usual spot, her steps were light, her heart filled with thoughts of him—the way he smiled at her, the way he touched her, making her feel like she was the centre of his world.

But as she rounded the corner, everything changed.

Ria's breath caught in her throat as she saw him. Dylan was standing in a shadowed corner of the station, but he wasn't alone. A girl was with him, pressed close to him, her body practically moulded against his. Ria's first thought was that she was mistaken, that it couldn't be him. But then she saw his face, the familiar curve of his jaw, the way his hand rested possessively on the girl's waist—just as it had on hers so many times before.

The girl was from her school, and Ria recognised her immediately. She was one of those girls everyone noticed—outgoing, flirtatious, always flaunting her curves in a way that seemed almost deliberate. Her uniform skirt was hiked up higher than the dress code allowed, showing off long, tanned legs that seemed to go on forever. Her blouse was tight, hugging her ample chest, leaving little to the imagination. Her hair was dyed a bright, unnatural blonde, the kind that screamed for attention, a stark contrast to Ria's own dark, natural locks. Her lips were painted a

bold, seductive red, pouting as she leaned in to kiss Dylan, her hands sliding up his chest with a familiarity that made Ria's stomach turn.

Ria couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene before her. Dylan was kissing the girl back, his hands gripping her ass, pulling her even closer. The kiss was hungry, passionate—nothing like the sweet, gentle kisses he had shared with Ria. This was raw, animalistic, the kind of kiss that spoke of desire and lust. Ria felt her stomach twist into knots, a sickening feeling spreading through her as she watched them.

For a moment, she was frozen in place, her mind unable to process what she was seeing. The world around her seemed to blur, the sounds of the station fading into the background as her heart pounded in her ears. She felt like she was suffocating, each breath harder to take than the last. The sight of Dylan with another girl, kissing her with a passion he had never shown Ria, shattered something deep inside her.

Her vision blurred with tears, but she couldn't look away. She watched as the girl pulled back slightly, her lips still grazing Dylan's as she whispered something in his ear. Dylan smiled, that same charming smile that had made Ria fall in love with him in the first place. But now, seeing it directed at someone else, she realised just how cruel it could be. The smile she thought was meant just for her was nothing more than a mask he wore, a mask that hid the lies he told so easily.

Ria's heart broke in that moment. She had given him everything—her love, her trust, her innocence—and this was how he repaid her. The pain was overwhelming, a sharp, searing ache in her chest that made it hard

to breathe. She wanted to scream, to run up to them and tear them apart, to demand an explanation. But she couldn't move. She was paralysed by the sheer intensity of her emotions, by the realisation that the boy she loved was kissing another girl right in front of her.

Tears spilled down her cheeks as she finally found the strength to move. She turned on her heel and ran, her footsteps echoing in the empty station. She didn't know where she was going, didn't care. She just needed to get away, to escape the image of Dylan and that girl, their bodies entwined, their lips locked in a passionate embrace.

As Ria ran, the tears flowed freely, her vision blurred by the salty drops. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her mind racing with thoughts that wouldn't slow down. How could he do this to her? How could he betray her so easily, so cruelly? The image of them together was burned into her mind, a memory she knew she would never be able to erase.

She kept running, her thoughts a chaotic jumble of pain and confusion. She replayed every moment with Dylan, every smile, every kiss, every touch. Had it all been a lie? Had she been so naive, so blind to the truth? The thought made her stomach churn, and she had to stop, doubling over as a sob wracked her body.

Ria found herself in a quiet alley, hidden from the bustling streets of Rose-Hill. She leaned against a wall, her body shaking as she cried. The world around her seemed to spin, her mind unable to grasp the reality of what had just happened. She had trusted him, loved him, and he had betrayed her in the most painful way imaginable.

As she stood there, her heart shattered into a million pieces, Ria felt a deep sense of loss. She had lost not just Dylan, but the dreams and hopes she had built around him. The future she had imagined—the one where they were together, where he was hers—was gone, ripped away in an instant. All that was left was a painful void, a hole in her heart that she didn't know how to fill.

Chapter 3: The Unexpected Escape

Ria stumbled through the crowded streets of Rose-Hill, her thoughts a chaotic mess of hurt, confusion, and guilt. The image of Dylan passionately kissing that other girl replayed over and over in her mind, each replay a fresh stab to her heart. Why did he do this? she asked herself, her eyes glazed over with unshed tears. Was it because I was too cold? Too reluctant to let him touch me the way he wanted? Did I push him away by not giving him what he wanted?

The questions were relentless, each one driving deeper into her already fragile sense of self. She felt utterly lost, her emotions overwhelming her like a tidal wave. The familiar streets of Rose-Hill blurred as she walked aimlessly, her legs carrying her without direction. The sounds of the city faded into the background as her mind drowned in sorrow. Every step felt heavy, as though the weight of her heartbreak was pulling her down, sinking her into despair.

A taxi pulled up beside her, interrupting her spiral of misery. The driver, a grumpy-looking middle-aged man, rolled down the window. He had a

thin beard and a matching moustache that framed his calculating smile. His eyes, sharp and piercing, took in every detail of Ria's appearance— her tear-streaked cheeks, her disheveled school uniform, the way her short skirt rode up slightly as she stood by the curb.

"You look lost, Miss. Need a ride?" His voice was gruff, but there was an undercurrent of something smoother, something that didn't match the predatory gleam in his eyes.

Ria, desperate for an escape from the pain that was consuming her, hesitated only a moment before nodding and climbing into the back seat. She didn't care where she went, as long as it was far from here. When the driver asked where she wanted to go, her voice was barely a whisper. "Anywhere... just take me far from here."

The driver glanced at her through the rearview mirror, his gaze lingering on her exposed legs. He adjusted the mirror slightly, angling it to get a better view. The smooth skin of her thighs was visible beneath the hem of her skirt, which had ridden up as she shifted in the seat. His eyes drank in the sight, a surge of arousal running through him as he imagined what lay beneath.

The taxi pulled away from the curb, and the driver began to talk, his tone deceptively gentle. "Rough morning, huh?" he asked, his eyes flicking from the road to her reflection in the mirror. When she didn't respond, he continued, his voice taking on a more sympathetic tone. "It's okay, you don't have to talk if you don't want to. Sometimes just getting away is enough."

Ria remained silent at first, her mind too tangled in her emotions to engage. But the driver persisted, his voice calm and reassuring, slowly coaxing her into speaking. He asked if she wanted to talk about what happened, and eventually, Ria began to share bits of her story.

As she talked about Dylan, the betrayal, and the deep, aching pain she felt, the driver listened intently.

Ria's voice trembled as she spoke, the words tumbling out in a mix of anger and despair. "How could he kiss that slut?" she whispered, more to herself than to Siddick, her mind still reeling from the shock. "Why did he do this to me? Wasn't I enough for him? Did I do something wrong?"

She looked at Siddick, her eyes filled with a desperate need for answers. "I thought he loved me," she continued, her voice cracking. "How could he just throw everything away like that? We were supposed to be happy together... I trusted him."

Siddick nodded sympathetically, his gaze all over her. "Some people just don't know how to value what they have," he said softly, his voice filled with feigned understanding. "You didn't deserve to be treated like that, Miss."

Ria sighed, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "I just don't understand... I loved him so much."

Siddick's mind was elsewhere. He was focused on the way her skirt had inched up higher, revealing more of her creamy thighs. His gaze grew bolder as she spoke, his eyes following the curve of her legs, imagining how soft her skin would feel under his rough hands.

Ria wondered aloud if Dylan's actions were her fault. "Maybe... maybe it's because I wasn't ready to... Oh... Just forget about it," she said, her voice heavy with regret. The driver seized on this, reassuring her that it wasn't her fault while subtly implying that she deserved better—a real man who knew how to treat her.

"You need a quiet place to think, to clear your mind," he said, his voice filled with false concern. He carefully planted the idea of a secluded bungalow by the beach, making it sound like a safe haven. "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be wandering around alone in this state. Let me take you somewhere safe, where you can just be with your thoughts."

His words were smooth, almost too smooth, but Ria, too confused and hurt to see through his manipulation, hesitantly agreed. She asked about the cost, worried she didn't have enough money, but the driver waved it off with a grin. "Don't worry about that. I just want to help you." His voice was calm, but his thoughts were anything but.

As they drove towards Flic en Flac, the driver—who had introduced himself as Bhai Siddick—called a friend, casually mentioning that he needed to pick up the keys to the bungalow. Ria, lost in her own thoughts, barely paid attention to the conversation. "I'll just make a quick stop at the mall, grab a few things," Siddick told her. "Won't take long." Ria nodded absentmindedly, not questioning him. Her mind was still consumed with thoughts of Dylan, her heartache too fresh to focus on anything else.

At the mall, Siddick quickly gathered what he needed—keys to the bungalow and a bag full of alcoholic drinks. He made sure to pick up a variety of drinks, from local beer to stronger liquors, knowing that alcohol would help lower Ria's inhibitions. The bottles clinked together as he placed the bag on the passenger seat, a sound that went unnoticed by Ria. His plan was falling into place, and he felt a thrill of anticipation at what was to come.

The drive to Flic en Flac was filled with a heavy silence. Ria stared out the window, watching the world go by, her thoughts still a chaotic mess. The sight of the ocean and the happy faces of tourists brought a small measure of peace, but it was fleeting. She tried to engage in conversation, asking Siddick his name again.

"I'm sorry but what did you tell me your name was again?" she asked quietly, her voice soft and hesitant.

"People call me Bhai Siddick," he replied, his tone friendly but with an underlying edge. "But you can just call me Bhai." Ria nodded,

appreciating the small comfort of having someone to talk to, even if only briefly. She tried to engage a little more, but it was clear her heart wasn't in it. Siddick, however, was patient, knowing that soon enough, she would be exactly where he wanted her—alone with him in the secluded bungalow.

The car finally pulled up to the bungalow, a quaint and secluded spot nestled by the beach. The sound of the ocean was a constant background, the waves crashing softly against the shore. The bungalow itself was modest but charming, with a wraparound porch that offered a stunning view of the sea.

Siddick got out of the car first, moving around to open Ria's door for her. His demeanour was still that of a gentleman, but there was a darker intent simmering just below the surface. As Ria stepped out, she took in the surroundings, feeling a momentary sense of calm. The beauty of the place contrasted sharply with the storm raging inside her, and she wondered if maybe, just maybe, this was the peace she needed to clear her head.

But even as she thought that, Siddick's gaze remained fixed on her, his eyes greedily tracing the curve of her legs as she stepped out of the car. His thoughts were anything but peaceful. His gaze traveled upwards, lingering on the gentle sway of her ass beneath the short skirt, imagining the softness of her skin. He let his eyes drift to her chest, where the fabric of her blouse clung to her full breasts, rising and falling with each breath she took. His mind raced with thoughts of what he would do to her, how her lips—so soft and pink—would feel against his cock, how he would make her moan his name. Every inch of her

was a temptation, and as she turned to face him, unaware of the hunger in his eyes, he was already planning what would happen once they were inside the bungalow, alone and far from prying eyes.

As they reached the entrance, Siddick paused and turned back to the car, reaching for the bag he had placed on the passenger seat. He pulled it out, the clinking of bottles unmistakable. With a sly smile, he handed the bag to Ria. "This is a little gift for you," he said, his tone smooth and deceptively kind. "Something to help you relax and take your mind off things."

Ria hesitated, her fingers brushing against the cool bottles inside the bag. She wasn't used to drinking, and the gesture felt strangely intimate. But she was too emotionally drained to refuse, so she accepted it with a small, reluctant nod, unaware of the true purpose behind Siddick's so- called gift.

And with that thought, Siddick led Ria towards the door, his hand hovering just above the small of her back, guiding her into the secluded trap he had so carefully set. As they reached the entrance, he gave her a reassuring smile. "Let me show you around before I leave you to your thoughts," he said smoothly. "You can call me once you're ready to head back."

But Siddick knew very well that he had no intention of leaving. All of this was just a pretext to enter the bungalow with Ria, to ensure she felt comfortable with him inside, where his true intentions would soon become clear.

Chapter 4: The Seduction Begins

The door closed softly behind them as Siddick led Ria further into the bungalow. The warm, cozy atmosphere of the space was almost inviting, with the sound of the ocean waves in the background creating a serene, secluded setting. Ria looked around, taking in the comfortable furniture, the soft lighting, and the intimate feel of the place. For a moment, she felt a small sense of relief, as though the world outside had been temporarily shut out.

Siddick moved with practiced ease, guiding her to the plush sofa in the living room. "Why don't you sit down and relax for a bit?" he suggested, his voice gentle and reassuring. Ria, still emotionally drained, complied, sinking into the cushions with a weary sigh. Her mind was a jumble of thoughts—Dylan, the betrayal, the confusion, the hurt. It was all too much, and she felt like she was barely holding herself together.

Siddick stepped into the small kitchenette, his eyes briefly scanning her as she sat quietly, lost in her thoughts. He retrieved a bottle of whisky and two glasses, his hands moving with deliberate slowness as he poured a generous amount into one of the glasses. Glancing back at Ria, he noticed the way her body slouched slightly, the weight of her emotions visible in every line of her posture.

Before returning to the living room, Siddick casually pulled out his phone and made a quick call. "I took the client to the bungalow," he

said in a low voice, his eyes flicking toward Ria as she remained seated. "All is set. I shall see you later, my friend."

Ria heard the brief conversation and found it odd, her brow furrowing slightly. But in her emotional state, she decided not to pay further attention to it, dismissing it as unimportant.

"Here," he said, handing her the glass. "This will help you unwind."

Ria looked at the glass with uncertainty. She had never drunk alcohol before, and something about the situation felt strange. But Siddick's voice was soothing, very friendly, and the turmoil in her heart made her want to believe that maybe this would help. Hesitantly, she took the glass from him, her fingers lightly brushing the cool surface. She took a small sip, wincing at the burn that traveled down her throat, the warmth spreading through her chest.

Siddick poured himself a much smaller amount, making a show of taking a sip with her. "Just take your time," he encouraged, sitting down beside her. "Let it help you relax."

As they sat together, the minutes passed in a haze of gentle conversation. Siddick leaned back, his eyes never leaving her. "So, Ria, what subjects do you enjoy most at school?" he asked, his tone casual, almost conversational.

Ria hesitated for a moment, then took another sip of whisky before responding. "I like literature," she said softly. "I love getting lost in stories... they help me escape reality sometimes."

Siddick nodded, his gaze intense as he watched her lips move. "Literature, huh? That's wonderful. Do you have a favorite book?"

Ria smiled faintly, a hint of warmth returning to her voice. "I've always loved ‘Pride with Prejudice.' The way the characters grow and find love... it's beautiful."

Siddick chuckled, his hand lightly brushing against her knee as he leaned in just a bit closer. "A romantic at heart, I see. You deserve a love story like that, Ria... someone who truly appreciates you."

Her smile faltered slightly, the mention of love bringing back the pain of Dylan's betrayal. "I thought I had that... but I guess I was wrong."

Siddick's expression softened with feigned sympathy. "He didn't know what he had," he murmured, his fingers gently squeezing her knee. "A girl like you deserves so much more than that."

Ria looked down, the alcohol in her system making her emotions swirl. "Maybe," she whispered, her voice filled with uncertainty.

Siddick seized the moment, his voice dropping to a more intimate tone. "You do, Ria. Don't ever doubt that. You're special... someone just needs to show you how special you are."

Ria met his gaze, the warmth in her cheeks spreading as she tried to process his words, feeling a strange mix of comfort and confusion.

"You can talk to me, Ria," Siddick said softly, sliding his hand on her knee. His touch was firm but seemingly kind, his thumb subtly caressing her skin. "I'm here to listen."

Ria hesitated, feeling the warmth of his hand on her knee. It was a simple gesture, but it felt strangely intimate. The alcohol in her system dulled her usual reservations, and before she knew it, she was speaking —talking about Dylan, the heartbreak, the pain that had consumed her ever since she saw him with that other girl.

"I just don't understand how he could do this to me," Ria's voice trembled as she spoke. "I loved him so much, but maybe I wasn't enough. Maybe I wasn't what he wanted."

Siddick listened intently, nodding at all the right moments, his expression one of deep concern. But even as he appeared to console her, his mind was focused on something else entirely. His eyes roamed over

her body, taking in every detail—the way her blouse clung to her full boobs, the way her skirt had ridden up slightly as she sat, revealing the smooth skin of her thighs.

"You deserved better than that, Ria," he said, his voice thick with feigned sympathy. "You're a beautiful, kind girl. He was a fool to let you go."

Ria sighed, feeling the weight of his words, though a part of her still struggled to believe them. "I just don't understand," she murmured, her voice small and filled with despair.

Siddick's gaze never left her as he leaned in slightly, his hand still resting on her knee. "You look so tense, Ria," he observed, his tone soft and caring. "Why don't you let me help you relax? A little shoulder massage might do wonders."

Ria hesitated, her eyes widening slightly at the suggestion. A massage? It felt too intimate, too close. But the alcohol in her system made it difficult to think clearly, and Siddick's voice was so calm, so convincing. She wanted to refuse, to say that she was fine, but the weariness in her body and the need for comfort made her nod slowly instead.

Seeing her reluctant agreement, Siddick moved behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. His touch was firm but careful, his fingers

beginning to knead the muscles in her shoulders. Ria tensed at first, unsure of what to make of the situation, but as Siddick continued, the tension in her body began to ease.

"Just relax," Siddick whispered, his voice close to her ear. His hands moved with slow precision, working the knots out of her muscles, sliding down her back in gentle, soothing motions. Ria closed her eyes, trying to focus on the sensation, to let herself go. But a small part of her remained wary, unsure of what was happening.

As Siddick's hands moved lower, brushing against the top of her skirt, Ria felt a slight discomfort, but she pushed it aside, telling herself that it was just a massage, that it was harmless. She was tired, emotionally spent, and the warmth of his hands felt good, easing the tension that had been coiled inside her for so long.

But Siddick was careful. He didn't push too hard, didn't make any sudden moves. His hands slid back up to her shoulders, kneading gently before trailing down again, this time lingering a little longer on her lower back. The touch was light, almost casual, but there was intent behind it—an intent that Ria, in her current state, couldn't fully grasp.

Siddick's breath was warm against her ear as he spoke again, his voice low and soothing. "You deserve better than this jerk," he murmured. "Someone who can really appreciate you, who knows how to make you feel special."

His hands moved lower again, this time brushing against the upper curve of her ass. It was a fleeting touch, but deliberate. Ria's breath hitched slightly, her body tensing for a moment before relaxing again. The whisky had dulled her senses, made it difficult to think clearly. Siddick's words were comforting, his touch gentle, and yet there was a faint voice inside her that told her this wasn't right.

But that voice was growing fainter with each passing moment, drowned out by the warmth of the alcohol and the soothing rhythm of his hands. The pain of Dylan's betrayal was still fresh, and in this moment, Siddick's attention felt like a balm to her wounded heart. She leaned into his touch, her body betraying her uncertainty, her thoughts a confusing mix of comfort and discomfort.

Siddick could feel her hesitation, but he knew he was close. He could see the way she was starting to relax, to let down her guard. His hands returned to her shoulders, but this time with more purpose. He kneaded the muscles there, letting his thumbs slide down to the edges of her blouse, brushing against the fabric that clung to her breasts.

"You're so beautiful, Ria," Siddick whispered, his voice thick with desire. His cock twitched in his pants, hardening as he imagined what lay beneath her clothes. "You deserve to be cherished."

Ria felt a shiver run down her spine at his words, her mind a muddled mess of emotions. The whisky had made her light-headed, and the warmth of Siddick's hands on her body was soothing in a way that made her want to forget everything, to just let go.

But as Siddick's hands moved again, this time lingering on her ass, Ria felt a spark of awareness, a fleeting thought that this was wrong. She opened her eyes, her breath shallow, but Siddick's voice was there, soft and persuasive.

"Let me take care of you," he murmured, his lips brushing against her ear. His hands squeezed her ass lightly, feeling the firmness of her body beneath his fingers. His cock was now fully hard, straining against the fabric of his pants as he imagined what it would feel like to have her, to make her moan his name.

Ria's thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and longing. The pain of her heartbreak mixed with the comfort of Siddick's touch, the whisky making it all seem less clear, less urgent. She knew she should stop this, but a part of her didn't want to, a part of her wanted to feel something other than the ache in her heart.

Siddick could see the conflict in her eyes, but he knew he was close. He let his hands slide up her back, brushing against the side of her breasts, his breath hot against her skin.

"You're safe with me, Ria," he whispered, his voice a low, seductive rumble. "I'll take care of you."

And with those words, Ria felt herself begin to surrender, the last of her resistance crumbling under the weight of his touch and the warmth of the alcohol in her veins. Siddick smiled to himself, knowing that he had her exactly where he wanted her.

It was still early morning, and he had all the time in the world to take what he desired.

Chapter 5: Crossing the Line

The soft glow of the morning light filtered through the curtains as Ria lay on the plush sofa, her body still trembling from the confusion and emotions swirling inside her. The warm, cozy atmosphere of the bungalow contrasted sharply with the storm brewing in her mind. Siddick's hands were still on her shoulders, kneading gently, but his touch had changed. It was no longer just a comforting gesture; there was something more behind it—something darker, more deliberate.

Siddick's hands moved with increasing confidence, his fingers pressing into her flesh as he massaged her shoulders. But as the minutes passed, his touch became more focused, more intimate. His hands drifted lower, sliding down her back, then creeping under her skirt to caress her thighs. The fabric of her skirt rode up as his hands explored her, his fingers brushing against the soft, sensitive skin.

"You're so beautiful, Ria," Siddick murmured, his voice thick with a mix of lust and false affection. "Dylan was a fool... he didn't deserve

someone like you. A real man would know how to treat you right, how to make you feel wanted."

Ria felt a shiver run down her spine at his words. The alcohol in her system had dulled her senses, made her more pliable, more willing to accept the warmth of his touch. His words were comforting, but the way his hands roamed her body made her uneasy. Yet, she found herself unable to resist, unable to push him away. She felt weak, vulnerable, and in desperate need of comfort—even if it came from Siddick.

But as Siddick's hands slipped further under her skirt, a flicker of awareness jolted through Ria. She reached down, her fingers trembling as she tried to gently push his hand away. "Siddick... please, we shouldn't," she whispered, her voice wavering with uncertainty.

Siddick paused for a moment, his gaze locking onto hers, but the predatory gleam in his eyes didn't waver. Instead of pulling away, he leaned in closer, his voice a soft murmur against her ear. "Shh, Ria," he whispered, his breath warm on her skin. "It's okay... you need this. Let me take care of you."

Ria's heart pounded in her chest, torn between the instinct to stop him and the overwhelming desire to feel something other than pain. Her hand rested on his for a moment longer, but as Siddick's fingers gently stroked the inside of her thigh, she felt her resolve weakening. The sensation was both soothing and arousing, the alcohol clouding her judgment and making it harder to think clearly.

"Just relax," Siddick continued, his voice low and soothing, coaxing her into compliance. "You deserve to feel good, Ria. You deserve to be touched, to be wanted."

Her hand slowly fell away, her breath hitching as Siddick's fingers continued their exploration. A part of her still protested, a small voice in the back of her mind that knew this was wrong, but it was drowned out by the intensity of his touch, the warmth spreading through her body. She felt herself surrendering, letting go of the last remnants of resistance, her body leaning into his touch as she gave in to the seduction.

His hands slipped further under her skirt, his fingers teasing the edge of her panties. Ria's breath caught in her throat as she felt him touch her more intimately, his fingers brushing against her inner thighs. A part of her kept wanting to stop him, to tell him this was wrong, but the alcohol, combined with the pain of Dylan's betrayal, made it difficult to think clearly. She felt trapped in her own mind, torn between what she knew was right and the strange, forbidden desire that Siddick was awakening in her.

Siddick leaned in closer, his breath hot against her neck. He started with a soft kiss, his lips brushing against her skin, sending a jolt of electricity through her body. Ria stiffened, her heart racing as she tried to process what was happening. But before she could react, Siddick's lips were on hers, the kiss starting gently, then growing more forceful.

The kiss was a mix of tenderness and domination, his lips moving against hers with an intensity that overwhelmed her senses. Ria's mind was a whirl of confusion—this is wrong, she knew it was wrong, but the kiss was igniting something inside her that she had never felt before. Her body betrayed her, responding to the kiss despite the alarms ringing in her mind.

Siddick deepened the kiss, his tongue slipping into her mouth, exploring, tasting. Ria's initial shock faded, replaced by a confusing blend of arousal and guilt. She didn't pull away immediately; instead, she found herself responding, her body leaning into his touch, her lips moving against his as if on their own accord. The heat between them grew, the air thick with the scent of desire.

When Siddick finally pulled back, his lips hovering near hers, Ria was left breathless, her thoughts muddled. She was always so careful, so controlled, but Siddick was stirring something primal within her, something she didn't fully understand. She was torn between the ingrained sense of purity she had always held onto and the raw, confusing desire that Siddick was awakening within her.

"It's okay to feel this way, Ria," Siddick whispered, sensing her hesitation. "You deserve to experience real passion... real pleasure."

His words echoed in her mind, her heart pounding as she tried to make sense of what she was feeling. She knew this was crossing a line, but the desire Siddick was stirring inside her was so powerful, so overwhelming. A part of her wanted to push him away, to run, but

another part—buried deep inside—wanted to see where this would lead, to feel something other than the pain of betrayal.

Siddick let his hands move with deliberate slowness as he began to undress her. His fingers found the zipper of her skirt, pulling it down with a smooth, practiced motion. The fabric slipped down her legs, revealing the soft curve of her thighs and the delicate lace of her panties, which clung to her skin. As the skirt fell to the floor, Siddick's gaze lingered on the small wet stain that had already formed on her panties, a clear sign of her arousal. Ria's breath hitched as she felt the cool air against her exposed skin, her mind racing with a mix of fear and anticipation.

"You're perfect, Ria," Siddick murmured, his voice thick with desire. "Every inch of you."

His hands moved to her blouse, unbuttoning it slowly, his fingers grazing her skin as he exposed her breasts, still covered by her bra which was a sports bra. Ria felt a wave of shame mixed with a strange sense of flattery as Siddick complimented her body. The conflicting emotions made her head spin, the alcohol blurring the lines between right and wrong.

Siddick continued to undress her, savoring the sight of her exposed skin. He guided her to lie back on the couch, his eyes devouring her as he spread her legs slightly, his intentions clear. Ria's mind flashed back to the morning's betrayal, and a twisted sense of revenge began to take root, making her more open to Siddick's advances.

Siddick knelt between her legs, his breath hot against her inner thighs as he began to kiss his way up. He started by kissing her pussy through her panties, the fabric dampening with her arousal. He then pulled her panties aside, his tongue slipping out to taste her for the first time.

Ria gasped, her body arching slightly as Siddick's tongue explored her, his lips pressing against her most sensitive spot. The sensation was overwhelming, her thoughts scattering as pleasure flooded her senses. Siddick's tongue moved with expertise, flicking and circling, drawing moans from her lips despite her inner turmoil.

As Siddick's tongue dipped lower, teasing her asshole, Ria's mind protested, knowing this was something she had never experienced, something she knew was wrong. But the intensity of the pleasure, combined with the memory of Dylan's betrayal, drove her to surrender, to let Siddick take her further into the darkness.

Siddick pushed his tongue deeper, feeling her body respond, the taste of her driving his arousal to new heights. Ria's moans grew louder, her hips moving against his face as she succumbed to the pleasure, the guilt and confusion fading as her body took over.

Ria's breath quickened, her body writhing beneath Siddick's expert tongue. The pleasure was overwhelming, more intense than anything she had ever felt before. As the sensations built to a crescendo, she couldn't hold back the moans escaping her lips.

"Oh... oh Fuck... I'm... I'm going to..." Ria gasped, her hands gripping the couch as her hips bucked involuntarily. The tension coiled tightly in her core snapped, sending waves of pleasure crashing through her body. "I'm cumming... oh Fuck, I'm cumming!" she cried out, her voice trembling with the force of her orgasm.

Siddick's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he watched her unravel beneath him. He continued his ministrations, prolonging her pleasure, savouring the sight of her completely lost in the moment. "That's it, Ria," he murmured against her skin, his voice thick with lust. "Let it all out... you deserve this."

As Ria's body trembled with the aftershocks, Siddick finally pulled away, his lips curling into a satisfied smile as he looked down at her. Her chest heaved with the effort to catch her breath, her eyes half-lidded and dazed from the intensity of the experience. It was in that moment, as she lay there vulnerable and spent, that Siddick stood before her, a huge bulge in his pants.

"Have you ever touched a real man before?" Siddick asked, his voice a mix of dominance and encouragement as he guided her trembling hands to his cock, instructing her to touch him, to feel the hardness of his arousal beneath her fingers.

Ria hesitated, her hands trembling as she began to stroke his cock through his pants. Siddick watched her closely, his eyes dark with lust.

"Take it out, Ria," he commanded softly, guiding her fingers to unbutton his pants.

As she pulled his cock free, Ria's eyes widened at the sight—Siddick's cock was huge, much larger than Dylan's, which she had only seen once and even then only for a brief moment. The sheer size intimidated her, making her breath catch in her throat, but Siddick's gentle yet firm guidance pushed her to explore further, to touch him as he instructed.

Siddick asked her if she knew how to give head, and Ria quietly admitted that she had done it only once with Dylan, and even then, it was brief. Siddick chuckled softly, his hand resting on her head as he reassured her.

"Don't worry, I'll guide you," he said, his tone dripping with satisfaction. He instructed her step by step, showing her how to take him into her mouth, how to use her tongue, how to handle his size.

Siddick gently guided her head closer, his hand firm yet encouraging. "Just take it slow, Ria. Open your mouth a little wider," he instructed, his voice low and coaxing. Ria hesitated for a moment, her lips trembling as she parted them, her breath hot against the tip of his cock.

"Start with just the tip," Siddick murmured, his eyes dark with desire as he watched her. "Get used to the feel of it. That's it... good girl."

Ria did as he instructed, her lips closing softly around the head of his cock. The warmth and pressure sent a shiver of pleasure down Siddick's spine. He groaned softly, his hand guiding her to take him a little deeper.

"But Bhai... you're so big," Ria whispered, pulling back slightly, her voice laced with both awe and uncertainty.

Siddick smiled, his thumb brushing her cheek as he looked down at her. "You can do it, Ria. Just take it slow. Use your tongue to tease the tip... yes, like that," he encouraged, his voice a mixture of dominance and praise.

Ria's heart raced as she tried to follow his instructions, her inexperience making her movements hesitant. But with each gentle push from Siddick, she grew bolder, her tongue flicking tentatively against him, her lips gradually taking him deeper. The taste, the size—it was overwhelming, but Siddick's guidance, coupled with his soothing words, kept her moving forward, kept her exploring this new, forbidden territory.

Ria's initial hesitation slowly gave way as Siddick encouraged her, his cock filling her mouth as she tried to take him deeper. The sensation was overwhelming—his size, the taste, the pressure—all new experiences that both excited and terrified her.

Siddick groaned with pleasure as Ria began to choke slightly on his cock, the sensation of her mouth around him driving him closer to the edge. But he didn't let himself finish, knowing there was more he wanted to do, more he wanted to take from her. He kept her on the edge, guiding her with a mix of force and tenderness, laying the foundation for what was to come.

Ria's thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and longing. The pain of her heartbreak mixed with the comfort of Siddick's touch, the whisky making it all seem less clear, less urgent. She knew she had crossed a line, but the pleasure and the twisted sense of revenge kept pulling her deeper into Siddick's control.

Chapter 6: Deeper Into Depravity

As Siddick effortlessly carried Ria to the bed, his thick, throbbing cock dangled heavily from his open pants, still slick with her warm saliva. The sight of it made her heart race even faster, a vivid reminder of the moments before when her lips had been wrapped around his hardness. The glistening shaft, wet and glistening under the dim light, was a testament to how deeply she had already succumbed to his control. It swayed slightly with each step he took, the remnants of her spit clinging to the veins that traced along its length, a stark contrast to the dark fabric of his pants. The sheer size of it made her stomach twist with a mix of fear and anticipation, knowing that soon, every inch of that thick cock would be inside her.

The air in the bedroom was thick with anticipation, and every breath Ria took seemed to tremble with the weight of what was about to happen. Siddick's hand rested on her back as he guided her towards the bed, his touch both reassuring and possessive. Ria's heart pounded in her chest, a wild mixture of fear, guilt, and something darker— something that both scared and thrilled her. The soft light filtering through the curtains cast a warm glow over the room, making it feel like a sanctuary and a trap all at once.

"You deserve better than Dylan, Ria," Siddick's voice was a low, soothing whisper in her ear. Each word felt like a thread, weaving itself into the fabric of her thoughts, binding her to him. "He doesn't care about you. If he did, he wouldn't have betrayed you like that. You need a real man to show you what you've been missing."

Ria's mind was a storm of conflicting emotions. She knew this was wrong, that she should stop, turn away, and leave before it was too late. But the pain of Dylan's betrayal still cut deep, and Siddick's words were like a balm, dulling the ache in her heart. She needed to feel something—anything—other than the hurt that had consumed her since that morning. And right now, Siddick was offering her a way to escape, a way to forget, if only for a little while.

As they reached the bed, Ria glanced down at the neatly made sheets, her breath hitching as the reality of the situation settled in. She felt a gentle push on her back, guiding her down onto the bed. Her body moved almost on its own, sinking into the soft mattress as Siddick loomed over her, his presence both comforting and intimidating.

"I'm going to take good care of you now, Ria," Siddick murmured, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. "Let me show you what it's like to be truly wanted."

Ria's breath was shaky, her thoughts tangled in a confusing web of fear, desire, and lingering guilt. "Siddick... I don't know if I should..." Her voice trembled as she spoke, the words barely audible, even to herself.

"Shh, Ria," Siddick soothed, his fingers brushing tenderly against her cheek, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. "It's okay. You deserve this. You deserve to be with a real man, not some boy who doesn't appreciate you."

His words wrapped around her like a cocoon, muffling the protests that tried to rise within her. The more he spoke, the more her resistance crumbled, giving way to a growing desire to let go, to lose herself in the sensations Siddick was awakening in her.

Siddick's hands moved with deliberate slowness, over her body, his fingers grazing her skin as he exposed her to his gaze. The cool air brushed against her bare flesh, sending goosebumps racing across her skin. He paused for a moment, his eyes drinking in the sight of her half- naked body, still covered by her bra. His gaze was intense, filled with a hunger that made her heart race even faster.

"You're so beautiful, Ria," Siddick murmured, his voice thick with desire. "All of you."

Ria felt her cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and flattery. The way Siddick looked at her, as if she were the only thing that mattered in the world, sent a thrill through her, making her feel both vulnerable and powerful at the same time.

Siddick's gaze lingered on her tight little wet pussy. His lips curled into a dark smile, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Tell me, Ria," he asked softly, his voice dripping with feigned concern, "are you still a virgin?"

Ria hesitated, her cheeks flushing even deeper with embarrassment. "Dylan... he only... he only pushed a finger inside me once," she admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I wanted to save myself for him."

Siddick's smile widened, his eyes narrowing with a predatory gleam. "Do you still trust that jerk, Ria?" he asked, his tone laced with venom. "Who tells you that he's not fucking that slut right now? He hasn't even called to check on you."

Ria's heart twisted with a fresh wave of anger and hurt, the wounds of Dylan's betrayal still raw and bleeding. Her hands clenched into fists, her voice trembling as she finally spoke the words Siddick had been

waiting to hear. "Fuck me hard... please," she whispered, her voice filled with a mix of desperation and fury.

Siddick's eyes darkened with desire as he heard her words, his hand tightening on her thigh. "That's my girl," he growled softly, his voice filled with approval. "I'm going to fuck you so hard, Ria. You won't even remember that jerk's name."

He wasted no time, positioning himself between her legs, his hands gripping her hips as he slowly pushed his big cock into Ria's tight, virgin pussy. The sensation was overwhelming, the pressure and the stretch so intense that it took her breath away.

Ria gasped, her body tensing as Siddick filled her completely. The pain of the initial penetration was sharp, a burning sensation that made her cry out. But beneath the pain, there was something else—something that made her gasp again, this time in surprise. It was pleasure, raw and primal, radiating out from where Siddick's cock was buried deep inside her.

"Oh... oh Fuck," Ria moaned, her voice trembling with the intensity of the sensations coursing through her. "It... it hurts... but..."

"But you like it, don't you, Ria?" Siddick's voice was a low, taunting whisper in her ear. His cock was buried deep inside her, stretching her tight pussy to its limits. He could feel her pussy muscles clenching

around him, squeezing him like a vice, as if her body was trying to pull him in even deeper.

Ria's breath came in ragged gasps, her hands clutching the sheets as she struggled to process the overwhelming mix of pain and pleasure. "Yes... oh Fuck, yes," she moaned, her voice filled with both shame and desire. "It feels... so good..."

"That's it, Ria," Siddick groaned, his hips beginning to move in slow, deliberate thrusts. "You're mine now... all mine."

Each thrust sent a jolt of pleasure through Ria's body, the initial pain fading into the background as her pussy adjusted to his size. Siddick's cock was thick and hard, every inch of it filling her completely, stretching her in ways she had never imagined. She could feel every vein, every ridge, as he moved inside her, the sensation so intense that it made her head spin.

"Oh... fuck, Siddick," Ria moaned, her hips rising to meet his thrusts, her body betraying her by seeking out the pleasure he was giving her. "You're... so big..."

Siddick's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he watched her succumb to the pleasure, her resistance completely shattered. "You love it, don't you, Ria?" he growled, his voice thick with lust. "You love having my big cock inside you... stretching you... filling you up."

Ria could only moan in response, her thoughts too clouded by the pleasure to form coherent words. Her pussy was so tight, so wet, clenching around Siddick's cock with every thrust, as if her body was trying to hold him inside, never wanting him to leave.

Siddick's thrusts grew faster, harder, driving deeper into her with every movement. The bed creaked beneath them, the sound mixing with Ria's moans and the wet, rhythmic slap of flesh against flesh. Ria's mind was a haze of pleasure, her body on fire, every nerve ending alive with sensation.

"Cum for me, Ria," Siddick growled, his voice a rough command. "I want to hear you scream my name."

Ria's body obeyed, her back arching off the bed as she was pushed over the edge into a mind-shattering orgasm. "Oh... oh fuck, Siddick... I'm cumming!" she cried out, her voice trembling with the force of her release. Her pussy clenched around his cock, milking him, the sensation so intense that it left her breathless.

Siddick groaned, feeling her pussy convulse around him, squeezing him so tightly that it almost pushed him over the edge as well. But he held back, not wanting to finish just yet. He wanted to draw out her pleasure, to push her further into depravity, to make her completely his.

"That's it, Ria," Siddick murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction as he slowed his thrusts, allowing her to come down from her orgasm. "You are a good girl..."

Chapter 7: A New Low

Siddick's thick cock plunged deep into Ria's slick, tight pussy, each thrust driving her further into the mattress as she clung to the sheets, her moans muffled by the pillow beneath her face. The room was filled with the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, her breathless gasps, and Siddick's low, satisfied groans as he took her from behind. Ria's body, still reeling from the last intense orgasm he had wrung from her, quivered with each powerful thrust. Her mind was a haze of overwhelming sensations, a chaotic mix of pleasure, shame, and the growing realization that she was no longer in control.

Just as Ria felt the familiar coil of another orgasm beginning to tighten in her belly, there was a sudden knock at the door. The sharp sound cut through the fog of lust, startling her out of the haze. Her body tensed instinctively, her heart lurching in her chest as the reality of the situation crashed over her like a wave of cold water.

Before she could react, Siddick's voice rang out, calm and composed despite the frantic rhythm of his thrusts. "Come in, my friend," he called, his tone devoid of any concern.

Ria's eyes flew open, wide with panic. Her body, moments ago consumed by pleasure, now froze in fear. "Wait, who is this? Are you mad?" she gasped, trying to pull away from Siddick, but his strong hands gripped her hips, holding her in place.

"It's just a friend," Siddick said smoothly, his voice a low rumble that sent shivers down her spine. "He's the owner of the bungalow. There's no need to worry, Ria." He leaned down, his lips brushing against her ear as he continued to speak. "Besides, doesn't Dylan deserve to be punished for what he did to you? What better way to get back at him?"

Ria's mind spun, struggling to process what was happening. The idea of someone else seeing her like this, exposed and vulnerable, filled her with dread. Yet, beneath that fear, there was a small, dark voice whispering that maybe Siddick was right. Dylan had betrayed her, left her broken. Maybe this was her chance to take control in some twisted way, to reclaim the power she had lost.

The door creaked open, and Ria's heart pounded in her chest as a man stepped into the room. He was older, his face lined with age, but his body was strong, his presence imposing. His gaze immediately locked onto Ria, taking in her flushed skin, the way her body trembled beneath Siddick's relentless thrusts.

"Your boyfriend was a real jerk to do that to you," the man said, his voice a deep, rumbling growl. His eyes roamed over Ria's naked, sweat- slicked body with a hunger that made her heart race. He was stunned by her beauty—the way her long, dark hair clung to her flushed skin,

framing her face, which was still glowing from the intensity of what had just transpired. Her large, brown eyes were wide with a mix of fear and vulnerability, her full, pink lips parted as she panted for breath. His gaze traveled down to her firm, perky breasts, glistening with a sheen of sweat, her nipples hard and inviting. Lower still, his eyes drank in the sight of her smooth, flat stomach leading to her uncovered pussy, glistening with arousal, the lips slightly swollen and parted from Siddick's recent pounding. Her thighs, slick with sweat and her own juices, trembled slightly as she knelt on the bed, her round, firm ass a perfect contrast to the delicate curve of her waist. The sight of her completely exposed, every inch of her skin flushed and wet, only fuelled the lust in his eyes, a desire so raw it made Ria's stomach twist in a mix of fear and something else, something she didn't want to acknowledge. "But I'm here to help you forget about him."

Ria's breath hitched, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. She felt exposed, vulnerable, and utterly unsure of what to do. The thought of another man joining them terrified her, but at the same time, that insidious voice in her head whispered that maybe this was what she needed. Maybe this was the way to make Dylan pay for what he'd done.

The man stepped closer, his eyes never leaving Ria's. "You're sexy, Ria," he murmured, his tone a mix of admiration and lust. He was clearly aroused, the bulge in his pants straining against the fabric, making Ria's pulse quicken in both fear and anticipation.

Siddick, sensing her hesitation, took control. "Come here, Ria," he commanded softly, yet firmly. "Kneel between us. Show us how much better you are than that slut Dylan chose over you." His words were like

a trigger, pulling Ria deeper into the dark spiral she had been fighting against.

"Fuck it, he deserves it," Ria muttered under her breath, the bitterness in her voice masking the fear that gnawed at her insides. She hesitated for a moment, her body trembling with a mix of dread and something darker. But the need to prove something—to herself, to Dylan, to these men—overcame her reservations. Slowly, she moved forward, her knees sinking into the mattress as she positioned herself between the two men.

Her hands were trembling as she reached out, her fingers brushing against the thick bulge in the newcomer's pants. The man smirked, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction as he watched her unzip his trousers, her hand sliding inside to grasp his cock. It was even larger than Siddick's, thick and heavy in her hand, the tip already slick with pre- cum. Ria swallowed hard, her heart pounding as she realized just how deep into this she was going.

"That's a good girl," Siddick murmured from behind her, his voice thick with approval. He buried his cock deep inside her pussy from the back again as he began to move, his hands gripping her ass firmly as he resumed his thrusts. The rhythm of his movements was slow and deliberate at first, each powerful stroke driving her forward, sending waves of pleasure mixed with shame through her body. With every thrust, the sensation of being filled so completely made her moan. "Show us what you can do," Siddick growled, his hips picking up the pace, his grip on her tightening as he fucked her with renewed intensity.

With a deep breath, Ria lowered her head, her lips parting as she took the man's cock into her mouth. The taste of him was salty, the size of him almost too much to handle, but Ria forced herself to relax, her tongue swirling around the head as she began to suck. The man groaned, his hand tangling in her hair, guiding her movements as she struggled to accommodate his size.

Siddick's pace quickened, his thrusts becoming harder and more insistent as he watched Ria take the man into her mouth. "You're doing so well, Ria," he growled, his voice thick with lust. "You're such a good little slut, aren't you? Taking two men at once like this."

Ria's moans were muffled by the cock in her mouth, her body trembling as the shame and pleasure twisted together, making her head spin. She hated the way his words made her feel, hated the way her body was responding, but she couldn't deny the heat that was building in her core, the need that was growing with every passing second.

As the man fucked her mouth, his hips thrusting forward to drive his cock deeper down her throat, Siddick's hands slid down to her ass, spreading her cheeks apart. Ria gasped around the cock in her mouth, her body tensing as she felt his fingers probing her tight asshole, preparing her for what was to come.

"You've been such a good girl, Ria," Siddick murmured, his voice soft but commanding. "I think it's time we took this to the next level. You're ready for it, aren't you?"

Ria's mind screamed in protest, but her body, traitorous and eager, responded with a nod. She felt the man's cock twitch in her mouth as she agreed to their demands, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation.

The man pulled out of her mouth, his cock glistening with her saliva, and moved behind her. Siddick shifted to lie on his back beneath her, his cock still buried deep in her pussy. Ria was trapped between them, her body trembling as the man positioned himself at her ass, his thick cock pressing against the tight ring of muscle.

"Relax, Ria," Siddick murmured from below, his hands gripping her hips to steady her. "You're going to love this."

Ria tried to breathe, tried to relax as the man began to push inside her, the pressure and pain almost overwhelming. He was so big, too big, and the stretch burned as he forced his way inside. Tears sprang to her eyes as she struggled to accommodate him, her body fighting against the intrusion even as her mind tried to convince her to submit.

"Shit, she's tight," the man groaned, his hands gripping her hips as he slowly worked his way deeper inside her. "Fuck, this feels amazing."

Ria gasped, her body trembling as the pain slowly began to give way to a strange, intense pleasure. The sensation of being filled in both her pussy and her ass was overwhelming, her mind reeling as the two men began to move in tandem, fucking her from both ends.

"Oh... oh fuck," she moaned, her voice trembling with a mix of pain and pleasure. "It's too much... I can't..."

"Yes, you can," Siddick growled from below, his hands guiding her movements as he thrust up into her. "You're a fucking goddess, Ria. Take it all. Take it like the slut you are."

The man behind her began to pick up the pace, his thrusts becoming harder and more forceful as he buried himself deeper in her ass. The feeling of being so completely filled, so utterly used, sent Ria spiraling into a place she had never imagined. The shame and degradation that should have repulsed her only seemed to heighten her arousal, pushing her closer to the edge.

The two men took turns, switching positions as they used her body for their pleasure. Ria surrendered, trapped between them as they fucked her relentlessly, her mind numb to everything but the overwhelming sensations that coursed through her. Her pussy clenched around Siddick's cock, her ass tightening around the man behind her, her body completely at their mercy.

The man growled, his voice rough with lust. "Look at her, Siddick. She's fucking cumming again."

Ria's body convulsed as another orgasm ripped through her, her mind completely lost to the intense pleasure. Her moans filled the room, raw and unfiltered, as she gave herself over entirely to the dark ecstasy that had consumed her. The two men continued to pound into her, their movements synchronized as they pushed her deeper into the abyss of her own desires.

Siddick grunted beneath her, his hands gripping her hips tightly as he drove his cock into her with unrelenting force. "You love this, don't you, Ria? You love being our little whore," he growled, his voice filled with satisfaction.

Ria could barely form a coherent thought, let alone respond. All she could do was moan, her body trembling as she rode the waves of pleasure that crashed over her again and again. She hated how much she craved their touch, how much she wanted to be used by them, but there was no denying the truth. She had crossed a line she could never uncross, and a part of her reveled in it.

The man behind her slammed into her ass one final time, burying himself to the hilt as he reached his peak. Ria felt his cock twitch inside her, his hot cum filling her tight hole. The sensation pushed her over the edge once more, her body shaking as she was wracked by another powerful orgasm.

"Oh... fuck!" she screamed, her voice hoarse and trembling as she was overwhelmed by the intensity of it all. The pleasure was almost too much to bear, her body trembling uncontrollably as she came harder than she ever had before.

Siddick wasn't far behind. He thrust up into her one last time, his cock buried deep inside her pussy as he exploded, his cum flooding her already soaked core. Ria moaned as she felt the warmth of his release fill her, the sensation pushing her further into the dark, twisted pleasure that had taken hold of her.

But the men weren't done with her yet. They pulled out of her, their cocks still hard and glistening with her juices. Ria collapsed onto the bed, her body trembling as she struggled to catch her breath. Her mind was a foggy mess, barely able to process what had just happened.

"Come here, Ria," Siddick commanded, his voice rough and authoritative. "Clean us up."

Ria's body moved on autopilot, her legs weak as she knelt between them. Her eyes were glazed over, her lips parted as she reached for their cocks, taking Siddick's first into her mouth. The taste of her own pussy mixed with the salty tang of his cum as she sucked him clean, her tongue swirling around the head as she worked to please him.

The man behind her grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her back slightly before thrusting his still-hard cock into her mouth. Ria gagged slightly as he pushed deep into her throat, but she forced herself to relax, her lips closing around him as she began to suck. He groaned in satisfaction, his hips rocking back and forth as he fucked her mouth, using her one last time.

"That's it, Ria," the man growled, his voice filled with satisfaction. "You're such a good little slut, aren't you? You love this, don't you?"

Ria's heart pounded in her chest, her mind too clouded with exhaustion and lingering pleasure to form a coherent thought. All she could do was nod weakly, her mouth still full of his cock as she sucked him clean, the last remnants of his cum sliding down her throat.

Finally, the men were done with her. They stepped back, leaving Ria kneeling on the bed, her body trembling with exhaustion and the aftershocks of her orgasms. Her face, her pussy, her ass—every part of her was marked by them, claimed by them, and the realisation sent a dark thrill through her.

Siddick smirked down at her, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "You did well, Ria," he murmured, his voice low and filled with dark approval. "You're ours now. There's no going back."

Ria stared up at him, her eyes wide and dazed. She knew he was right. There was no going back from this. She had crossed a line, one that she could never uncross, and a part of her, the part that was growing darker and more twisted with every passing moment, was starting to accept that.

The men left her there, alone on the bed, her body spent and used. As the bedroom door closed behind them, Ria collapsed onto the mattress, her mind a swirling mess of shame, guilt, and a sick, twisted pleasure that she couldn't shake.

She knew she had fallen too far to ever return to the girl she once was, and as she lay there, her body still trembling with the aftershocks of what had just happened, she realized that she wasn't sure if she even wanted to.

Chapter 8: The Aftermath

Ria lay alone in the bed, the sheets twisted around her body, damp with sweat and the remnants of the intense encounter that had just transpired. The room, once filled with the sounds of moans, gasps, and the rhythmic slap of flesh against flesh, was now eerily silent. Her chest rose and fell rapidly as she struggled to catch her breath, the reality of what had just happened slowly sinking in. Her body ached, every muscle sore from the relentless pounding, but it was the emotional toll that weighed heaviest on her.

She stared up at the ceiling, her mind racing. The guilt hit her like a tidal wave, crashing over her with a force that left her gasping. She felt dirty, used, and degraded in a way she had never imagined possible yet she asked for it. Images of what she had done, what she had allowed, flashed before her eyes—Siddick's cock driving into her, the way she had sucked the other man off, the feeling of being used by them both. She could barely recognize herself in those memories. The girl who had come to the bungalow with Siddick wasn't the same girl lying in this bed now.

But beneath the guilt, a different sensation lingered—one that made her stomach twist in knots. It was a dark, raw satisfaction that pulsed through her body, a pleasure that clung to her skin like the sweat that still coated her. As much as she hated herself for it, Ria couldn't deny that the experience had been intense, overwhelming, and in some twisted way, exhilarating. Her body had responded to them, had craved the pleasure they gave her, and that realisation terrified her.

Ria's thoughts spiraled as she tried to reconcile the girl she used to be with the girl she was now. She had always seen herself as innocent, pure, a girl who would one day give herself fully to the man she loved. But that image had been shattered—no, obliterated—by what had just happened. She had crossed a line she could never uncross, and the sense of loss was overwhelming. The person she had been was gone, replaced by someone she barely recognised.

Her heart ached with the weight of it all, but the physical satisfaction that lingered in her body was undeniable. She could still feel Siddick's touch, the way his cock had filled her, the way her body had trembled

under the force of her own pleasure. It was a pleasure that disgusted her, but also a pleasure she knew she would never forget. The memory of it would be burned into her mind forever, a reminder of just how far she had fallen.

The sound of footsteps broke through her thoughts, and Ria's heart skipped a beat as Siddick appeared in the doorway. He looked as calm and composed as ever, his demeanour completely at odds with the chaos he had just unleashed upon her. He walked over to the bed, his movements slow and deliberate, and Ria couldn't help but flinch as he reached out to touch her.

"Come on, Ria," Siddick said softly, his voice filled with a strange mix of tenderness and authority. "Let's get you cleaned up. I'll drive you back home."

Ria didn't have the strength to resist. Numbly, she let him help her gather her clothes, her body still trembling as she dressed in silence. The drive back to Rose-Hill was a blur, the car's engine a low hum that seemed to echo the confusion in her mind. She stared out the window, the familiar streets passing by in a haze, unable to process the turmoil of emotions that swirled inside her.

Siddick was silent for most of the drive, but as they neared her neighborhood, he glanced over at her, his expression unreadable. "Ria," he began, his voice low and soothing, "I know today was intense. It's normal to feel confused, maybe even a little lost. But you did nothing

wrong. You explored a side of yourself that you didn't know existed. That's not something to be ashamed of."

Ria's throat tightened at his words. She wanted to scream at him, to tell him that he was wrong, that she was ashamed—ashamed of what she had done, of what she had allowed him to do. But the words wouldn't come. She could only nod weakly, her mind too overwhelmed to form a coherent response.

Siddick reached out and gently squeezed her hand, his touch both comforting and controlling. "If you ever need to talk, or if you're feeling overwhelmed, you can call me," he said softly. "I'm here for you, Ria. You don't have to go through this alone."

The offer hung in the air like a dark cloud, and Ria felt a strange, unsettling attachment to him, despite the shame that still clung to her like a second skin. She knew she should cut ties with him, that she should never see him again, but the thought of losing the one person who had seen her in that moment, who had shared in her darkest desires, felt impossible.

When Siddick finally pulled up outside her house, Ria felt a wave of relief and dread wash over her. She stepped out of the car, her legs shaky, and made her way inside, barely acknowledging Siddick's final words. "Take care of yourself, Ria," he said softly. "Remember, I'm just a phone call away."

The door clicked shut behind her, and Ria leaned against it, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The familiar surroundings of her home felt alien to her now, as if she had stepped into someone else's life. Everything was the same, yet everything had changed. She had changed.

Slowly, she made her way to her bedroom, her feet dragging as if weighed down by the enormity of what she had done. She collapsed onto her bed, her body curling into itself as she stared at her reflection in the mirror across the room. The girl staring back at her looked like a stranger—a stranger who had done things Ria never thought she was capable of.

Her mind was a chaotic mess of guilt, shame, and an unsettling desire for more. The pleasure she had felt was like a drug, and she was terrified that she was already addicted. She knew what she did was wrong, that it went against everything she believed about herself, but part of her craved the intensity, the powerlessness, the raw, primal pleasure she had experienced.

Ria buried her face in her pillow, trying to silence the thoughts that screamed inside her head. She knew she should never see Siddick again, that she should walk away from this dark path before it consumed her completely. But the thought of going back to her normal life, pretending that none of this ever happened, felt impossible. The line between desire and self-destruction had blurred, and Ria was left to wonder if she would ever be able to find her way back.

As she lay there, the events of the day replaying over and over in her mind, one thought began to take root, growing stronger with each passing moment. It was a thought that terrified her, but also thrilled her in a way she couldn't fully understand.

Would she really be able to resist calling Siddick again?

The question hung in the air, heavy and unanswered, as Ria drifted off into a troubled sleep, her dreams filled with the echoes of the pleasure and shame she had felt, wondering what path she would choose next.

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